The Blush Factor by Deborah Bladon

Chapter Forty-Seven


Why isfate so cruel sometimes?

I’m standing in the elevator, holding onto a laundry basket filled with my freshly cleaned bed linens.

I had to throw them in the washing machine in the basement of the building because they still held Matthew’s scent. Our scent. I could smell his cologne and our sex on them.

I cried myself to sleep on my pillowcase last night after my dinner with Gwynn.

Matthew loves Professor Stein.

It all makes so much sense. He was curious about her interest in Dr. Presbury, and he took her flowers. He kissed her. Add to that the fact that he hasn’t reached out to me in days.

My love affair with my secret crush is officially over, and until I can afford to move, I’m going to be subjected to seeing him or someone from his family on a regular basis.

That’s what is happening right now.

The elevator car stopped on the lobby level, and Matthew’s very pregnant sister-in-law is boarding with a chocolate bar in her hand.

I smile at her.

We met briefly months ago when she was rushing through the lobby with a bag of groceries in her hand. The bag tore apart, her food went everywhere, and I helped her scoop it all up.

That’s the extent of my interactions with Bianca Hawthorne.

“Hey, Faith,” she says as the elevator doors slide shut. “ You remember me, don’t you?”

“Of course.” I smile. “How are you, Bianca?”

“Tired and craving chocolate.” She blows out a breath. “This baby is almost due, and I have to admit, he’s not a good sleeper. He’s up at all hours kicking me.”

I smile as I gaze down at her stomach beneath the dress she’s wearing. “Maybe he’ll be a soccer player.”

“My husband is counting on him being the star pitcher for the Mets.” She laughs. “I’d be happy if he plays for the New York Yankees.”

Her husband.Roman. The twin to the man I love.

“Ohhh,” she lets out a sharp noise as the chocolate in her hand tumbles down. “That one stung.”

I watch as her hands fall to the sides of her belly as the elevator climbs toward my floor.

“Are you all right?”

She huffs out a few quick breaths. “It’s been happening all day. I’m getting used to it. My doctor told me to expect false contractions in the last few weeks of my…oh God.”

The laundry basket in my hands drops to the floor. “Can I help?”

The question barely leaves my lips before we bump to a sudden halt. Bianca lurches forward, so I grab out to her, clinging to her arm before the elevator goes dark.

* * *

“Please,”I try my best to keep my tone even. “You need to get this elevator moving. There’s a woman with me who is about to have a baby.”

My words are surreal, but the situation is very fucking real.

We have been trapped in the elevator for fifteen minutes. In that time, the emergency lights have flickered on, but the person on the other end of the emergency calls I’ve made has been less than helpful.

I picked up the red phone on the elevator panel moments after we first stopped. He told me they were fixing the issue. I called him back again a minute ago, only to be told that he didn’t have an estimate of when they’d have the elevator moving again.

I slam the phone down and take a deep breath.

I turn to see Bianca doubled over in pain. “Faith. Please. I’m so scared.”

I am too.

I chase that away with a deep breath. I can do this. I can help her.

“Fuck,” Bianca groans. “My water. I think my water just broke.”

I gaze down to confirm it.

Yep. It happened. The puddle beneath her is proof of that.

This is inevitable. This baby is coming now.

I move to grab the flat sheet from my laundry basket. I give it a brisk pull and lay it on the floor.

“Bianca,” I say softly. “I need you to get on the floor.”

She shakes her head. “I can’t. I need to get out of here. I have to get to the hospital.”

“There’s time,” I assure her. “We have time. Please sit down and let me coach you through the contractions.”

Nodding, she takes my hand.

I help lower her to the floor of the elevator car.

“I’m going to call my friend,” I tell her in a soft tone as I run my fingers over her forehead. “She’s a doctor.”

“Please, yes.” She looks into my eyes. “She’ll help us.”

“She will,” I say assuredly. “I promise you that we are going to get through this together. Regardless of what happens next, I’m here. I’m here for you and whatever you need.”

I dig my phone out of the back pocket of my jeans and pull up Sadie’s cell phone number. I press the button to connect the call.

It rings straight through to her voicemail. “Sadie. It’s Faith. If you get this, please call me back immediately. I’m with a woman who is full-term. Her contractions are approximately four minutes apart. Her water just broke. We’re alone on an elevator. Please, Sadie. Give me a call.”

Once I end the call, I ring Sadie’s office and relay the same message to that answering machine.

I pull up Matthew’s contact info, so I can call him to tell him what’s happening.

“Now. Oh, it’s going to happen now.”

I turn back to Bianca to see her face twisted in pain. “I think he’s coming, Faith.”

I pocket my phone and drop to my knees. “Then we’ll do this together.”

She reaches forward to grab my hand. “You’re so calm. So, so calm.”

I squeeze her hand in mine. “I’ll get you through this.”

She nods. “I see why Matt loves you so much.”

I stare at her, tears threaten but I push them back.

I can’t question her about what she just said. I can’t do anything but help her deliver her precious baby.