Seized Mafia Bride by Mae Doyle


There’s a police car sitting in the driveway when I pull up and I pause for a moment before parking my car next to it instead of raising the door and pulling into the garage. The last thing that I want is for the cops to have any chance of seeing into the house. Of course, if they came with a warrant then I’m fucked, but there’s no way that they would have enough evidence to do that.

Getting out, I walk over to where the officer is sitting on my front porch. He straightens up when he sees me, then stands, puffing out his chest a little bit like that’s going to impress me. He’s got short brown hair that’s receding a little bit in the front and dark glasses that he yanks off his face with a flourish only to prop them up on the top of his head.

“Lorenzo Accardi?” He asks, his eyes flicking up and down my body.

“The one and only.” I grin at him. “How can I help you, officer?”

“I wanted to talk to you about a missing girl. Her name is Mia Wright and she was last seen leaving her job.” He holds out a picture of Mia—my Mia—but I barely glance at it before shaking my head.

“Sorry, can’t help you with that. Good luck finding her, though. I imagine she’ll have someone looking for her.”

He slips the photo back into his pocket and nods at me. “A few someones, actually.”

“Best of luck.” Without waiting for him to respond, I walk past him to the front door, pulling my keys from my pocket.

“Mr. Accardi, you were seen talking to Mia at her work. Witnesses say that the two of you were getting cozy but that she didn’t look thrilled about the prospect.”

Pushing my keys back into my pocket, I turn to look at him. “I promise you, officer, when I get cozy with a woman, she enjoys it. Now, I remember seeing her at the club when I was there, but I haven’t seen her since.”

He stares at me. When I’d first walked up to the porch, I’d had a feeling that he was new on the force, but the gaze he’s giving me now tells me that he’s seen more than I assumed at first. While I wait for him to respond, I listen.

The last thing that I need is for Mia to start screaming right now. The house is designed to be as sound-proof as possible, but the acoustics in the bathroom can be...unpredictable.

But there’s nothing. It’s so quiet that my ears hurt and when the officer doesn’t respond, I pull my keys from my pocket, waving them at him. “If you don’t mind, I have things to attend to and I’m sure that you have other places to look for the missing girl.”

“Do you mind if I come in and get something to drink?” He steps forward and reaches for my arm like he’s going to grab it.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Do you have a warrant?”


“Then I hope that you have a wonderful day. There is a hose right there,” I say, pointing to the garage, “and you’re more than welcome to drink from it if you are really that parched, but I have things to do.”

He doesn’t move as I unlock the door and enter the house. Locking the door behind me, I open the security app on my phone and watch him to make sure that he’s going to leave. For a moment, he stares at the door, but then he turns and walks slowly to his car, his head on a swivel the entire time.

Anger rushes through me. Who the fuck placed Mia with me and has the balls to go to the cops? It’s fucking insane that someone would point him right to my house, but the bastard was here, obviously suspicious about something, and I hate that he was on my porch.

I’m at the top of their mind now, I know it.

Storming out of the living room, I stalk to the hall. Mia should still be in the bathtub where I left her. I want to see her underwater, waiting on me, knowing that I’m the only person who can save her.

She’s mine.