Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


My phone vibrates as I make my way down the hall into the kitchen. Hunger gnaws at me and I’m half tempted to ignore whatever just got emailed to me, but with the shit about to hit the fan at any moment, I need to know what’s going on. Sighing, I sit down in the living room and prop my feet up on the coffee table before tapping on my phone.

It’s from Johnny, more information about the Lost Girls Project. The email he sent out to me, Dane, and even the Bonannos is short and sweet with a link to a post made by Damon Travini

My heart sinks when I read it.

Lost girl warriors, we need your help!

We have a local lost girl who we are desperately looking for. Mia Wright was last seen leaving her job at Black Heart Club. When she didn’t reach out to her friends to let them know that she was home, the police were called only to find that she’d been taken. The details are still fuzzy, but we’re afraid that she might have been kidnapped by a local group running girls out of the country to sell.

Please contact me right away if you have any information about Mia. All of the cases that we handle here are important, but I know Mia personally and won’t stop until we get her back.

Damon Travini

Included is a picture of Mia. She’s at work, obviously not paying attention to whoever took the picture, her face turned towards the camera, but her eyes on someone else. Damon Travini included his phone number under his name and I stare at it for a moment before tapping the number.

He picks up on the first ring, which is what I would expect if someone were so terribly worried about the health and safety of someone they knew.

“This is Damon. Are you calling with information about one of the lost girls?”

“I am,” I say, standing up and stretching. It feels good to be on my feet when I’m on the phone. I feel like I can move around and better handle whatever shit the person I’m talking to is going to try to pull. “I just saw your release about Mia. I haven’t seen her in years and was wondering how I could help you find whoever took her.”

He pauses before answering and I’m sure that he’s running through all of his options and trying to pick the one that will help him the most. “Do you have a name, friend?”

Now it’s my turn to pause. “Salvatore Bonanno.” I’m sure that he won’t mind me using his name. “What can I do to help?”

“Salvatore, I’m thrilled that you called. You said that you knew Mia?”

“A while ago,” I tell him, glancing down the hall. I wonder how long she’ll sleep in there. How long I’ll be able to keep my hands off of her.

“We have some leads that we passed on to the police,” he tells me, which I know is a lie. There’s no way in hell that he would want the police getting involved if he was going to immediately hand Mia over to his friend Taylor Hunt. “They aren’t able to find anything on where she might be right now and we’re all starting to get a little worried.”

“What kind of leads? How can I help run them down?” I want to know exactly what Damon knows about Mia. He’s hiding something, that much is obvious, but I’m not quite sure what it is. The sooner I figure that out, the sooner I can stop him and Taylor and make sure that Mia will always be safe.

“You sound like a good man, Salvatore. Why don’t you come to our meeting tonight? I’ll fill you in there, you can meet some of the other guys who want to help find her, and we’ll be able to get you up and running.”

“Sounds perfect.” He gives me the details and I write them all down. Only two hours until the meeting, which gives me plenty of time to make sure that Mia is safe here and that she doesn’t do anything stupid.

Movement out of the corner of my eye makes me turn. She’s standing in the door to the hall, the quilt I put on her wrapped around her, her eyes locked on me. Her hair hasn’t had time to dry from her stint in the tub yet and clings to her neck. If she notices it, she doesn’t give any indication. Instead, she stares at me like she’s never seen me before.

“How are you?” I ask her, going to her. She doesn’t take a step back and I grab her chin, lifting her head so that I can look into her eyes. She looks exhausted, but there’s the hint of a flame burning in her eyes.

I like that.

“Hungry,” she manages, running the tip of her tongue along her bottom lip. “I’m so hungry.”

God, my cock feels like it’s going to explode through my jeans. “What are you hungry for?” My mouth is just an inch from hers. I can feel her breathing, feel the heat radiating off of her as she tries to hold it all together.

But we both know what she wants. She wouldn’t have come looking for me if she didn’t want what I could give her. There isn’t any way that she would have left that room if she hadn’t felt the same draw to me that I feel to her.

Mia wants me. I know it.

“I don’t want to tell you,” she whispers her cheeks burning pink as she speaks. That’s all she had to say, and I kiss her, mouth crashing against hers as I finally claim her for my own.

She belongs to me. She has from the moment that I first saw her and I hate that it took me this long to get what I wanted. A soft moan rises in her throat and I grab her by the waist, pulling her closer to me so that she can feel how hard I am for her.

“Do you want me to fuck you right here?” I ask her, biting a line down her neck to her collarbone. She squirms under my touch, one hand still holding up the quilt, the other on the nape of my neck so that she can pull me closer.

“I want,” she pants out, but doesn’t get any farther than that. Poor girl doesn’t know how to claim what belongs to her—what she deserves out of life.

But I’ll show her how.

Grabbing the top of the quilt, I rip it from her hands. She gasps, trying to catch the fabric before it falls, but it puddles to the floor around her feet, leaving her staring at me, her chest rising and falling rapidly as she tries to suck in enough air.

“What are you doing?” She asks as I grab her by the hips. Lifting her up a little, I sweep her legs, then lay her back down on the floor, making sure that she’s on the quilt, Her knees are clamped tightly together and I rest my hands on them, enjoying how easily they part when I press lightly to the side.

“I’m doing what I should have done the moment I first saw you,” I tell her. “You lost your job anyway, but you could have lost it with my face between your legs.”

She stiffens, but only for a moment, then reaches for me, her fingers twisting in my hair. Mia’s eyes are wide and she looks a bit feral as she pulls me closer to her. I go willingly, kissing up her inner thigh as I work my way closer and closer to the one thing that I really want.

As soon as I lick her, I know that I won’t ever be able to wait for this again. She’s delicious and she arches her back as I suck and flick my tongue across her clit. Her fingers dig hard into my scalp, yanking me closer to her, and I go willingly, licking all the way along her slit before I slip my fingers into her.

“Holy shit,” she gasps out, her hips bucking up at me. “That feels so damn good, I had no idea.” Her voice is almost breathless, but the only other sound in the house right now is her panting and I can hear her perfectly. She needed this as badly as I did.

Pulling back a bit, I run my finger along her clit, circling it slowly for a moment before I pick up speed. She arches her back, sucking in a hiss as I do. I can feel her core tightening as she gets closer and closer, but before she reaches her peak, I stop.

“What are you doing?” She looks down at me, her face red and her mouth slack. “I was going to cum!”

“Not until you ask like a good girl,” I tell her, pressing down hard on her clit to keep the sensation going. “Ask me to make you cum, Mia. I want to hear it.”

She doesn’t at first, instead rocking up against my hand like she’s going to be able to get enough pressure to cum that way. She won’t. I’m going to make sure of it.

“Mia,” I tell her gently, “you know what I want. I want you to be my good girl, and that means that you have to do what I ask.”

She groans, the sound so animalistic that I have to fight back the desire to rip my clothes off and fuck her right here. Her perfect pink pussy begs for me to fuck it, but I want more from her. I want it all, and that means that I’m going to have to break her a little bit to get it.

“Please,” she gaps, grabbing my wrist and squeezing it. “Please, I want you to make me cum. I’ll be good, I promise you, just...just help me.”

Her voice is strangled, but it’s all that she needed to say and I lower myself between her legs, eagerly lapping up her juice. Her cunt is tight when I slip my fingers back into her and begin to stroke her from the inside. She makes little gasps and moans as she rocks against my hand.

“Lorenzo,” she whispers, and I almost still for a moment because I’m not sure that I heard her correctly. “Lorenzo, I want you.” She pants out the words, grinding harder against my face and I grip her hips, holding her down so that I can push her over the edge when I want her break her apart.

“Please help me!” Her cry fills my ears and I do just that, swiping my tongue one more time against her clit as I work my fingers inside her. She tightens then shatters, her entire body jerking under mine with the pleasure rocketing through her. “Oh, God!” She screams, her nails digging hard into my skin.

When she stills, I pull back, staring down at her. Her eye are half-closed and her mouth hangs open. Each breath is small and shallow but they begin to deepen and slow as I watch her. She’s fucking perfection.

And she’s mine.