Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


“We hit it hard, get out fast,” I say, glancing hard at Dane and Johnny. They both nod, their eyes locked on me. All three of us are on edge this morning, all of us wanting to make sure that everything is going to go off without a hitch so that we can be done with this messy business. “Everyone there is complicit and they all have to go.”

“Everyone?” Dane frowns and is about to open his mouth to say something else, but I cut him off.

“You heard me. That’s the only way that we’re going to be able to get this shit done. If we don’t want this to become a bigger problem in the future, then we need to destroy what they’re building here.”

“He’s right.” Salvatore nods. Our northern cousins aren’t here with us since they have their own problem to take care of up north, but we’re talking to them via video call. “Lorenzo is absolutely right. That’s what happened with us and the Bastards. We didn’t finish them off the way that we thought they did and they came back. You two want to shut down this nasty business of selling women? You gotta take them all out.”

Beside him, Marcelo and Trevor nod. The three men all look so serious that I know I’m right. There isn’t an option here. We have to shut this shit down, and quickly, or it’ll come back harder and stronger.

That’s why we have the Bonannos helping out up north. It’s why Johnny went out of his way to find the Marleno family out west.

Turning to another screen that’s propped up on my kitchen counter, I give the three men sitting there a nod. “You guys heard that?”

“No mercy. Fuck them all.” Gavin nods. “We’re more than happy to take care of our part of it here, as long as we’re all on the same page. We hit them at the same time and they don’t see us coming.”

“Exactly.” I give the Marleno men a tight nod. They’re been more than helpful as we’ve gotten this all set up. I’m not entirely sure how Johnny found them, but he managed to get us some of the most powerful men out west to help us out. Our family wouldn’t be able to take care of all of this on our own, but with all three families working together, we can stop this.

“Everyone have their watch set correctly?” Johnny speaks and I scoot to the side a little bit so that he can see the video screens. He’s been running point on this, making sure that everything is set to go off without a hitch. He’s a bit younger than me, but it’s been good to see him taking control on something important to him.

Johnny hasn’t dropped the ball once, and letting him run with it has allowed me even more time to spend with Mia, which is all that I want right now.

The memory of her cunt around my cock last night when I fucked her to sleep is enough to make me grow hard right now. I can’t wait until we get back from the job and I can get back in bed with her, giving her the attention that she needs to feel really fucking good.

She’s mine. Even though she fought it for a while and might not have believed me at first, it’s obvious now that I wasn’t joking. I own her. She belongs to me. And I’m never letting anyone hurt her.

“Okay. Fuck them all up,” Johnny says, and the two screens go dark. He turns to Dane and me, rubbing his hands together. “I’m ready to stop this shit.”

“Tell me again how you found the Marleno brothers,” I say, pulling my gun out to double-check it. I’m not worried about my gun, or about the brothers, but I can’t remember what Johnny had told me before.

“They have a reputation out west for shutting shit down, kinda like us and the Bonanno family,” he tells me, glancing at his watch. “I found them through a mutual friend. Sam Nardoni.”

Nodding, I lead the way out of the kitchen. I haven’t heard Sam’s name in a long damn time, not since he moved out of town, but it doesn’t surprise me that Johnny kept up with him. He’s the type of guy to always reach out to people to make sure that they’re okay.

“You’re a good kid,” I tell him as the three of us walk to my car. I’m driving this morning since I have the most room in the trunk for all of the gear that we might need. Hopefully this goes smoothly and we don’t have to actually shoot anyone, which would attract more attention, but we’re always prepared.


“I’m only two years younger than you,” he tells me, climbing into the car. Dane chuckles and turns to face him.

“Talk to us when you have a woman locked down. Then you’ll be older in our eyes.”

“Oh yeah?” Johnny leans forward between the two front seats so that he can get a good look at both of us. “Should I buy her from her piece of shit father or should I steal her away from work, murder her ex, and then fuck her until she falls in love with me?”

I shrug, backing out of the driveway. He might think that he’s able to get under my skin, but he’s not. We’re all too close and have spent far too much time together growing up for him to be able to drive me nuts. “You pick,” I tell him. “We’re not judgmental about how you find a woman.”

“Fucking dicks,” he mutters, sitting back.

There isn’t any light in the sky as I drive us through the sleeping town. Everyone is still in bed, all of them wrapped up tight and sleeping until they have to get up with their alarms, but I feel more awake and alive than ever.

We’re taking care of this, and then I won’t have to worry about Mia. I’ll be able to marry her, take her out, show her off. I won’t ever. be looking over my shoulder to see if someone is coming to take her from me. She’ll be mine, and mine alone, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

“And we know for sure that they’re going to be there?” Dane’s voice is quiet but it’s so still in the car that it’s easy to hear him.

“We do,” Johnny assures him. “My intel is good. They’ll be there early getting shit ready. Same with up north, so Salvatore, Marcelo, and Trevor all get to move in on their target right away. Out west is a little different thanks to the time change, but they’ve got things under control. I’m not worried.”

He sounds excited and I let the emotion settle in me. This is great. We need to do this, not just for Mia, but also to clean up our town. It’s not right that assholes like Damon and Taylor bring shit like this with them. If we can’t protect our women, can’t make sure that they’re always safe, then what the hell are we even doing?

The three of us don’t speak for the rest of the ride. When I pull into the parking lot at the building we’ve checked out before, I’m not surprised to see that Johnny was right, but I am surprised to see so many cars in the parking lot.

“This is a bigger operation than I thought it would be,” Dane says, and I nod.

“I knew that we’d be stopping Damon and Taylor, along with a few other men, but this is excessive. There have to be almost a dozen cars here.” I pull into a parking spot at the back of the lot and kill the engine for the three of us to talk. Judging by my watch, we only have a few more minutes before we have to be on the move.

Coordinated attacks mean the they can’t warn each other. They can’t try to stop us from doing what we’re doing. They won’t have anywhere to flee, anywhere to hide. They’ll be dead and we’ll be the victors, as always.

As it should be.

“They’ve been recruiting really heavily,” Johnny says. “There are some people who were going to work here who honestly want to fight against trafficking, but they won’t be in until much later, past eight. These are the assholes who are setting up the back rooms to keep the women they’re going to sell. We have to kill them all.”

“We will. And when we’re done, if there’s a single one of those assholes from that meeting I went to who wasn’t in here, then we hunt them down. We kill them.” I’m serious about this. It’s been a goal of mine since the meeting when we saw so many people wiling to buy women.

“I have their names,” Dane says. “Don’t worry about that. Let’s just take care of this.”

Johnny’s watch beeps from the backseat. It’s loud enough that all three of us shift in our seats. “Let’s do this,” he says.