Always Eli by Charlie Novak

Chapter Thirteen


Why wasit that when you wanted time to go fast, it slowed down to an agonising crawl that seemed to move at the pace of thick treacle in cold weather?

Usually, I liked the leisurely pace of my Sundays, but today, I felt like I was going to pull my hair out if things didn’t get a move on. I’d woken up at six and stared at the ceiling, replaying every moment from the night before in high definition. My cock was achingly hard in my pyjamas just thinking about the way Eli had kissed me and whispered in my ear. I shivered, the ghost of his breath running over my skin. I clenched my fist, determined not to touch myself, even though it felt like I might explode if I didn’t.

Eli had told me not to. And I was going to listen to him.

My brain kept concocting filthy fantasies about what might happen when he arrived that afternoon, and eventually, I had to throw myself out of bed to stop myself from desperately humping the mattress.

God, I’d never been so horny in my life. Not even when I was sixteen and managed to stumble across a couple of male nudes using our very slow dial-up internet.

I pulled on my clothes and went downstairs, wrapping up against the early October chill. Indy and Solo bounced around my feet, a little surprised to be going for a walk so early on a Sunday but pleased nonetheless. I piled them into my car and drove to some nearby woods, walking for miles in the watery morning light. I’d hoped the walk would distract me, but my brain was determined to follow its initial line of thought, and I was plagued by thoughts of Eli teasing me as I stomped through piles of leaves.

By the time I got back, it was barely nine, and I cursed myself for walking so fast. I managed to lose a bit of time to housework, but by lunchtime, I was bored. I was tempted to text Eli to ask if he was still coming over, but I didn’t want to seem too desperate.

I tried to take my mind off the burning need under my skin by watching a film, but it was torture, and I resorted to moping around the house like some lovesick character from a period drama, gazing out the window into the grey, drizzly afternoon as I awaited the return of my beloved.

Eventually, I decided to go and shower, making sure every inch of me was clean. Perhaps it was unnecessary since Eli and I had done nothing more than kiss yesterday, but he had said he would have been up for a lot more if circumstances had allowed it. And I liked to be prepared for things. No harm ever came from being over-prepared.

The shower itself was hell. My cock had decided now that I was naked, it was time to rehash all my earlier fantasies and relieve the tension crawling over my skin. I turned the temperature down, hoping cold water would help. It did, but it made the entire experience very unpleasant. When I got out of the shower, I wrapped myself in a towel and trudged back to my room, flopping down on the bed with a sigh. I reached for my phone, silently begging for something, and was rewarded with two new messages from Eli, both sent while I’d been in the shower.

EliI’ll be leaving in ten. I just had to get rid of Lewis first!

EliI hope you were good for me ;)

A soft moan escaped my lips as I read his words. At this rate, I was going to be throwing myself at him as soon as he walked through the door. Eli had sent the messages nearly twenty minutes ago, and a flare of panic flashed across my chest. I wasn’t dressed at all, and the bed was a mess. I jumped up and began rummaging through my chest of drawers, wondering what I should wear. Neither of us had talked about what this was, but I presumed I could consider it some sort of date. I dug out some of my nicer boxers, the ones that clung to my skin and cupped my dick, then pulled on my jeans and grabbed a shirt out of the wardrobe. It might be a little formal, but I liked shirts. They looked good on me.

I’d just finished buttoning it when I heard a car pulling up outside. I glanced out the window to see a little red car and a familiar figure climbing out of the driver’s side. I cursed under my breath, running my fingers through my hair as I quickly straightened the sheets and grabbed my towel. I threw it into the bathroom as I passed, clattering down the stairs as Eli knocked. Indy and Solo were barking already, bouncing around the front door like the excitable menaces they were.

“Go lie down,” I said, shooing them out of the way. “You’re not helping.”

They ignored me. I pulled the door open a fraction, peering around it, my heart thudding in my chest at the sight of Eli on my doorstep. “Hello! I’m sorry. The dogs are rather excited. Are you okay with that? I can put them away.”

Eli grinned. “It’s fine. I’m here to be mauled.”

“Indy, Solo, sit. Wait,” I said, turning my head to look directly at them. To their credit, they both hovered in place, their fluffy behinds about six inches off the floor. It was as close as I was going to get. I chuckled and pulled the door open. “Come in.”

Eli stepped inside and any restraint my monsters had displayed quickly went out the window. They didn’t jump up, but they did bounce around Eli’s feet, smacking everything in range with their tails. Solo was doing full-body wiggles, and Indy was doing funny little yowls, which was how he liked to greet new people. I laughed, watching them as Eli bent down and began to fuss at them.

“Watch out,” I said, or at least started to say. One quick, enthusiastic jab to the backs of his knees from Solo had Eli staggering slightly and falling onto the floor. His laughter rang out as Indy and Solo descended on him, smothering him in licks and trying to climb into his lap.

“Oi, oi, oi. That’s enough.” I reached for Indy’s collar, gently tugging him away. “Leave poor Eli alone.”

“They’re fine,” he said, ruffling the fur around Solo’s neck. “Look at them. They’re just big babies who want lots of love and attention.” He grinned up at me, then let out a groan as Solo flopped into his lap. Having a forty-kilogram dog drop onto you when you weren’t expecting it was an experience at the best of times.

“Solo, please don’t smother him.” Solo huffed at me and leant on Eli’s chest, tilting his head up to look pleadingly at him.

“I’m sorry,” Eli said, rubbing Solo’s ears. “Later. I will give you all the belly rubs later.”

“He’ll hold you to that.” I gently nudged Indy in the direction of the kitchen, and then slowly pulled Solo upright. He’d decided Eli was his seat now, so it was like trying to move a brick wall. Solo grumbled under his breath once he’d been forced to resume a standing position and pottered off after his brother, undoubtedly to go and lie on his bed and sigh dramatically at his cruel fate.

“I like them,” Eli said, climbing to his feet and dusting himself off. “They’re adorable, just like you.” He reached for the front of my shirt and pulled me in for a kiss, and I melted against him, willing to do whatever he wanted. “Hey,” he murmured against my lips.


“I missed you this morning.”

“You did?” Something tugged at that place in my abdomen, right above my stomach.

“I did.” He grinned mischievously. “I wanted you in my bed so I could play with you all morning.” He kissed me again, which was good because it meant he couldn’t see the way my face flamed or the way my mouth wanted to hang open like a fish. My cock throbbed in my jeans, regaining its prior painful levels of hardness. Eli put his hand on my chest, turning us slightly, and I found myself backed up against the nearest wall. I groaned as his tongue pushed into my mouth, his fingers sliding under the bottom of my shirt to caress my hip. He pressed himself closer to me as the kisses grew more heated, and the flames that had engulfed my face began to spread across the rest of my body.

My hips gave an abortive thrust as Eli slid his hand down one side of me, and he pulled back slightly to chuckle darkly under his breath. His eyes glinted with a dark hunger that made me shiver. “My poor boy,” he said softly as he traced his fingers slowly over my crotch, feeling my hard cock and stroking it lazily with one finger. I whimpered. “So needy and desperate. Have you been good for me?”

I nodded.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Eli chided gently. “You have to use words. You have a mouth. Use it. I want to hear you.”

“Yes.” I swallowed. “I’ve been good.”

“Were you thinking about me?” He rubbed my cock slowly, tracing the outline in the denim. “Dreaming about what I was going to do to you?”


He looked up at me, his expression so intense I felt I might combust from the heat. A wicked smile played across his lips as he continued to tease me with his fingers. My hip twitched, and he stopped. “Tell me what you’ve been thinking about.”

“Um, I…” My tongue suddenly felt numb, my throat dry. I had so many fantasies, but I had no idea what to tell him. What if they were inappropriate or too much? I’d had boyfriends ask me to talk dirty, but they’d been satisfied with me just moaning and telling them I wanted their cock. And somehow, I got the feeling that wasn’t going to be enough for Eli.

“Are you worried?” he asked, his eyes narrowing.

I nodded, looking somewhere over his shoulder instead of at him. “Yes.”

“What about?”

“That I might get it wrong?” It came out as an unintended question. I exhaled. “I’m just worried I won’t say the right things.”

“Want me to go first?” Eli cupped my jaw, bringing my eyes back to his. I’d wondered for a moment if he’d be frustrated by my answer, but there was nothing in his expression but sweetness.

“You… you’ve been thinking about me?” I asked lamely.

“Of course. All fucking night.” He kissed me again. “And all fucking day.” Another kiss. “First rule, you never, ever have to do something you’re uncomfortable with. Ever. And if you are unhappy or uncomfortable with anything I say, suggest, or do, you are to tell me.” Another kiss. “And there will never be any repercussions from it. I want you to talk to me. I can’t make this good for you if you don’t tell me what you like and what you don’t.” Another kiss, soft and drawn out. “Promise me?”

“I promise.”

“Good boy.” I shivered again. “Would you like to go upstairs?”

“Yes.” Eli gave me one final kiss and then stepped back. My heart was thundering in my chest, but my mind was surprisingly calm. There was one question lingering at the front of my mind, one I’d been pondering in the depths of my subconscious for the past eighteen hours or so. I debated delaying in asking it because it was the type that could easily derail the entire evening if we had opposing opinions, but it was one I needed the answer to. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,” Eli said, reaching his hand out and interlacing it with mine. His fingers were warm, and his grip was solid and comforting.

“What is… What are…”

“What is going on between us, and what are we doing?” Eli grinned, once again appearing to read my mind.

“Yes. That.”

“What do you want to be going on?” He squeezed my hand. “Do you just want us to be friends? In which case, we can stop now and go and watch a film. Or do you want to be friends with benefits? In which case, we’re definitely still going upstairs. Or—”

“How do you feel about boyfriends?” I blurted out. My face flamed again, my stomach twisting. I sounded like a teenager asking out their first crush. In fact, I sounded even more awkward than that. I didn’t think I’d felt half as awkward asking Dylan Morris if he wanted to go out with me when we were sixteen.

Eli smiled and cupped my jaw, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. “Is that what you’d like?”

“Y-yes. What about you?”

“I think I’d like that too.” He let go of my face and squeezed my hand again. “Come on. Let’s go. I want to play with you.”