Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


Mia took so long in the bathroom that I was starting to get worried that she might try to escape, but there was only one way in and one way out. By the time she finally came out of the bathroom, it was obvious that she’d been crying. Her eyes were red and puffy and her nose was rubbed raw from where she kept wiping it, but I didn’t have time to care about that.

Now she’s locked back up in her room and I’m in my office, staring at my laptop.

Fucking Taylor Hunt.

The man is a shitstain on the underwear of the universe and should ave been taken out a long damn time ago, only we never had really good reason to do so. Now that he’s back and has his eye on Mia, though, I’m willing to kill him.

I would have done it this morning if we had more information. Assholes like him are all alike, though, and they tend to run in crowds so that you can’t kill one without having to deal with all of the rest of them.

Double-clicking a folder on my desktop, I open up the file we have on him. After entering my password, I’m given access to all of the information that our family has collected about him over the years. It’s all here, from his tragic upbringing with an abusive father to the way he ran out of town with his tail between his legs a year ago.

But it’s what happened after he left town and before he came back that has me the most interested. Rolling my neck, I grab my phone and call Trevor. He doesn’t know Taylor the way that we do, but from what the Bonnanos were saying, the guy can get dirt on anyone. Anywhere. Anytime.

“Lorenzo. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Trevor sounds amused.

“I need your help finding out where a local asshole was for the past few years,” I tell him. “He just surfaced and has his eyes on my girl.”

“You mean the one you kidnapped?” I want to argue with what he just said, but before I can, he continues. “No worries, you’re just handling things the Bonanno way. I’ll get you the info you need. What’s this guy’s name?”

I give him the name and as much information as I can that I think will help him out. “I want whatever you can find on him that might give me an idea of what he’s up to. He’s a smarmy bastard and I don’t trust him.”

“Does he know that you have Mia?” Trevor’s typing away furiously on his computer but he pauses to wait for my answer.

I shake my head. “Nobody does but the six of us. I don’t want him to find out, either. He’s bad news but we’ll put a stop to him. I just want to make sure that we’re cutting off the head and not just attacking something that will come back to bite us in the ass.”

“I get it. We’ve been there and done that.” Trevor lets out a sigh. “Okay, Lorenzo, give me some time on this. Looks like your guy was big on covering his tracks, but there isn’t any way that he’ll be able to hide completely from me, okay? I’ll get back with you.”

“Thanks,” I say, then hang up, stretching my arms over my head. I don’t have any answers yet, and that bugs me, but I know that Trevor will work hard to get them for me. As soon as we know what Taylor Hunt has been up to we can take him out and I can make sure that Mia is safe.


Just the thought of her makes me hard again. She’s so fucking delicious, so innocent and pure, and the fact that she’s a virgin makes me want her even more. How the hell I lucked into finding a girl like her and having her be new just for me is beyond me, but I’m not going to ignore this gift.

She belongs to me.

I could take her right now, and that thought is thrilling, but I don’t want to. I want to savor every moment that I have with and take my time to really taste and feel her.

My cock throbs and I reach down, unzipping my pants and freeing myself. A thought crosses my mind and I open the app for the security system I have set up, bringing up the camera focused right on where Mia is curled up in bed.

She’s on her side, curled up like a comma, her face turned to the camera so that I can see her. I take in her pouty lips, the way her eyelashes flutter as she rests, and how her hands are tangled in the blanket wrapped around her.

Groaning, I grab my cock, stroking up and down my length. She’s just too perfect, too sweet and delicious.

And she’s all for me.

Mia twitches a little, rolling over onto her back, almost like she somehow knows that I’m watching her. That’s insane, but I like the thought of her eyes locked on me while I pleasure myself. I want her staring into my eyes when I come, her mouth parted slightly, her hands reaching for my body.

I stroke my cock harder, squeezing it as I work my hands on the length, imagining what it will be like to have her on her knees in front of me, have spread out on the bed like a delicious meal, have her all for myself.

“Oh, Mia,” I say, my hand moving faster. I feel my balls tighten and the enjoyable tingle of pleasure at the base of my spine as all of the muscles in my body tense up. I’m close, and I stare at her, my eyes locked on her face as she breathes.

Her lips are slightly parted and I stare at them as I finally cum, releasing myself at my desk.

“Fucking hell,” I mutter, slumping back in my chair. Just looking at the woman can make me go crazy and I know that it’s going to be almost impossible for me to keep my hands off of her. I have to have her for my own, have to make her want me to fuck her every second of the day just the way I want to fuck her right now.

Pushing myself up from my chair, I adjust my pants enough to walk to the bathroom. Once there, I shower, scrubbing away everything’s that happened today while also still thinking about my sweet Mia and her perfect little mouth.

By the time I get out of the shower, I’m starving, so I head into the kitchen to whip up some stir fry. My brother always makes fun of me, but one of my favorite things to do is cook, and I enjoy making something delicious whenever I need to eat. This time I have tons of peppers and onions, grilled chicken, rice, and egg and I mix them all together with a sesame green onion sauce I keep in the fridge.

By the time it’s done, my stomach is loudly complaining about how long it took, and I split the foot into two bowls, load everything up on a tray with napkins and two bottles of beer, and head down the hall to Mia’s room.

She doesn’t move when I let myself in and I put the tray on the small table, keeping one eye on her. I don’t like that she didn’t respond to me walking into her room, but I have a feeling that she’s probably just exhausted from everything that’s going on.

“Mia,” I say, reaching out and lightly touching her cheek. She doesn’t respond, her eyes unseeing as she stares through partly open lids. Mia.” My voice is stronger and I command her to sit up and look at me. “Mia, sit up. Don’t play this stupid game.”

Still nothing. My heart slamming hard in my chest, I lean down to her, pressing my cheek right up next to her mouth. She’s breathing, but the breaths are shallow, each one so light that it’s difficult to feel them on my cheek. It feel more like the brush of a butterfly’s wing than her breath.

“Mia!” I have no idea if she’s going into shock or what the problem is, but I scoop her up from the bed, pulling her small body close to my chest. She’s tiny compared to me. Her limbs all hang limply as I hold her and turn from the bedroom.

If she’s just pretending that something is wrong then I’m going to kill her, but I don’t think that’s the case. Her head lolls back on my chest and her breathing doesn’t change as I run her down the hall to the bathroom.

I’ll shock her in some cold water and if that doesn’t work, then I’ll call a doctor. It shouldn’t take him too long to get here but I have to try something on my own first. I don’t want anything to happen to this woman.

The bathroom is still full of steam when I carry her in and put her down on the fluffy white rug in front of the sink. She sprawls out on the floor right where I put her and I turn the handle on the tub, causing freezing cold water to spill into it. Reaching down, I pat my pocket for my phone.

Fuck.“I left it in the kitchen,” I mutter, glancing down at Mia. I don’t want to leave her here by herself, but I have to get my phone to call the doctor. I have to have them on their way to come help her out.

Just in case.