Wilde by Abby Brooks

Chapter Two


Juliet slowed to a quick walk and studied the stranger holding Lulu as he approached with a grin on his face…

His ridiculously handsome face…

His holy-shit-how-could-he-be-so-completely-perfect face.

The guy should’ve had background music playing, what with the way the evening sun shone at his back, illuminating his dark hair and athletic body.

He confidently strode toward Juliet in what seemed like slow motion, his warm smile crinkling the corners of his eyes. “Lose something?” he asked in a rich baritone.

Say something, Julz. Close your mouth. Wipe away the drool and speak. You know, the way a normal person would react right now.

She managed a nod, which seemed moderately more socially acceptable than what she managed just seconds before. She counted it as a win.

Mr. Handsome held Lulu out for her, an expensive watch poking out from beneath his French cuffs and engraved cufflinks. Everything about the man in front of her screamed high-powered and successful. Well, everything except for the fact that he was at a nearly abandoned rest stop in the middle of Nowhere, South Carolina. That and the easy-going smile halfway through melting Juliet’s heart.

“Thank you.” She cradled Lulu to her chest and tried not to stare as he ran a hand through his thick, black hair. Her gaze wandered down his torso and, thanks to the hefty coating of sand on his tux, she realized the dog must have made it to the beach.

“Oh, my gosh! I’m so sorry!” She brushed at the mess without thinking, and then paused as she recognized the hard muscles of a well-defined chest underneath. She patted one firm pec, wondering how many pushups it took to build a chest like that.

Then, with the force of a thousand lightning bolts of embarrassment, she realized she was petting a stranger in a tux, practically squeezing his chest like she would a cantaloupe at the market.

Embarrassment pinked her cheek as she slowly lowered her hand.

How do you even begin to apologize for groping a stranger like a melon?

With a bemused glance her way, the man brushed at the sand, unbuttoned the jacket and slid it off his shoulders. “It’ll shake right out. Besides,” he said with a lift of his eyebrows and a sexy little quirk of his lips, “wait until you see how much sand is in my shoes.”

He clicked his feet together as her gaze fell to the mess of sand caked around the laces.

Juliet laughed nervously as her heart hit her stomach. Who was this guy?

The kind of men who could afford power cars, gleaming watches, glittering cufflinks, and tuxedos didn’t usually come across as laid-back and understanding. But Mr. Handsome? He seemed so pleasant it almost felt like a trap. Her eyes narrowing, she glanced around the area, just in case the whole thing was a setup.

Obviously, she found nothing because double obviously, she was being ridiculous.

Chill out, Julz. Enough with the crazy, already.

She nuzzled Lulu and smiled over the little dog’s ears at the man who’d just saved the day. “Well, thank you again.”

“It’s the least I could do, considering you were busy being a hero yourself.” He glanced over her shoulder toward the Buick.

Juliet whirled, afraid the stranger had fallen again. The Buick was there, but the old woman was not, so she was either on the ground on the other side of the monstrous car, or had made her way into the restroom.

“Was she all right?”

“Hmmm?” Juliet dragged her eyes back to Mr. Handsome.

“The woman who fell. She okay?” The man arched an eyebrow and gifted Juliet with another magnificent smile before he started walking back toward the parking lot.

Julz followed. “I think so. She said she was okay. I probably should have stayed, I just really…” Was it shallow of her to admit that she cared more about finding her dog than staying to make sure the old woman was really all right?

“I’m impressed you stopped to help in the first place. A lesser woman would have run off after, what was it? Lulu?” He arched a sarcastic eyebrow at the name and she nodded. “If she said she’s fine, I’m sure she meant it.” They reached the edge of the grass and paused.

And that would be where they parted ways.

Only, Juliet didn’t want to part ways.

Not even a little bit.

She shook her dark hair back over her shoulders. “Thanks again. Like, lots of thanks. All the gratitude. Big appreciation.” She clamped her mouth shut before more idiocy could find its way out. Great, Julz. Very articulate. Way to make a first impression. “I might have lost it if I lost her,” she added, almost laughing in relief when the statement came out normal.

“It was my pleasure. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go remove the beach from my shoes.” He gave her a wink and her stomach fluttered as he turned and walked away.

What the hell was that all about? You’ve sworn off men, remember? Especially that kind of man.No more high-octane, commanding, take what they want kind of guys. You're leaving that life behind. Starting over. Keeping it small and simple and easy.

Despite all the super positive, girl-power pep talk floating in her head, it took Juliet longer than she’d ever admit to peel her eyes off Mr. Handsome’s ass as he sauntered into the men’s room.

And as much as she hoped—and chastised herself for that hope—that he’d look back, he never did.

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