Wilde by Abby Brooks

Chapter Eight


Oh my God, how can this be my life right now? Things just keep going from bad to worse. First, lunch with Leo isn’t happening quite how I imagined. I thought I could keep it professional between us, but there’s something hiding under his prickly exterior, something I get glimpses of every now and again…

…something that makes me think we could be more than just business partners.

But now Avery’s standing there, staring down at me with that look of his. The one that feels like he wants to berate me for being a foolish little girl but he’s holding it in.

For my sake, of course.

The look on Leo’s face is so cold, it sends a shiver down my spine. “If you’re looking to wipe down the table,” he says to Avery in a flat voice, “there’s no need, friend. We just got here. If you’re standing there for any other reason, it was a mistake, and you should walk away.”

Avery’s momentarily stunned. No one in our world talks with such blunt honesty. Such hidden aggression. It’s all polite smiles and ruthless backstabbing. Anger flashes across his face before he finally settles on passive-aggressive dismissal. “I don’t have time to deal with you right now.” He smirks as he shoves the palm of his hand toward Leo’s face then turns to me. “I came to talk to her. Amy, please stop this foolishness and come with me so we can figure things out.”

I shake my head and pull away. “How did you even know I was here? This is seriously creepy.”

“Since you aren’t responding to any of my messages, I was waiting outside your house, so we could talk. But you just walked right past my car without noticing. So I followed you.” He extends a hand to me. “Let’s go. It’s time to stop avoiding this.”

“Did you ever stop to consider that by not responding, I was giving you my answer?” I glance at Leo, mortified. His eyes rake across my face, then widen in shock as Avery lowers himself onto the edge of my seat, exhaling slowly before speaking in an eerily calm voice.

“Don’t forget Ames, I know you.” He taps the end of my nose with his index finger. “Which means I know that sometimes you act before you think. And I think that’s what’s happening with us now. Isn’t it?”

The sound of muffled laughter from across the table causes Avery and I both to turn with heads tilted.

“I’m sorry,” Leo says through an effortless smile. “But come on. It’s time, friend.”

Avery scoffs. “Time for what?”

The humor drains from his face as he leans forward and whispers, “Time to take the hint. She’s not interested.”

Avery swallows hard, turns to look me over, then back to Leo. “You know, friend, maybe you should go…before things get out of hand.”

Leo rolls his neck from one side to the other then slides out of his seat and comes to stand in front of Avery. Hands on the table. Face inches from his. “Listen prick, the lady and I were in the middle of a fucking conversation before you burst in.” He straightens and looks to me. “Amy, it’s your call. You two seem to have things to work out, so who do you want to go? And who do you want to stay?”

As the only one of the three of us who’s noticed every soul in the restaurant has stopped eating to watch the action over at our table, I can’t decide if Leo stood up to defend me, or if this is some sort of male dominance thing.

With a confident smile, Avery turns to me. “Yeah, Ames. Who do you want to stay?”

I stare at him, dumbfounded. “Him, Avery.” I roll my eyes. “I choose for him to stay. He’s the person I came here to meet. Obviously, I choose him!”

Leo takes a half step forward, the finely developed muscles in his chest flexing through the fabric of his shirt. “There you have it. Avery. Now let’s keep it classy while you take the hint and get the fuck out of here.”

Avery grabs onto the table in an act I think is supposed to appear defiant and brave, but if you ask me is utterly childish. “I’ll go when I’m ready.”

Leo leans down and whispers, “You’re a tall guy, and you look fairly athletic, so it’s going to be tricky to pull you out of that booth. Which makes the chance that Amy gets hurt in the process about a hundred percent.” He looks over at me and sighs. “I’d rather you don’t make me do that. But one way or another you son of a bitch, you’re leaving.”

“Avery, please go.” I motion to Leo. “He and I have something really important we’re trying to figure out.”

Avery stares up at Leo and I watch the dots connect behind his eyes. He looks back to me in astonishment. “Him? This guy? Really, Ames?” Shaking his head in disbelief, he slides out of the booth and stands, careful to maintain sufficient space from Leo. “Fine. Talk.” He waggles his finger. “But you be sure he understands you don’t need anything from him.” Avery turns for the door with a sneer and mumbles to Leo as he passes. “She doesn’t need anything from you.”

After watching to see that he leaves, Leo slides back into the booth across from me. “Wow. That’s all I have to say about that.”

I close my eyes and let out a long breath. “I broke up with him a few months ago.”

“Does he know?”

“I’m learning that Avery McIntire isn’t the guy I thought he was.”

“Avery and Amy. How precious.”

I laugh despite myself. “You know, I was always kind of embarrassed whenever someone introduced us. After that display, I’m starting to wonder if subconsciously, I knew he was the kind of guy who might stalk me to a burger joint someday.”

Leo frowns and there’s something in the way he looks at me. Something new. Something personal. “I think it’s best if I follow you home.”

“You too, Wilde? With the following me around?" I laugh, but Leo’s expression doesn’t change.

“I just want to make sure the mother of my child is safe.”

“That’s a big change from the guy who sat across from me just a few minutes ago and declared he was moving to LA and leaving me to do this on my own.”

“A lot changed in those few minutes, Skippy.” There’s an honest vulnerability in his eyes that literally takes my breath away. I want to know more about this man. Who he is, what motivates him, what kind of father will he be to our child? And now that we’re the topic of conversation for everyone else, this hardly feels like a sharing-space.

“I don’t want this to come across the wrong way but, my place is nearby.” I look at him sincerely. “We could go there. I mean, to talk. Maybe try figuring this out with less of an audience?” Leo frowns and I hurry on. “I mean, if you’re gonna follow me home, you might as well come in for a few minutes so we can finish what we’ve started.”

As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I regret them. I’m not even sure I like this guy and I’m inviting him home? Although that’s not exactly true. I do like Leo, when he’s not being childish or rude, a side of him that only comes out in spurts. And the fact remains that I’m attracted to him. Maybe that’s because he’s the polar opposite of Avery, but my gut says there’s something more.

There’s something in Leo that challenges me to step out of my comfort zone.

And I like it.