Runaways by Nicole Dykes

Working at the resort hasn’t been difficult at all. It’s been . . . fun actually. A lot of fun. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and there’s been a big influx of customers this week. There’s snow on the ground, and every room has a fireplace, including the main gathering room downstairs by the bar.

I’ve learned a lot about bartending from Amanda’s brother Josh, and Hayden has been having a blast getting to know the different types of people who come around here.

We’ve also been helping as much as we can with repairs, and lately, I’ve been able to go into town to gather art supplies to paint on real canvas.

It seems like a dream, one that’s almost too good to be true. But for now, I’m just going to lean into it. Things have been shitty for so damn long.

“Hey.” I smile when I hear Rae’s sweet voice in my ear. I uncover my eyes, dropping my arm to my side and turn my head to look into hers.

“Hi. You slept here?”

She pulls the covers up over her bare shoulder but tucks her naked body into my side, waking my cock up instantly. “I did. It’s just so cold in my room.”

I grin and pull her body onto mine, her thighs opening and straddling me as her breasts press against my chest, and her face nuzzles my neck. “I’ll keep you warm.”

I can feel her smile. God, that feels good. A smile should be so damn simple. But it’s been a hard year. One of the first things she did when we arrived here was get back on birth control, and I’m grateful as I slide inside her with no barrier between us.

We both moan as she grabs my hands, interlacing our fingers and pressing them above my head on my pillow. She rides me, taking total control, and I’m happy to let her have it. “We have to be quick.”

She takes my cock all the way inside her and doesn’t move. “Yeah?”

I look at her, her full breasts—that have gotten a little bigger now that she’s had regular meals—are perky and fucking mouthwatering as she looks down at me with mischief in her pretty eyes. “Yeah.”

I try to regain the use of my hands, but she pushes them down, and I stop moving. She leans down, biting my bottom lip. “And if I want you to be inside me for hours?”

I buck upward, seating myself even deeper inside her and making us both groan in ecstasy. “I’d say I promised Amanda I’d help her sweep off the deck.”

“Oh.” She sits up, her hands releasing me and sliding over my stomach. But I keep my hands up. “If Amanda needs us to hurry.”

I roll my eyes, but playfully. Her jealousy is fucking cute. “She really does. She needs you to let me have my hands so I can make you come.”

“She’d want that?” I laugh, and she bites her bottom lip, leaning back down. “God, I love feeling so close to you. I could feel your laugh inside of me.”

Being inside Rae is the greatest feeling I’ve ever known. Everything is worth it when we’re together. “You’ll know that feeling for the rest of your life. I could live inside you.”

“Keep your hands where they are.” She smiles slyly and kisses me, moving her hips and riding me, driving us both toward the brink.

“Rae,” I gasp, already close but wanting to make her come first. She nearly makes me lose it when her hand moves between her legs where we’re connected and finds her clit. “Oh, fuck. That’s insanely hot.”

Her breathing turns rapid as she strokes her clit and rides my cock. The sounds tumbling from her mouth is as intoxicating as her movements. I should remind her to be quiet. We should be as quiet as we can be, but I’m lost in the moment, watching her fingers work her clit and her tits bounce. It’s all too much.

“Lawson.” Her voice is a sexy rasp as she clenches around me, sending me into the spiral of an orgasm I couldn’t stop if I tried and coming deep inside her as she moans my name over and over again.

She collapses on my chest, and after we come down from our high, I sweep her hair out of her face. “I love you.”

She gazes into my eyes with a happiness I haven’t seen for a while. “I love you too.”

“Soon.” I kiss her nose, and she nods, knowing what I mean without me having to say it. Soon, we’ll be in our own house, in our own bed, and we won’t have to sneak around anymore.

We shower together and then get dressed in our own rooms before I head downstairs and help Amanda clean off the front deck before the guests arrive. Amanda’s nice and not only that, she’s a hard worker. Some may think she was handed this resort, but it’s clear she wants it to do well, and she’s willing to put in the work.

For a twenty-four year old, she has it all together.

“Thank you for helping me with that, Jack.” God, I hate these fake names. I mean, I really fucking hate them.

“Not a problem.” She hands me a mug full of hot coffee as I settle onto one of the bar stools.

“I hate the snow, but people seem to flock here even in the winter.”

I nod as I take a sip and look out the big window up front overlooking the lake. “It’s a good view. Even with snow and ice covering the water.”

She smiles wide and moves to sit next to me. “It’s truly beautiful.” She’s sitting a little too close to me, but I can’t exactly tell her to back off. She’s my boss. “So, where did you grow up?”

I stiffen, I think my birth certificate said Kansas. “Kansas.”

She nods slowly, her head tilted to the side and her focus on me. “So, we’ve always been neighbors and didn’t even know it.”

“I guess so.” I take another drink of my coffee, trying to think of an escape plan. I know she has a crush on me. I also know I can’t tell her that I’m in love with Rae and it’s not happening.

“So, I was thinking . . .” Fuck. “Maybe after the bar closes tonight . . .”

“Holy shit balls, it’s fucking cold.” Thank God for Hayden. He bounces in with Rae right next to him, eyeing us.

But he startled Amanda, who stands up. “It’s cold in your room?”

“Yeah, I mean, I have the fire going, but I hate this snow shit. I’m not meant for winter,” he says, but I can only focus on Rae, who’s watching me suspiciously.

I try to give her a reassuring look, but she doesn’t look happy. Amanda walks closer to Hayden. “I’m so sorry. I’ll try to get Tristan in there to look at your room. Maybe there’s a gap in the window or something.”

“Who’s Tristan?” He sits at the bar, placing his elbow on it and resting his chin in his palm.

Amanda smiles. “My brother. My cop brother, but he helps with maintenance around here.”

“Oh, a cop.” Hayden’s eyebrows waggle, and I smile, looking over at Rae, who also can’t help smiling at Hayden.

“Yeah. He’ll be around a lot, I’m sure, especially during the winter. This place needs a lot of work.” A cop coming around isn’t really that comforting, but whatever. It’s just one more person we have to keep our real identities from. As long as we keep our cool, it’ll be fine.

“Sounds good to me,” Hayden says, looking over at me. “What’s on the agenda today?”

Amanda goes into a long list of things that need to be done, and I’d give anything to wrap my arms around Rae and let her know that nothing in this world could ever distract me from her, but that has to come later.

Right now, we have roles to play.