The Blush Factor by Deborah Bladon

Chapter Forty-Nine


Dear Diary,

I delivered a baby today.

I delivered a baby today.

I had to write it twice because it doesn’t feel real.

I helped Bianca bring her son into this world. I coached her while I followed every instruction the 9-1-1 operator relayed to me.

I saw the crown of his head and then his arms, and when I put him on Bianca’s chest, I saw my future.

Being a doctor is my dream, but I want to deliver babies and help women who can’t conceive, and I want to have my own baby one day with Matthew.

When the elevator doors opened, and I looked up to see his handsome face, I saw something there I hadn’t seen before.

I saw love.

He loves me.

Bianca told me he did, but I saw it for myself.

Dr. Matthew Hawthorne loves me, and one day, if my wishes all come true, I’ll be Dr. Faith Hawthorne.

-F.U. (for now)

-F.H. (forever)

I slam the cover of my diary shut and place it and my pen on the bench next to me.

I look up into the mid-day blue sky. I missed my classes today. I was too upset to go to Professor’s Stein lecture this morning, so I stayed home to wash my bedding.

If I hadn’t done that, I might not have been on the elevator with Bianca.

I wouldn’t have heard her tell me Matthew loves me, and I definitely wouldn’t have been there to help Penn Hawthorne make his entrance into this world.

I glance to the left just in time to see the most handsome man on the planet on the approach.

I move to stand, twirling in a circle so he can get a sneak peek of my ass in the jeans I’m wearing and the Rhea and The Pimps shirt I have on.

He laughs as he nears me. “There’s my Faith.”

His Faith.

Matthew stops when a small boy runs at him. “Dr. H? Is that you?”

Matthew scoops the little one up into his arms. “You know it. How are you? How’s Dusty?”

A small white dog on a leash barks as the woman holding onto it rushes toward Matthew. “I’m sorry, Dr. Hawthorne. He just took off when he saw you.”

Matthew shakes his head. “No worries. I’m happy to see you both. How’s Dusty doing?”

“She’s perfect.” The woman gazes down at the dog. “You saved her life.”

“You saved Dusty!” The small boy screams as he circles Matthew’s neck with his arms. “You’re my hero, Dr. H.”

He gives the boy a quick embrace before he lowers him to the ground. “I’m on my way to see my hero. I’ll see you soon, okay?”

“Okay.” The boy wraps his arms around Matthew’s legs one last time. “Bye!”

He takes off toward the crowded playground where children are playing, shuffling their sneakers through the sand, and spinning in circles on the grass.

“I love this park,” Matthew says as he approaches me. “I love you more.”

I run into his arms. “I love you, Matthew.”

He kisses me in a way that leaves my knees weak. I moan through it, relishing in his touch.

“I’ve missed you,” I whisper.

“Jesus, how I’ve missed you,” he growls out. “I was scared, Faith. Scared that you needed more than me.”

I shake my head. “Never. You’re all I want.”

“I was scared that you wanted someone else,” I confess softly. “Gwynn saw you with Professor Stein. She said you gave her flowers and kissed her.”

His gaze never leaves mine. “I went there to find you to give you the yellow roses that your cheap ass boyfriend in high school couldn’t spring for.”

I laugh. “You read that part of my diary?”

“Erin kissed me on the cheek because she was grateful that I told her a long time ago not to settle for just any guy,” he explains. “She didn’t, and now she’s found the guy. That rock star of a molecular biologist guy.”

“Did it take her a long time to find him?” I ask.

“Long enough.” He reaches up to cup my cheeks in his hands. “I, on the other hand, have waited my entire life for you.”

“I’m here now.” I gaze into his dark eyes. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“Something tells me you’re going to be going to medical school to study obstetrics.”

I laugh. “How did you know?”

“That look on your face when the elevator doors opened.” He kisses me again, softly this time. “I saw it then. Love. Love for me and love for what just transpired in there.”

“It was the most incredible thing, Matthew.” I catch my breath. “It was pure magic. If I can help women in that way, what’s better than that?”

“Going home with me now,” he counters with an intensity in his eyes that cuts straight to my core. “Let me take you home, Faith. Let me show you how much I love you.”

I reach back to scoop up my diary. Holding it close to my chest, I take his hand in mine. “I’m all yours.”