Protect My Heart by Judy Corry

Dear Reader

First off, THANK YOU for reading my book! It has been great to finally see this book get published.

Do you wanna know why I started writing YA Romance? It’s because my marriage is the product of a high school romance that actually worked out (eventually anyway…we did have a couple years apart…but hey, we’ve been married for fifteen years now). So, I write YA Romance because I’m a total believer in being able to find your future spouse when you are that young.

Fun fact:Did you know that the first scene where Arie and Emma meet in the grocery store is loosely based on my embarrassing real life experience? (They say you write what you know, right?) Anyway, the backstory: My husband (Jared) and I dated when I was a junior and he was a senior in high school. The summer after he graduated, our relationship kind of fizzled out. We weren’t quite ready for forever yet, haha. So we were “friends” that summer, though I was pining for him like crazy when he started dating someone else. (You want what you can’t have, right?) Summer ended and I started my senior year of high school. Then Jared moved to Italy for a couple years.

Life went on. I crushed on more guys, graduated high school then went to college. But Jared was always at the back of my mind. In the winter of my freshman year of college, I met a guy who looked so much like Jared that I could not help myself from crushing hard. It was ridiculous.

One day when I was walking out of the grocery store with my cart, I saw him. Jared’s-Look-Alike. I tried to act cool, not stare and make it obvious that I liked him. We passed each other as he came in (he totally didn’t even notice me) and I was almost out the big sliding glass doors when I turned my head for one last, longing look. Then BAM, I crashed my cart right into a glass door and knocked it out of its guides.

As you can imagine, I was horrified. How had I done something so stupid? Luckily for me, the guy didn’t seem to notice, though all the other shoppers chuckled as I tried to fix the dang door. I wanted to die! Tell me I’m not the only one who has done something like this because they were distracted by a good looking guy. It can’t just be Emma and me, right?

Word-of-mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoyed Protect My Heart, please review it on Amazon—even if it’s just a sentence or two. It makes a huge difference and is very much appreciated.

Wondering what to read next? See more of Emma and Arie in Maya’s story: Stolen Kisses from a Rock Star. Or read the first book in my Ridgewater High series: Meet Me There.

Happy reading!
