Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


We move quickly. Even though we’re doing our best to stay out of the light, we’re all dressed in black, so it would be tricky to be seen from the building. These assholes are much more focused on getting ready for opening day than what may be going on outside in the parking lot. Hurrying, I set the charges while Dane comes along behind me with the gas.

We’re going to blow the place to hell and then light it on fire to make sure that there isn’t anything left of it. If we’d been able to get inside and set some charges then we wouldn’t worry about burning it, but that was out of the question this week. Security has been tight up until this morning, when they finally got lax.

That was their second mistake.

Their first was actually thinking that they were going to be able to steal and sell women under our noses without their being any repercussions.

“Ready?” Dane whispers, and I nod, stepping back from the charge I just set. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I tap the screen and press the red button to arm all of them.

Forty explosives, all placed evenly around the building. They blink to life, a three minute countdown appearing on their little screens. the green glow of the numbers uncannily bright in the gloom and still of the night.

“Let’s get back to Johnny,” I say, and he nods, leading the way across the parking lot. From our vantage point out front we can see the main doors of the building, which lets us make sure that none of the assholes in there are going to be able to escape before we blow them up.

Johnny’s been watching the door, making sure that nobody tries to get out, and coordinating with the other two families.

“Bonannos are all set up like we are,” he says as we crouch next to him. “They’re in a similar situation with a lot more men there than they thought were going to show up, but they like it when things get hairy, so I’m not worried about them.”

“And out west? How are our new friends doing?” My heart beats out a slow and steady rhythm as I wait for him to respond. I should be nervous about what we’re going, but I’m not. This is the right thing to do and we’ve looked at it from every possible angle to make sure that there isn’t anything we’re missing.

“They’re good,” he confirms, never looking away from the front door. “They’ve got the charges set up at the building and Gavin is staying behind to make sure that they all go off without a hitch. Freddy and Sean have their hit lists and are ready to start moving on their targets.”

“Good.” A breeze blows through the parking lot but it’s not cool enough to burn off some of the heat that I feel. I’m hot but I know that most of it is just the excitement of waiting to see how this is all going to play out. “We’ll have them taken care of soon.”

Glancing down at my phone, I’m surprised to see how soon. “Ten,” I say, my voice as low and quiet as possible as I start the countdown. “Nine.”

The three of us glance down at my phone for a moment, but then we can’t tear our eyes away from the building. This is it. The thing that we’ve been working towards, the only way that I know how to keep as many women safe as possible.

Damon and Taylor thought that they could come onto our turf and pull this shit, but they were wrong and they’re going to see how wrong they were in just a moment.

When the countdown reaches one it feels like there’s an exceptionally long pause. I don’t even realize that I’m holding my breath until the explosives go off, the walls of the building exploding in, shards of wood and bits of metal flung high into the sky.

“Holy fuck,” Dane whispers, his voice breathy with excitement. “It took out all of the walls.”

The sound is enormous, so loud in the quiet of the night that I feel my ears start to ring even though we’re as far away from the explosion as possible. Now that it’s gone off I know that we only have a little time to make sure that the job is done before the police come screaming across town.

“Don’t worry,” Johnny says, obviously reading my mind, “I know who’s working tonight. Looks like the police aren’t going to have their incredibly fast response time when they get this call.”

“You’re on top of it tonight,” I tell him. “Good man.”

We sit in silence as the flames take over, ripping through the building. The fresh paint fumes suck the flames in, stoking them so that they rip through the building, higher and hotter than I thought they would be.

“It’s going down fast,” I remark, watching it burn. Soon the ceiling will collapse in and then all we have to do is hang out long enough to make sure that none of the assholes inside are able to get out. I doubt that they will, not with how quickly the fire is consuming the building.

The explosions took out enough of the perimeter that the entire thing is slowly falling in as the fire destroys any remaining supports. We all watch, silent, as the building is slowly destroyed, the flames licking and leaping higher into the dark night sky.

Even from here, I can feel the heat on my face. It’s hot, but not uncomfortable. The burning heat I’d felt before is gone as we watch all of our hard work come to fruition. It doesn’t matter now that I’m hot, I just want to sit here and watch everything that those bastards built burn to the ground.

Sudden movement at the front of the building catches my eye. “What the fuck is that?” I ask, standing up from my crouch. “You can’t fucking be serious.”

Johnny and Dane stand, too, but I don’t look at them. I know Damon even from across the parking lot. Even when he’s covered in soot, when his arm is missing, when he’s stumbling and falling and barely walking.

Fucking prick is doing his best to survive.

I can’t let him.

Even though we’re all packing, the three of us agreed that we’d try to let the fire and the explosions do the hard work for us. Nobody was going to be stupid enough to think that this was an accident, but when bullets get involved, that’s when people start to get a little antsy.

They want answers. People are stupid and it’s easier for them to believe that a few dozen explosives were set off by accident rather than turning a blind eye to someone behind shot in the face.

“Damon,” I cry, walking up to the man. “How the fuck did you drag your sorry ass out of there?”

He coughs, grabbing his thigh for support before he finally pushes up and stares at me. Hatred oozes out of him. He has to be in shock or he would know that he’s lost an arm. That would be enough to make most men completely unable to function, but it’s obvious from the look on his face that he’s not going down with a fight.


“What the fuck did you do?” His voice carries in the night air. “You destroyed it all!”

I chuckle, stepping closer to him. He smells terrible, like soot and burned flesh. There’s a wild look in his eyes and his only arm hangs at his side uselessly. “We saved everyone you were going to hurt,” I correct. “We saved them all. Especially Mia.”

It takes a minute for my words to make sense, but when he realizes what I just said, he glares at me, his jaw set tight. “What did you say?”

“Mia,” I tell him. “So sweet, so innocent. So fucking good in bed. We did this for her and all of the other women you were going to hurt.”

He takes a step towards me, swinging his arm out at me like he’s going to try to hit me and take me down. Deftly, I step back, then to the side, and he stumbles forward, screaming with pain as he does.

“I’ll kill you!” He spits the words at me, each one of them loaded with rage and venom, but I don’t give a shit how upset this asshole is. He deserves all of the pain he’s in and more.

He deserves to suffer forever for what he was planning and what he’s already done. The center out west has already trafficked dozens of women, but we’re shutting that shit down. We’re going to find them all, bring them back.

And kill every last bastard who touched one of them.

“Hard to kill me when you’re dead.” The sound of sirens is just reaching my ears and as much as I’d like to stay out here and play with him, it’s time to end this and go home. Before he can retort, I pull my gun and put a bullet in his forehead.

Damon drops like a rock, his mouth open like he was screaming, his body twisted on itself. He looks like hell and I spit on him before turning and walking back across the parking lot.

“Looks like nobody else made it out,” Dane says, gesturing behind me. When I turn to look, I’m surprised to see that the building is almost completely gone. The fire ripped through it, gutting it, making it all collapse in on itself.

“Even if someone did survive, they wouldn’t last for long.” Johnny sounds pleased with himself. “Most of them probably died with the explosions, but the fire stopped everyone else.”

It burned hot and fast and already is dying out. As much as I want to stay here and watch as the flames turn to embers and the embers finally go dark, we need to go. The officers we have in our pockets were able to buy us some time, but even they can’t keep us out of jail if we’re standing around guilty as sin when the cops pull up.

“Let’s go.” We climb into my car and pull out long before the bright lights of the cruisers reach us. The drive home seems faster even though all three of us are quiet. It isn’t until we pull into my driveway that Johnny speaks up.

His face is glowing from the light on his phone and I’m not surprised to see that he’s grinning.

“Find someone to finally touch your cock?” Dane asks, and I chuckle.

Johnny ignores us both. “Bonannos are done. Looks like they had the same success as us. Nobody will be selling women up there now.”

“And out west? If that didn’t go smoothly too, then we could all be fucked.” Working with a new family is always a bit scary. You never really know how they’re going to act and if they’re going to come through when you need them to.

“You don’t need to worry. It’s done. They blew it all up and are just finishing their list.” He clicks his phone off, throwing the backseat back into darkness. “We did it.”

“Fuck yeah,” I say, stretching. “Now I need you assholes to get out of here so that I can go celebrate with Mia.” The entire time we were handling our shit, she was on my mind. I can’t help the fact that being away from her makes it really fucking difficult to think about anything else.

And how that I’m so close to her again, I just want her. She’s all I want, all the time.

And now there isn’t a damn thing that can stop me from getting what I want.