Code Name: Aries by Janie Crouch


There were no characters I wanted more than Ian and Wavy to help us say goodbye to a beloved series while at the same time helping us leap into what will (hopefully) become a favorite new one!

I hope those of you joining us from the Linear Tactical books found Ian and Wavy’s story a great next step. For anybody discovering my books the first time…go read the Linear Tactical series!

There are many people I need to thank for their help with Code Name: ARIES.

A new book and series brings its own challenges ,which is stressful under any circumstances. But these normal challenges were coupled with the loss of my precious mother just as the editing process was occurring for ARIES .

I’d like to thank Marci Mathers for taking this book and shaping it into a final product while my family and I were going through such a difficult time and I was pretty useless. She stopped me from making some horrible mistakes that could’ve ruined not only this book, but the future of the Zodiac Tactical series. For going well above and beyond the call of duty as an editor, thank you, friend.

A special thanks also to my other alpha/beta readers, editors and proofers: Elizabeth, Susan, Dee, Marilize, Tesh, Chasidy, and Sammye. I appreciate your eagle eyes and words of encouragement.

Once again, my thanks to Deranged Doctor Designs who created all my Linear Tactical covers and now are doing amazing work with the Zodiac Tactical covers as well.

I can’t wait for you to read the rest of the Zodiac Tactical books…I’m already falling in love with these characters! It’s going to be a wild and wonderful ride.

Believe in heroes,
