Wilde by Abby Brooks

Chapter Thirty-Seven


When I hopped on a flight to catch a Wednesday dinner with Mom, I intended to fly back to LA the next morning. It’s been a week and a half and I’m still in Colorado. If that fact isn’t enough to drop a jaw or two, the fact that I’ve been staying at the ranch should finish the play. Well, that’s not entirely true. I’ve been sleeping at the ranch. The rest of my time, I’ve spent with Amy.




And racking up redemption points left and right.

Today, we’re sitting on a bench at a park, enjoying a break in the heat as August gives way to September.

“So what next?” She turns to me, her pale hair gleaming in the late afternoon sun. Over her shoulder, the Rockies cut into a sapphire sky and I take a mental snapshot to sketch later. Amy Sinclair has become my favorite thing to draw. I’m obsessed with getting the nuances of my real perfect woman just right.

I wrap an arm around her shoulders and bring her close. “I thought we’d grab some dinner. Maybe see a movie…”

Amy leans her head against my shoulder. “That sounds really nice, but I was talking more long term. You live in Los Angeles, and I live here. I know how much you hate small towns.” She sighs. “So what now? What do we do?”

“Would it surprise you to learn Logan is growing on me?”

“Yes,” she says with a laugh and a wry twist of her head. “Yes, it would. There’s one thing I know for sure and that’s Leo Wilde with an E wants to be where the action is.”

“See, that’s the thing. Up until, oh, I don’t know, five months or so ago, that would have been completely true.”

“Oh, yeah? What changed.” A slow smile warms Amy’s face.

“I met this girl and I can’t stop thinking about her…”

She turns to me, her face serious. “Leo…I’ve been thinking, too. I know you’ve already been here longer than you wanted to be. And I may have been mildly stalking your Instagram the whole time you were in Los Angeles, so I know things are going really well for you there.”

She bites her lip and takes a deep breath only to let it out slowly and I know she’s going to try and set me free. To send me back to the glitz and glam of the city. Only…that’s not what I want anymore.

Before she can say anything else, I meet her eyes. “You’re right. Things are going exceptionally well out there. My client list is growing. My rep is solid. It’s everything I thought I wanted. But Amy? I haven’t been happy. Not once. Not without you with me.”

“Well, see…that’s what I wanted to talk to you about…” She grins, one hand resting over her belly. “What if I moved out there too?”

I shake my head because I had a totally different idea. One I know she’s going to love because not only do we get to be together, but her life doesn’t get caught in the crossfire.

Mortified, Amy looks away. “Oh, God. I had it all wrong. I mean, obviously, I should have known better than to invite myself to live with you. What was I thinking? That was presumptuous. And rude. And—”

“Amy. Look at me.” I brush a stray hair back from her face. “I want you to live with me. Just not in LA.”


“Your dad’s here. And your doctor…”

Confusion draws her brows together. “Los Angeles has doctors too.”

“I’m not sure LA is the best place to raise a kid. Plus, I just started reconnecting with my family and I don’t want to throw that away so quickly.”

“But you’ve already sold your house.” Even as she lists reasons for me to leave, Amy’s face glows with hope. “And what about your investor?”

“See, that’s the thing. I’ve been talking to Mom and Matix…about staying.”

Amy’s lips part and a smile tugs at that sexy mouth. “I’m sure one of those conversations was easier than the other.”

“Honestly? They were both pretty easy. Matix told me he was investing in me, not my location. We decided I’d pick some artists who fit my brand, then train them to hold down the fort at Inked LA. I’ll operate as I always have, catching flights to work on celebrities who can’t make it out here to meet with me directly. But…Matix wants to help increase the draw to the original Inked. We’re going to gut the place and renovate just like we did in LA. That way, more people might be willing to fly to me, so I don’t have to leave you and Little Bit so much.”

“It all feels like a dream come true.”

“Keep dreaming because there’s more. Mom says I can build a house at the ranch. There’s a place on the hill and Amy, the views are almost as beautiful as you. I can see you there, sitting on the porch, our kids playing with their cousins in the yard…”

“Kids? Plural?” She frowns and makes a show of peering into my face. “Who are you, and what have you done with Leo Wilde?”

“It’s more about what you’ve done with Leo Wilde.” I’ve grown so much since Amy entered my life. I’ve not only learned who I am and what I want, but I see the world with a brand-new perspective. I say that to her and she takes my hand.

“I’m honored you feel that way, but are you gonna stay happy if you close the door on Los Angeles? People don’t really change and last I checked you’re not a big fan of small towns and family.”

“People do change. Though I wouldn’t say I’m changing so much as growing. Healing. I’m still the prickly jackass you know and love, just with a little more patience thrown in for good measure.”

“Who woulda thought, that when I randomly chose the hot tattoo guy to shake things up, we’d end up like this?”

“Not the hot tattoo guy, that’s for sure.”

Amy draws lazy circles on my knuckle with her thumb. “Thing is, when I saw you leaning on the wall outside Inked, part of me knew. The moment had this feeling of importance…I brushed it off, but here we are. The day I met you turned out to be the most important day of my life.”

“Does that mean you want me to stay?”

“If you’re serious about staying, then I’m all for it. I couldn’t be happier with the idea of raising our baby here, so Dad and all your family gets to be part of our life.” She looks so damn happy, I want to kiss her. “Are you seriously considering building a house?”

“I’m past considering it. I’m planning on it. The only thing that needs to happen is for the two of us to sit down and dream. How many rooms do you want? How big’s the porch? How many studios can I have? One floor or two? Or hell, maybe you want three!”

“You really want me to live with you?”

I want so much more than a roommate, but now’s not the time for that. Instead of saying anything, I nod, then pull her in for a kiss so passionate, it’s a wonder we didn’t set the world ablaze.