Wilde by Abby Brooks


So many people come together to bring my books into the world.

Thank you to my husband. You are my reason. I adore sharing this life with you.

Thank you to my children. I used to think you’d never read these acknowledgements, but now that my oldest is reading my books…HI. I love you! I always have and I always will.

Thank you to Linda, Nickiann, Joyce, Elaine, Kiernan, Candy, Stormi, Suzanne, and Olivia. Your help and feedback is always amazing, but you guys really went above and beyond on this one. You’re rock stars big enough to rival Collin freaking West.

Thank you to Dani, for advice and for dealing with my constant worries and concerns.

And to my readers. Thank you for supporting me. For falling in love with these characters and their stories.



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