Egotistically Yours by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Fifteen


Closing my eyes,I rest my head against Laurent’s shoulder. I can feel him behind me, moving and swaying to the music. His hands are on my hips and I want them everywhere.

Tilting my head to the side, I touch my lips to the underside of his scruffy jaw. He’s taken to not shaving every day and I find that the scruff really does something for me.

“Are you ready?” he purrs.

I am ready.


“I am,” I exhale.

As if he is struck by lightning or something, he takes a step back, wraps his hand around mine and he tugs me roughly, then he walks so fast that I have to run next to him in my high heels.

I laugh the entire way out to the car, he does as well, swinging me around so that my back is against the passenger door of the car when we arrive at the side.

I feel like a teenager.

I feel free for the first time in my adult life, I feel wanted and loved. I feel at peace and safe. I feel like this is exactly where I was meant to be.

He lifts his hand, cupping my cheek and his thumb slides along my bottom lip as it always does—another thing that is so comforting, my eyes close and a sigh escapes.

Then his lips touch mine in a brief brush that leaves me wanting so much more. Lifting my hands, I slide my fingers through his hair, gripping him tightly as I pull him closer to me. The kiss becomes harder, but not deeper, and I let out a small growl at the same time he smiles against my lips.

“Let’s get home, baby, that way I can kiss you all over.”

“Yes, please,” I breathe.

His mouth curves up into a smile as he takes a step back. I shift to the side and he reaches out to open the door for me. I swoon yet again. It seems like Laurent makes me swoon daily. I am falling more and more for him.

I thought that I was in love with him before I had Tucker, before I moved in with him, but I was wrong. Before that, I was in love with the idea of him, but now that I’ve gotten to know him better, now that I’ve seen him be a father and a partner, it’s real.

He doesn’t speed home, but he’s not taking a leisurely drive either. I giggle but am in a hurry too. Not only do I need to pump or feed Tucker, I just want to see him too. I honestly don’t know how I’m supposed to go back to work in a week. It’s another discussion that we need to have.

I’m a pretty shitty housewife since I burn everything that I try to cook. I can clean, but otherwise I’m kind of crappy, so I highly doubt he’ll want me to stay home and be Suzy Shitty Homemaker.

Pulling into the parking garage, I don’t even bother waiting for him to open the door. Dinner was fantastic, dancing was like a dream, but I want to see Tucker. It’s been four hours since I laid eyes on him and I can’t stand it.

“In a hurry?” Laurent asks as he jogs behind my power walk.

“Yes,” I state with a nod.

He laughs, and as we ride up in the elevator car, he slides his arm around my waist, tucking me against his side.

“You in a hurry to see Tucker or for me?” he asks, his voice deep and smooth. A shiver races down my spine and I almost forget about my reason for being in a hurry.


“Tucker,” I whisper. “Then you.”

Turning my head, I look up at him. He’s smiling, thankfully not taking any offense to my wanting to see Tucker first. He gives me a wink then turns his head to face the elevator doors and clears his throat.

“Yeah, first we see our boy, then we take care of one another.”

I don’t respond, I can’t. Not only does the door open just as he finishes his sentence, but he’s also left me speechless. I want him to take care of me.

It’s been exhausting being a new mom, but it’s also been hell sleeping next to him every night. Having him kiss and touch me, having him do really sweet things for me and not being able to do anything about it.

I mean, I could have done something, I guess … I don’t think he would have turned down a blow job, but I don’t know, it never really came up and our make-out sessions were so tame that it never naturally happened.

Now I’m wondering if I should have kind of made it happen and warmed myself up, because I’m feeling really, really nervous.

Laurent laughs as I power walk yet again, heading toward the door. I stand there, realizing that I don’t have a key with me in my small clutch. Looking back, I watch Laurent make his way toward me, not power walking or running, but leisurely taking his time, a huge smile on his face.

“Laurent,” I snap.

His smile widens as he digs in his pocket for his keys. I watch as he slowly shoves his key in the door and opens it. Not waiting for him, I push his hand out of the way and open the door myself, then rush inside.

Lucinda is sitting on the sofa, the television is on, but the volume is low. She turns, giving me a bright smile as she stands from her spot.

“He was a dream,” she says, lifting her hand to her chest.

“He was?”

She nods her head. “He only woke up once. I fed him, changed him, and cuddled him for probably too long, then he was out and I put him in his crib and haven’t heard a peep since.”

I nod my head, so happy that he was such a good baby, but also sad at the same time that he didn’t miss me. Laurent presses his palm to my lower back.

Lowering his lips to my ear, Laurent whispers, “Go on up and see him, I’ll see Lucinda out.”

I don’t even respond, I take off to the sound of Laurent chuckling, again, behind me. I don’t even care. Not in the slightest. Once I’m in the bedroom, my heart squeezes at the sight of Tucker sleeping peacefully in his crib. He looks gigantic, as if he’s grown inches since I’ve been gone.

“He’s sleeping. Why don’t you go and get comfortable?”

Turning my head, I look back at Laurent, who is focused on Tucker as well, but I know he no doubt wants to get busy. I do too. I am ready to get it on, all of it. But Tucker is so sweet lying there, I just want to stare at him all day long.

“Go, baby,” he murmurs.

The way he says baby, my heart slams against my chest. Reluctantly, I take a step backward and I turn around. I walk toward the bedroom and straight to the bathroom. Then I lock myself inside the bathroom and look at my reflection in the mirror.

“What are you doing?” I whisper to myself.

I have been avoiding looking at myself naked for too long and now I’m going to let Laurent see me? My eyes widen as I start to undress, then I pinch them closed until I’m completely naked. Once everything is off, only then do I inhale a deep breath and let it out before opening them.

Tilting my head to the side, I look at my reflection, my eyes scanning my body. Turning to the side, I look at myself. I’m not perfect, though I never was. I’m a little rounder, but for the most part, I don’t look too terrible.

Then I remember that Laurent is Laurent, and the women I’ve seen him with are gorgeous—flawless. There’s a knock on the door and I let out a yelp and jump. Spinning around, I stare at the closed bathroom door and wonder if I can really do this. Can I really let him see me like this?


She’s hiding.

I know that she is, but I won’t let her stay in there all night. “Baby, c’mon out now.”

The door slowly opens and she peeks just her head outside. Pressing my lips together, I try not to laugh. She looks down at my chest, then flicks her gaze back up to meet my own.

“Baby, come on now,” I say, holding my hand out.

She shakes her head slowly. “I don’t look the same,” she whispers.

“I know that, but before you say anything else. I need you to know that I think you look better.” Her eyes widen and she shakes her head once. Lifting my hand, I pinch her chin, holding it loosely. “Trust me. I have been looking and I like everything that I see, now come to bed.”

“Laurent, you could be with anyone,” she whispers.

“I don’t want to be with anyone, I want to be with you.”

She starts to say something else, but I don’t let her. Reaching for her wrist, I tug her out of the bathroom. She stumbles forward, her hands pressing against my chest to stabilize her. Tilting her head back, she looks up at me, her eyes wide.

“You’re who I want. End of conversation. Now get on that fucking bed so I can taste you. I think we’ve waited long enough.”

She doesn’t move immediately, so instead of waiting, I bend down, wrapping my hands around the backs of her thighs and I pick her up. She lets out a cry as I walk her toward the bed. Setting her down, I crawl on top of her, covering her with my body but holding myself up so that I can look into her eyes.

“Laurent,” she whispers.

Shaking my head once, I smile down at her. “You’re perfect, Bethie. Absolutely fucking perfect.”

Lowering my head, I don’t give her a chance to deny my words. Tilting my head to the side, I touch my mouth to hers and this time, for the first time in weeks, I don’t hold back. I taste her, filling her mouth with my tongue and moaning.

I don’t stay at her mouth for long, wanting to taste her absolutely everywhere. Breaking the kiss, my lips travel down her body. I kiss her tits, then swirl her nipples before moving down to her stomach. She tries to move her hands, to cover that part of her, but I don’t allow her. She’s softer than she was months ago, but I fucking love it.

Sliding down the bed, my knees hit the floor, at the same time I reach behind her knees and throw her legs over my shoulders. Gliding my tongue through her center, I taste all of her. Bethie’s hand dives into my hair, gripping me tightly as she lifts her hips.

Sucking her clit, I flick it with my tongue. I taste her, all of her, and I wonder why I didn’t do this before, I should have been doing this a year ago. I should have done this a dozen times, a million, I should have done this every time I fucked her.

Bethie forgets to be self-conscious, her hips moving as she searches for her release. I help her find it, wanting, no, needing to taste it on my tongue. I have to fucking taste her, all of her. She whimpers, crying out.

Sliding two fingers inside of her, I make a come-hither motion as I focused my tongue on her clit.

“Oh my god,” she gasps.

Opening my eyes, I look up at her through my lashes. I want to watch her come, I need to see it, all of it. And Bethie Clark does not disappoint.

She’s a sight to behold. Her pussy flutters around my fingers as her entire body stiffens, her muscles tightening. I can’t wait to make her do it again, next time around my cock.

When her body relaxes, I lick my way up to her lips, sliding my tongue inside of her again and swirling it around, tasting her mouth.

“Baby,” I moan. “I want you to ride me.”

“Laurent,” she breathes. “Don’t make me.”

Lifting my head, I look down at her. “Make you?” I ask.

“You know …” She tips her head down and I know she’s referring to the extra weight she’s still carrying, weight that I happen to fucking love.

Standing up, I look down at her, shaking my head. Holding out my hand, I help her stand. Tugging her through the room, I stop in the bathroom, right in front of the vanity.

Situating her body in front of me, I wrap my hand around the front of her throat so that she can’t move her head and look anywhere else.

“Look at yourself,” I demand.

“Laurent,” she breathes, tears filling her eyes.

“You’re fucking beautiful, baby,” I murmur against the shell of her ear. “This body is amazing. I could go on and on about how amazing it is that you brought my child life, but beyond that, you’re just fucking beautiful and perfect. I like all of you.”

“How? How can you?”

I hum, nuzzling the side of her neck. “Because you’re mine. You love me and you’re mine. All of you was made for me, Bethie. There’s nobody else. Not a single fucking woman that could take your place.”

“What are you trying to tell me?” she asks.

“I love you, Bethie.”