The Heart Chaser by Gina Azzi



“Iswear, I’m good,” Abbi says, cradling the phone between her shoulder and ear as she leans back on the couch in the hotel room I snagged. “Yes, I’m only two floors up from our room,” she laughs, rolling her eyes. “I won’t be mad if you head back to Boston, Chlo. In fact, I insist. Thanks for coming with me. Thanks for…everything. Yep,” another chuckle. “Love you too.”

She disconnects the call and I toss her a towel that she uses to dry her rain-soaked hair.

“Chloe’s bouncing?” I ask, even though I’ve known all along that she would head out of town when I showed up.

“Yes, and you don’t have to act surprised. I know she was your point of contact on all of this.” Abbi gestures around the hotel room.

“Point of contact…” I scoff, moving over to the couch. “You’re so professional.”

She tosses her head back and laughs. “That’s a lie and we both know it.”

I grin but don’t say anything else. I’m too focused on how her skin glistens as I peel her shirt off. Her breasts spring free and I work a swallow, all thoughts leaving my mind as my dick hardens. She smirks, knowing exactly what she’s doing as she stands from the couch and relocates to the king-sized bed, wriggling out of her jeans on the way.

I follow closely behind, losing my hoodie, stepping out of my pants, and watching in anticipation as my girl leans back on the bed.

“Fancy,” she murmurs, her eyes darting around the large hotel suite I booked on my train ride over.

I don’t bother telling her that the hotel was nearly at capacity. I don’t tell her anything because my throat is dry and my words have left me. She’s rocking a dark green lingerie set, all lace, which surprises the hell out of me.

“Like this,” I say, my index finger dragging over the edge of her bra. I watch in fascination as a trail of goosebumps flares over her skin in response. “Missed you, baby.”

She sighs softly, her hands gripping my shoulders. Her nails dig in until I meet her eyes, acknowledge the apology there. “I’m sorry, Luca.”

I shake my head. “Don’t be. I should have—”

“You did everything right. I got scared.” Her words are soft but I can see the confusion in her expression, hear the regret in her voice.

I dip forward, the space between us crackling with electricity. We’re still coated in a spring rainstorm, our skin chilled, but suddenly, it feels like wildfire in my veins. Abbi’s eyes blaze at whatever she reads in my expression, and I fight the urge to devour her whole.

“I love you, Abbi. I’m not going anywhere and I’m sure as hell not letting you walk away from me without an explanation. I know we have a lot to talk about and figure out. I know there’s a lot of shit that needs to be explained, but right now—”

“Yes,” she says simply.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, I want you. Yes, I need you. And yes, I love you, too,” she replies, her fingertips fluttering over my skin, tracing my lower lip. “Make love to me, Luca. Please, make me yours.”

Fireworks explode through my limbs, my heart rate jumping. I’ve never heard more beautiful words from a more beautiful woman. My hand cups her cheek, my thumb rough over her cheekbone as I close the space between us. When my lips touch hers, relief runs through me.

Abbi arches into my kiss, searching for my touch like she can’t live without it. And right now, I can’t consider a future that doesn’t include her. I kiss her deeply, my tongue slipping into her mouth and dueling with hers. Our connection is needy. Desperate and powerful. Her fingers wrap around my wrist, both holding my hand to her face and squeezing enough to hurt.

We’re blazing with emotion, fired up on old hurts and a need to erase them. I nip at her bottom lip and she whimpers, dropping her knees wider so I can settle more firmly in between them as my body shadows hers. My hands roam, memorizing the peaks and dips of her body, drunk on the smoothness of her skin.

I drag my mouth down the column of her neck as she yanks my hair, her legs encircling my hips.

“Need you, Luca,” she pants.

“You have me, baby,” I tell her, my words as serious as this moment, as hot as the friction flaring between us. I press my cock against her core and her eyes roll back in her head. “Not yet, Abs. I need more.” I kiss the spot behind her ear and she bucks against me.

I drag her bra straps over her shoulders, pop the clasp, and watch as it falls away. Then, I drag her panties over her hips, my entire being short-circuiting when she’s laid out before me, naked and perfect and staring at me with more trust than vulnerability. She’s completely bare, body and heart, and I revel in her trust.

“I won’t ever hurt you,” I tell her, staring into her eyes as I kick off my boxers. “I won’t ever lie or cheat or give you a reason to doubt me.”

Her lips part and her eyes widen. She studies me and the space surrounding us shrinks, causing this moment to hold more weight, more significance, than any before it. This, right now, is the turning point. We’re either all in or we’re not. And I want to be one-hundred percent in with Abbi.

“I won’t ever run from you,” she says finally, her voice cracking. Her eyes bore into mine, her fingers curling around the bedsheets. “Or hide. Or give you a reason to doubt me.”

Her words cause the last bit of my restraint to slip and I’m on her, kissing her with everything I can’t express. Not because I’m scared but because there aren’t words to convey how deeply I feel for her. Want her. Cherish her.

I kiss every inch of her skin, nipping and tasting. She tracks every muscle in my back and arms, feeling and squeezing. When my tongue parts her core, she bucks off the bed, the sweetest moan I’ve ever heard falling from her lips. Our frantic and fierce gives way to sweet and gentle as I love her with my mouth, with my hands, with everything I have to offer.

Before Abbi shatters, I rock into her, gathering her against my chest. Her hair is damp as I kiss her temple, murmuring sweet nothings as she clings to me. We make love slowly, relishing the moment, savoring each other. And we finally crest and break, I’m drowning in her eyes and she’s whispering my name.

* * *

“This iswhere I puked on my twenty-first birthday.” Abbi points to a curb in a parking lot as we pass, on our way to dinner.

“You’re really giving me the scenic tour, aren’t you?” I joke, ruffling her hair.

She shoots me a grin. “Boston is the first new place I ever lived,” she says, but her words hold a gravity that causes me to falter.

“Wait.” I stop walking and touch her wrist until she stills beside me. “You were born here? In Hoboken?”

She nods, a smile flitting over her lips. “For a long time, I thought I was staying for Gran. It wasn’t until I was in Boston and things seemed…hard, that I realized maybe I stayed for me too. Because it was safe. Familiar.” She shrugs. “But I just wanted to come back, see Gran, and then leave on my own terms. Knowingly take a step forward that seemed hopeful, and not like I was running away.”

“I get that,” I tell her truthfully, my fingers wrapping around her elbow. I pull her into my side and plant a kiss on the crown of her head. “I’m proud of you, Abbi.”

“Don’t be.”

I pull back and gaze down at her. “But I am.” I pull open the door to the restaurant, a Cuban place she swore has the best skirt steak and plantains. “Always,” I add as she slips in front of me.

She turns back to smile and in it, I see my forever. I’m so lost in the look on Abbi’s expression that she literally slams into a man, pulling us both up short.

Except when I look up, my hands on Abbi’s waist to steady her, anger replaces my good time vibes.

“Phil,” Abbi breathes out, her voice shaky. Immediately, her limbs lock down and she stands ramrod straight, the bones of her hips jutting into my palms.

“Abbi,” he murmurs, his jaw slack and his eyes wide. Guess he wasn’t expecting to run into her after he ran her out of town.

I freeze, waiting to take my cue from Abbi even though I want to cock my fist back and let it fly at Phil’s face for causing my girl so much goddamn heartache.

“Abbi,” a female voice echoes as a woman appears at Phil’s side, her belly huge.

“Melanie,” Abbi says curtly. She shuffles back the slightest bit but in that movement, everything shifts. Her back grazes my chest, her hands find mine, and I puff out like a damn peacock because my girl is leaning into me and I literally got her back.

“How’s it going?” I ask, flashing a saccharine smile.

Phil’s gaze narrows as he glares at me while Melanie’s face lights up, a relief that would be pathetic if it wasn’t so potent, coloring her eyes. Damn, Phil Rickens is a fucking jackass.

“Pa-Panda,” Phil stutters, his eyes flashing down to Abbi.

“Good to see you again,” I manage to keep my voice even.

“You’re in Hoboken now?” he asks but I know what he’s really asking: did I relocate here?

“Abbi’s just showing me around,” I give a non-answer and shuffle Abbi and me to the side so Phil and his wife can pass.

“The Ropa Vieja is wonderful,” Melanie says and I feel sorry for her and the child she’s carrying. Because while she hasn’t slipped her hand away from Phil’s arm, he hasn’t bothered to look at her once.

Instead, his gaze burns through Abbi and my anger jumps several notches. Still, I wait on Abbi, knowing that she needs to conclude this moment, to find some slice of closure in it. And fuck, that pisses me off.

“It is,” Abbi murmurs, her gaze darting to Melanie. “The next time you come, after you deliver, you should try their twist on the mojito. It’s amazing.”

Melanie’s free hand covers her belly and she shoots Abbi a grateful smile. I have no clue what the hell is transpiring between them but it’s something because Abbi relaxes the tiniest bit and Melanie’s expression softens.

“It’s a boy,” Melanie says.

“Congratulations, to you both,” Abbi replies, her gaze trained on Melanie.

“So, you moved here?” Phil asks, so fucking obvious that I have to bite back my laughter.

“No, Phil,” Abbi answers, her voice hardening as her gaze snaps to his. “I relocated to Boston. Permanently. And I’m not leaving, even though you did your damnedest by leaking those photos.”

Melanie inhales sharply and Phil pales.

But my girl tips her head back and smiles up at me. “I got too comfortable there,” she adds.

Phil blanches and I dip my eyebrows together, but Abbi shakes her head.

“You moved for Panda?” Phil’s voice holds an edge I dislike even more than him fucking questioning her like he has any right to information about Abbi’s life and how she’s living it.

“I moved for a job,” she says evenly. She squeezes my hand and I squeeze back. Abbi turns and flashes me a grateful smile. “Luca and I reconnected there.”

“Reconnected?” Phil repeats as Melanie shuffles uncomfortably beside him.

“Yeah,” I say, never taking my eyes off Abbi. “I couldn’t just give up on my forever.”

Abbi looks startled for one heartbeat before she beams, her smile radiant and just for me. I grin back and it’s as if the entire restaurant falls away.

Phil clearing his throat brings me back to the present and I shoot him an irritated look. “Good luck, man, with everything,” I say, surprised that I mean it when I take in Melanie again. Good thing she seems to be genuine, for the kid’s sake.

“Have a good night,” Melanie replies civilly as she ushers her husband through the doors.

A cold blast shoots through the entryway until the door closes and it’s just Abbi and me.

My girl hasn’t stopped smiling. “Your forever, huh?”

I chuckle and tap her ass.

“You mean it?” she asks playfully, her eyes still on mine.

“Every word, Abbi.”

She turns into me and kisses me hard as a whistle and applause ring out behind her. When she pulls away, her cheeks flushing, I smirk at the hostess fanning herself with a menu.

“I feel like I’ve waited my whole life to see that,” the hostess laughs.

Abbi squeals and throws her arms around the girl. “Veronica! I miss you!”

Veronica laughs and pats Abbi’s back. “Me too. I’d say welcome home but…” She trails off as she glances at me.

“But I’m already home,” Abbi finishes, turning to smile at me once more.

“He’s a lot prettier than Hoboken,” Veronica supplies and we all laugh.

Veronica seats us at a corner table and Abbi orders us a round of mojitos. A candle flickers between us, casting her face in a soft glow. But her eyes blaze, more alive than I’ve ever seen them. The knowledge that I put that heat there, that I eased some of her fears, that she’s finding the closure from her past that she needs, allows me to relax in my chair and enjoy this moment with my girl.

“Welcome to Hoboken, Luca,” Abbi says when our drinks arrive, lifting a mojito in my direction.

I tap my glass against hers. “Welcome home, baby,” I reply, widening my eyes and gesturing toward myself.

She laughs and shakes her head. “We’ll see,” she says but I hear the promise in her voice. And I see my whole future in her eyes.