Protect My Heart by Judy Corry


Though my name sits on the cover, I can’t take credit for everything that went into this book. There are so many people who helped bring it from a pretty terrible first draft of a first-time writer, to what it is today.

Thank you so much to Jared for supporting me in this crazy adventure, letting me bounce ideas off of you, reading an early draft, and holding down the fort so I could sneak away and write.

Thanks to James, Janelle, Jonah, and Jade for being excited about my books and bragging to all your friends about how your mom is a writer. Having your support means the world to me!

To my critique group—Kristina Starmer, Mike Kelly, and Wendy Jessen—thank you for helping me find the parts I was missing and making this story so much better.

To my beta-readers who took a chance on a first time writer and encouraged me all along the way: Jeff Corry, Arlene Ball, Amanda Wilcox, Jami Lyn Niles, Melissa Francisco, Victorine E. Lieske, Julie L. Spencer, Lindsey Corry, Laura Francis, Julia Corry, Tamara Robinson, Jamie Robinson, Michelle Robinson, Jenna Corry, Janet Lott, Skye Longhurst, Cathy Woolsey, Ambri Cunningham, Amy Wright and David Baker.

To my editors, Precy Larkins and Karen B, for making me look better than I really am. You are seriously amazing!

To my parents for always believing in me and making me feel like I could do anything growing up. I realize more and more how lucky I am to have parents like you!

Thank you to all my family and friends for your love and support through the years. I couldn’t do it without you.

Thank you to everyone who nominated this book on Kindle Scout. Your belief in this story has been amazing! My career wouldn’t be where it is now if I didn’t have the opportunity to work with Kindle Press for the first few years of my career.

Last of all, to my readers: thank you for giving me the confidence to finally take this step. You are like magic for my soul!