Egotistically Yours by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Twenty-Four


Walking into the condo,I notice that it’s quiet. I haven’t come home to a quiet house in weeks and I find that I absolutely hate it. Tonight was not only a clusterfuck, yet again, it was a goddamn waste of my time.

As soon as Cody brought the girls he’d been eyeing at the bar over to our table, I was glad that I’d already eaten, because that was my cue to leave.

He was obviously upset that I didn’t play wingman when I stood up and announced that I had to go home. He was pissed that I didn’t do what he somehow expected me to do and hit up the random bar women.

He wants me to be like him and I’m simply not. I’ve seen what his games do to a family, I watched my mother behave exactly the way he does, the same as his wife too, and it does absolutely nothing but rip everybody to shreds.

I’m not going to play his games. Not by a fucking long shot. This isn’t a game to me. This is my life and I refuse to become my mother. I know that it’s inside of me, but I am going to fight it with everything that I have.

Cody wants to put that shit in my head, because he knows my past and he knows what I’m capable of. I will not allow it to fester and grow. What I will do is come home to my woman, fuck her, and hold her.

That’s exactly what I’ll do, because I love her, she’s mine, and I’m going to show her how I feel. I don’t show my emotions often, but I realize with Bethie that she needs that from me, especially after how I ended things the first time. I’m not going to allow myself to do that shit again.

Stopping by the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water before I head upstairs to do just what I’ve planned.

But first, I head toward the nursery. Peeking my head inside, I glance at the crib and see that Tucker is fast asleep. His arms are reached up beside his head, his hands balled in little fists, his face turned to the side, and I can hear his little breaths as he is lost to dreamland.

He’s perfect.

Quietly slipping out of the room, I head to my bedroom, where I can see the blue glowing light of the television screen. Feeling guilty that Bethie is waiting up for me when she should be sleeping, I step into the room. Looking over to the bed, I see her.

She’s not awake at all. Bethie is passed out. Much like Tucker, her head is turned to the side but where he was breathing softly, her mouth is open and she’s snoring—loudly. A year ago, that right there would be where I would wake her up and have her leave.

Snoring wouldn’t have been tolerated from Laurent of the past, but right now, Bethie being the mother of my child and the woman that I love, I think she looks and even kind of sounds adorable.

Smiling, I really take her in. My gaze moves over her entire body. She’s wearing a cotton nightgown, her lips parted, her eyes closed and her hair looks like she forgot to brush it before she laid down, maybe even forgot to brush it at all today.

This is not a siren on the hunt for a man with more money, this is not a gold digger of any kind. This woman is my Bethie. She’s always been my Bethie. I just refused to accept it before now, but I’ve changed, and I feel like I accept her, all of her now.

There is simply nobody else for me and I don’t want anybody else, either.

Leaving her sleeping, I reach for the remote control and touch the power button, watching the screen go completely black, then I head to the bathroom for a quick shower before heading to bed myself.

It’s late, later than I intended and I feel guilty, even knowing that I did nothing wrong, I still feel really fucking terrible about the whole evening. I should have been here for the last night Rob and Lidia were in town. I should not have gone out with Cody, client or not.

Turning the water to scalding hot, I attempt to wash the guilt away. It doesn’t work. There’s just no way I can pretend that this evening didn’t happen. I’ve never felt this way before. Literally nothing happened, but I still feel really fucking bad about it.

I wonder if this is going to be normal for me? Guilt, even when I haven’t really done anything wrong?

Once I’ve showered, I dry off and head to bed. Bethie is still snoring, though not quite as loudly as she was when I walked into the bedroom. She’s shifted positions and she’s curled in a little ball on her side, her back to me.

Slipping into bed, I shift close behind her, nestling my cock between the crack of her ass and wrap my arm around her stomach. Gathering her nightgown in my fist, I drag it up until her bottom half is exposed and I move closer to her, feeling the warmth of her body against my own.

Touching my lips to her shoulder, I slide my tongue across her skin and taste her. She lets out a soft purring sound as my fingers travel toward her center.

Swirling my finger against her clit, she moans and subconsciously shifts her legs to give me better access. I continue to kiss her neck, moving my lips up and down the side of her throat, sucking on the lobe of her ear, then back down to her shoulder.

Bethie lets out a gasp, then lifts her top leg and hooks it around the back of my thigh. Shifting my knee forward, I press my thigh against her center and she moans, then turns her head slightly and touches her lips to mine.

She lets out a breath, then whispers against my lips. “I missed you.”

The guilt consumes me all over again, but then I realize that I’m home. I am home. Shifting my hand down, I slip two fingers inside of her and grind my palm against her clit.

Her hips move, her breath washes over my lips and I make my woman come. It doesn’t take long, her body needing it, craving it. Her thighs tremble and she whimpers as she finds her release. It’s fucking perfect, every single second. This I could never ruin, this I could never break.


Letting out a moan,I sit up and touch my alarm to turn it off. My first day back to work. I am feeling about a thousand different emotions all at once.

This weekend was emotional for me.

My parents coming and visiting, all of the talk about protection and marriage, then my first real evening alone when Laurent went to dinner with Cody. Then there was Sunday dinner with Landry and family.

Now it’s time for work, my first day back in eight weeks. My first day away from Tucker. I’m not ready for any of this. My heart slams against my chest and I lift my hand, pressing against myself, hoping that it will stop the sensation, but it doesn’t.

“Baby,” Laurent says softly from behind me.

I feel the bed dip and shift, then his arm wraps around my center and he pulls me a bit closer to him. I fall back slightly with a heavy sigh. Turning to look back at him, I press my lips together, rolling them a few times, then grunt.

“I want to stay home, but I want to go too. I’m anxious and nervous and just plain scared,” I ramble.

He doesn’t say anything, doesn’t attempt to ease my worries, he knows that there is nothing to say to me. Instead, he just cups my cheek, turning my head so that my mouth is just centimeters from his.

His lips press hard against mine and he doesn’t deepen the kiss, no matter how much I internally beg him to do just that. When he breaks the kiss, it’s not enough for me. Glancing at my phone on the nightstand, I notice that I have a good thirty minutes until Tucker wakes up.

What I should do in that thirty-minute window is take a shower because I’m going to have to feed Tucker before I go to work too, but my body is screaming for something else entirely.

Shifting, I climb across Laurent and straddle his hips. His eyes widen and I feel his hard length against my center.

“Baby,” he murmurs.

I hum, leaning forward and touch my mouth to his. He doesn’t say anything else, though I don’t really need him to. Laurent reaches out, wrapping his hands around my ass, his fingers digging into my flesh and he spreads my cheeks apart.

“God, yes,” I moan against his lips.

He smiles as my hips move, rolling against his hard length. I don’t care that I’m working myself up against his dick, I don’t care about anything but how good this feels.

He squeezes me hard and I stop, lifting my head to look at him. He shifts my body and then he gently pulls me down along his length.

Letting out a groan, I look directly into his eyes, I’m unable to look anywhere else. I’m unable to even move. The way he fills me, stretches me, I know that this is the man that I was made for, the man that was made for me.

Inhaling and exhaling through my nose, I try to calm myself, try not to just let my body completely take control. I want this to last for maybe ever. The way this feels, I could stay like this for an entire lifetime.

“Move, baby,” he demands through a clenched jaw.

Licking my lips, I start to move. My movements aren’t controlled, they’re jerky and I want to just let my control completely slip, but I can’t do that, not yet at least. Slowly, I move, looking into Laurent’s eyes as I do.

His fingers grip my ass harder, I’m going to have bruises, but I don’t mind. In fact, I hope that I do. Wearing his mark would be sexy as hell. Placing my palms on his chest, I tip my chin and look down at him before I begin to lose control.

And control I do lose.

I forget about my body, the expression on my face—everything. All I do is feel. I move and feel and lose control as I ride Laurent.

My Laurent.

He groans and it’s the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. My hips buck and that’s when I come. It flows through me with a gigantic burst, as if it just explodes inside of me. My head drops back and I cry out as the sensation flows through me, even down to my toes, which curl hard.

Laurent sits up, his hands sliding up my back. He holds me still, his lips touching the center of my chest. He stays there, his eyes lifting up to mine. He watches me for a moment. We stare at one another in silence.

Licking my lips, I can’t take my eyes off of him. I just don’t understand how he’s really all mine. Mine. Nobody else’s and he wants it just as badly as I do.

It takes a minute for my body to relax and when it does, he flips me onto my back and then pulls almost completely out of me before he drives back inside. Lifting my legs, I press my shins against his ribs and he growls as he slips deeper inside of me.

The angle is different this way—differently amazing.

I gasp, unable to catch my breath, but I’m okay with that. If this is how I die, take me now. Laurent moves hard and fast, his growls and moans filling the room and I can’t stop watching his complete and utter beauty as he fucks me—hard.

When he comes, a roar escapes his lips and he stills, his face lifting to the ceiling, then he looks down at me, his eyes opening and a lazy expression appears on his face before he speaks.

“Good morning, baby.”

Smiling, I lift my hands and cup his cheeks. “Good morning,” I sigh.

“No way could you have a bad first day at work with a morning like this,” he announces before he dips his chin and touches his mouth to mine.

“You did this so that I’d have a good day at work?” I ask.

He snorts. “Baby, I did this because you’re sexy as fuck, you came on to me and I’ll gladly take you any time you need a little stress relief,” he says with a grin. “Besides, can’t deny that starting the day off this way could be a good routine we could get into.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “I think it could be an amazing routine,” I admit.

He touches his mouth to mine again, then I hear Tucker cry out and I know that he’s awake. It is officially time to start the day, it’s time to go back to work and to see if this is what I want or if I want to be a stay-at-home mom, who is terrible at housewife duties.