Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Idon’t know how long I would have laid there on the floor if Lorenzo hadn’t finally picked me up, put me on the sofa, then wrapped the quilt back around me. It’s warm and it smells like us and I snuggle into the corner of the sofa while I wait to see what he’s going to do.

What the fuck is wrong with me?

I didn’t mean to call out for him like that, but I’ve never had anyone touch me before. Especially not like that. Not so that I...yeah.

The only orgasms I’ve ever had have been ones that I’ve had to give myself, and they don’t come anywhere near what he just did to me. My entire body feels like it’s broken into a million different pieces, but I don’t care. I like it, and isn’t that the most fucked up part of it?

He’s in the kitchen and I should be making a run for it. When I eyeball the door I guess that there are only about twenty feet between it and me. Could I make it out the door?


Do I want to make it out the door?

I can’t answer that question right now, and that honestly scares me. I should be making a run for it this very moment, should be doing everything that I can do get away from him, but instead I’m listening to him moving around in the kitchen and wondering what it is that he’s making me to eat because I’m starving.

Not so starving that I couldn’t come hard enough to leave a wet spot on the quilt and on his floor, but still.

Just when I’m starting to really wonder where he is, he appears in the door, holding a tray with food and a glass of water on it. Greedily, I take the water and drink half of it before letting him put the tray on my lap.

“This smells like heaven,” I say, bending forward a bit to sniff the food. “Are you really a chef but just haven’t told me?”

He laughs. “Hardly, but I swore to myself that I wouldn’t ever by the type of bachelor who lived off of instant noodles and take-out, so I’m pretty handy in the kitchen.”

“Not just the kitchen,” I say. The words slip out before I can stop them and instead of looking at him to try to read his expression, I stab a bite of chicken and shove it in my mouth. Flavor explodes across my tongue and I chew and swallow before looking up at him.

“I need you to tell me the truth about Taylor Hunt.” He doesn’t sound angry, but a chill still runs up my spine. Right now, Lorenzo sounds like the type of man who knows that he’s going to get something out of you and is incredibly patient about. He’s sure that I have information that he wants and isn’t going to stop until he gets it.

“I don’t know him,” I say, taking a sip of water. “I’m serious, Lorenzo. You said his name before, but I don’t really know him. Not like you think that I do.”

“He gave you money. Gifts. Kept you from losing your apartment.”

I nod. “Sure, but he did that with others girls too, I bet. I couldn’t have been the only one.”

Staring at me, he fishes his phone from his pocket. After a few taps on the screen, he turns it so that I can see it. “And him?”

The bite of chicken that I had threatens to come racing back up my throat. My stomach twists and I have to look away from the phone even though I know that my reaction will clue Lorenzo in that I know the guy. I can’t help it.

“You know Damon Travini.” He doesn’t sound amused, but it’s obvious that he just read my mind.

I shake my head. “I know him, but he’s not Damon Travini. He’s Sam, but I don’t know his last name.” Even though we don’t agree on the name, I know that I won’t ever forget this man’s dark eyes. I won’t ever be able to get the way he says my name out of my head.

He’s oily and dangerous and I’m not sure why Lorenzo is showing me his picture, but I don’t like it.

“He gave you a fake name.” Clicking off his phone, Lorenzo slips it back into his pocket. “I’m meeting with him tonight because the organization that he started is looking for you. Your absence is causing a lot of heartache for some very evil men in this town, Mia. Even though you know him as Sam, he’s still the same man. He’s dangerous and he’s looking for you.”

“What do I do?” I can’t believe that I’ve gone from trying to get away from this man to letting him eat me out and now to asking him for help figurine out what I’m going to do about the men looking for me. But I trust him. It’s insane, but I know that I don’t have anyone else I can trust right now.

“Tell me everything.”

“Okay.” Exhaling hard, I try to collect my thoughts. I have to tell Lorenzo what I know. I may not know him very well, but he’s the best chance that I have to getting through all of this in one piece. My skin burns from where he was touching me just a short while ago but I have to push aside the fact that I want him so badly and focus on what he needs to know.

“Sam—Damon—used to come into the club all the time. He would meet girls who worked there, they’d fall for him, and he’s promise them that he’d sweep them away and give them the life they’d always wanted. I don’t know what ever happened to them, though. They just...disappeared.”

“Did they have families?” Lorenzo has his eyes locked on me, his intense stare making me feel very put on the spot.

I shake my head. “No, no families. We would ask him about them, of course, but he would just tell us that they were happy and not to worry about them.” I chew on my lower lip for a moment while I think. “Some of the girls didn’t like that, but a lot of them were just desperate for a way out.”

“And you? Were you desperate for a way out?”

When I close my eyes I can still feel the men’s hands all over me when I was working. It didn’t matter to them that I wasn’t supposed to be on the menu. I was there, which meant that I was for their consumption.

Or, at least, that’s what they believed.

“I was,” I tell him, but not desperate enough to go with him. The few times that I thought that I might need to take him up on his offer because I didn’t have the money I needed for rent or whatever, that’s when Taylor would give me some. It was never a huge amount,” I say, seeing the dark look on his face, “but always just enough. Just enough to cover what I needed.”

“The perfect amount to pay off your debts?”

I shrug. “Pretty much. So even though Damon wanted me to go with him and live with him, I wouldn’t do it, and I always had Taylor there who was willing to give me the money I needed.”

“Out of the goodness of his heart? He never asked you for anything in return?”

This is what I don’t want to tell him. Of course he asked me, but I never gave it to him. I just hope that Lorenzo will believe me. I told him all of this once already but he obviously needs to hear it again so that it sticks.

“He wanted everything from me,” I say, choosing my words carefully. Even though I want Lorenzo with every cell of my body, I’m still not sure how much I can trust him. I still don’t know how he’ll react when he thinks about what I had to go through and what people wanted from me.

He’s still dangerous.

“But I never let him have it. You’re the first one who...” my voice trails off. It’s one thing to have him between my legs making me cum, but another entirely to admit to him that he was the first man down there and to tell him how much I loved it. I just don’t know that I can say those words to him.

“Good. I’m going to have to kill them both but I would make it a hell of a lot more painful for them if I thought that either one of them had ever tasted you. Don’t forget who you belong to.” He stands up and yanks his phone out, tapping angrily on the screen before pressing it to his ear.

I want to reach for him and see what I can do to calm him down, but there’s no way in hell that I’m going to do that right now. He’s like a caged animal and I’m honestly afraid that I might not get my hand back if I reach for him.

“Johnny. I need you here to sit with Mia while I handle some things.” He turns to look at me, then wheels away, walking down the hall.

I can still hear his voice and I lean forward, breathless, to eavesdrop.

“Looks like Taylor and Damon don’t exactly see eye-to-eye on everything and they both want her. I’m going to a Lost Girls Project meeting tonight to see what the fuck is going on. You need to be here to make sure that she’s safe and keep her from doing something that we’re all going to regret.”

Silence, then he lets out a low chuckle. “I could, but we’ve moved past that. She’ll be good for you, I guarantee it. She’s a smart girl and won’t want to go through what she already has.”

Oh, God.

What the hell have I been doing? Sitting here on the sofa with a man who kidnapped me? Eating the food he made me and enjoying the post-orgasm afterglow with the person who took me from my apartment and murdered someone? What the hell have I been thinking?

I’m suddenly both disgusted and terrified and I look down at the food on the tray in my lap. So hungry, so willing to eat whatever he brings me without thinking about the fact that he’s so dangerous.

Why in the world would I stop focusing on trying to get the hell out of here? Sure, he was kind to me, but that doesn’t mean that he’s kind. I don’t know Lorenzo, not really.

Did I trade one evil for another?