Always Eli by Charlie Novak

Chapter Fifteen


Tristan’s chest was heaving,his eyes were closed, and his mouth hung open as the last of his orgasm rocked through him. His spent cock twitched in my mouth, and I gently released it, licking off the last drops of cum as I slowly eased my finger out of his twitching hole.

My heart ached for this beautiful man, so desperate and eager to please. All I wanted was to spoil him rotten and make him melt in front of me.

I hadn’t even touched my own dick, and it was now aching and pissed at being ignored. But it was going to have to wait. Poor Tristan had clearly not experienced something so intense in a long time, if ever, and I needed to take care of him.

Orlando had been right when he’d said Tristan needed better sex.

“Tristan,” I said softly, gently sliding my hand up his thigh, “are you still with me?”

His eyes fluttered open, taking a moment to focus on me. There was a glassy sheen to the blue-grey like a settling sea under a stormy sky. “Hey. That was… Wow.”

“Did you have fun?”

He nodded, his tongue darting out to wet his lips. I needed to get him a drink and something to eat. “I did. Thank you.”

I grinned. God, he was so fucking polite. It was adorable as fuck. One day I was going to fuck his brains out, and he’d probably write me a thank you note for it. “Good.” I slid up the bed so I was beside him, leaning down to give him a soft kiss. “I’m going to get you a drink and a snack. Get into bed for me, and I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Okay,” he said after considering my words. “There are glasses in the cupboard above the kettle.”

I kissed him again. “I’ll find them. You stay here. You were very good for me.”

Tristan smiled softly, and my heart fucking melted. I’d only agreed to date this man a couple of hours ago, but he already owned my fucking soul. If anything happened to him, I would fucking murder whoever was responsible. I’d shove one of my heels through their eye or something.

I kissed his forehead, then slid off the bed. Tristan extricated the duvet from underneath him and pulled it over his body. I watched him for a moment, then grabbed my tank top off the chair and pulled it on before heading for the door.

I padded downstairs, finding my way to the kitchen at the back of the cottage. Indy and Solo came pottering out of another room when they heard me, and I froze for a moment, thinking they might start barking. But all they did was wander over and nudge my hands. Ah crap, hands. I washed them in the sink, then rubbed Indy and Solo’s ears since it was worth keeping them on my side.

I rummaged through the cupboards and found some glasses, which I filled with water, and a couple of peanut butter and chocolate cereal bars. They’d do for now, and we could sort dinner later. I wasn’t even sure what time it was. Tucking the cereal bars into my hands behind the glasses, I headed back upstairs. It was a little tricky to close and open doors, but I managed it.

Tristan was right where I’d left him, curled up in the middle of the bed.

“Hey, can you sit up for me please?” I asked, putting my scavenged supplies on his bedside table. Tristan’s eyes opened slowly, a smile creeping onto his face. I desperately wanted to kiss him.

“Hello,” he said. “It’s you.”

“It’s me.” I pulled back the duvet, threw my tank top off, and slid in beside him. Tristan pulled himself into a sitting position, and I propped the pillows up behind him. “How’re you feeling?”


“Good.” I handed him a glass of water, watching as he sipped it slowly. When he’d downed half of it, I opened a cereal bar and broke off a chunk for him. “Eat this for me.”

He looked at me quizzically but didn’t say anything. He took the cereal bar and dutifully began to chew. I wondered if I needed to explain things like his potential drop in blood sugar from the intense orgasm or that sub-drop might come later. It wasn’t as if we’d really strolled far down the yellow kink road, but I highly suspected Tristan had never even visited the outskirts of whatever vanilla-sex-ville he’d been residing in.

I leant over and pressed a kiss to his temple, handing him the second half of the bar and gently sweeping his hair back. “You were so good for me. Thank you,” I said. “I had a lot of fun playing with you. You were amazing, and I’m so proud of you for being open and honest with me about what you wanted.”

“You are?” Tristan looked astounded, and I chuckled.

“Of course.”

“I… I had fun too,” he said softly. “I’ve never done anything like that before, but I, er, I’d like to do it again.”

“Me too.” I took his now empty glass from him and set it down before sliding down the bed and opening my arms so he could cuddle into me. Tristan hesitated for half a second then attached himself to me like an enthusiastic giant squid. I wrapped my arm around him and pulled him close. “We can talk about things you want to do and try,” I said, stroking the back of his shoulder. “And what your limits are.”

“That sounds good.” He was quiet for a second. “I might need some help with ideas. I’ve always been quite boring.”

“I’m sure I can help,” I teased. “There are so many things I want to do to you.”

Tristan looked up at me. “I’d like that.”

We lay together for a while just enjoying being close to each other. His skin was warm and soft, and I loved feeling him pressed against me, wrapped in my arms.

“So,” Tristan said eventually, giving me a teasing smile. “We’re dating then?”

“Yeah. I guess we are.” The whole agreement had happened so quickly I hadn’t really given it any thought. I’d been too busy quickly putting together plans for playing with Tristan. I liked the idea though. I liked it a lot.

“Are you okay with that?”

“Very much so.” I looked down at him as Tristan tilted his head up to look at me. “You’re so cute. And definitely not boring.”

“We’ll see about that.”

I raised an eyebrow, giving him my best unimpressed stare. “Stop being so down on yourself. I won’t allow it. You’re not allowed to be mean to my Tristan.”

“Your Tristan?”

“Mine.” I rolled him gently until he was lying half-underneath me. I leant down and kissed him slowly. “All mine.”

Tristan hummed happily. “I like that idea.”

“Good.” The temptation to keep kissing him was very real, but there were other things I wanted to talk about first. Then maybe we could look at dealing with the resurging erection in my underwear. I moved so I was lying on my side beside him, my head propped up on my hand. My curls were starting to fall out of place, and I kept having to huff them out of my face.

“What are you thinking?” Tristan asked, looking over at me with a curious expression.

“Who do you want to tell? Do Holly and Andrew have policies against staff dating? I mean technically you’re not staff, but I don’t know whether they’d consider it crossing a boundary or a conflict of interest.” I tried to rack my brains for long-forgotten details of employment law. It had been a while since I’d had to dig out any mental files related to my degree, and they were all covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.

“I don’t think so,” Tristan said. He looked suddenly serious like a switch had flipped, and I realised there were three main parts to Tristan’s personality: the absolute professional with the brilliant financial mind, the sweet nerd who loved history and his dogs, and the soft, needy man who just wanted to be cherished. I didn’t think many people had gotten to see the third part, and it made something possessive burn in my chest. A desire to keep that part of him for myself and to spoil him with love and orgasms.

Except not love. Definitely not love. Lust only.

Lust and my darkly possessive need to make him squirm and beg for me and to look at me like I was everything.

But not love.

Because… well… just because.

“We can tell Holly privately if you want,” Tristan continued. “I know she wouldn’t tell anyone, but it would probably be polite to give her a heads up. I can tell her tomorrow if you want.”

“Okay. Let me know if you need me to come too. Although, if you tell her, I’ll probably be summoned to the office to explain myself.” I grinned. “I’ve not even been at Green & Wodehouse for two months, and I’m already seducing the staff. Naughty me.”

Tristan laughed. “We’re definitely not the first ones.”

“Oh? Do tell.” I grinned, completely intrigued. “You cannot tempt me with such tantalising gossip and then withhold information. They have laws against that.”

“Do they?”

“Yes. Spill.”

“Well, I know Rebecca and Alistair have definitely had an on-and-off thing going for years,” Tristan said. “And the only reason I know is because I stayed late one night because I had a meeting with a guy in LA who was buying a house here, and I caught them fucking in the sales office.”

I cackled. “Oh my God, that’s amazing. Does anyone else know?”

“Pamela might. She knows everything.”

“Too fucking right,” I muttered. She’d know as soon as I arrived tomorrow that something had happened. That woman should have been an interrogator for MI6. “What did they say when they saw you?”

Tristan flushed. “I’m not sure they did. They, er, were rather preoccupied, and I didn’t make my presence known.”

“I don’t think I’d have stuck around either,” I said with a shudder. “I definitely don’t need to know what Alistair’s O face looks like considering the man looks like a frog normally.” Tristan laughed. “If Holly says our relationship is inappropriate, you can drop hints that at least we’re not banging in the offices. And anyway, Holly can’t really say shit, considering she’s married to the company’s owner.”

“Very true. Holly’s fun when she’s not in business mode. I’ve known her for a long time.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” I said. Holly definitely wasn’t the worst manager I’d ever had, but she did seem a little cold at times. I’d only been there since September though, so maybe she’d warm up to me.

“What do you want to do about your family?” Tristan asked. I blinked, trying to wrap my head around the change in conversation. Shit. I hadn’t even thought about them.

“Let’s not tell them for now,” I said. “I don’t tend to tell them about my relationships unless they get serious. Nobody does unless they’re Dick. We only found out about Lewis and Jason when Jason came out on fucking Instagram and posted a photo of them together. I mean, it was pretty fucking awesome of Jason to stick it to the network like that, but it would have been nice to know.” I smiled. I’d teased Lewis about hiding Jason, but I’d understood why. Our family could be a handful, especially me, and dating an actor was bound to have caused chaos.

“I remember that,” Tristan said. “Richard told me.”

“On the subject of Dick, I’d rather he didn’t know. I know he’s your best friend, but—”

“But it’s also you that I’m dating.” Tristan nodded, his smile faltering. I reached for his hand, interlacing our fingers together. I hated the idea of causing him pain and making him hide something so big from someone he was so close to, even if I thought that someone was a complete wanker. There was a new level of complexity there I’d not considered before, and I’d have to navigate it with care.

“I don’t want Richard to think I’m just messing with you for fun,” I said. “Because that’s immediately what he’ll think.”

“I know.” Tristan sighed. “He’d probably stage some sort of intervention to tell me this is a horrible idea while listing your many faults.”

“I do have a lot of them.”

“I don’t think you have any,” Tristan said, leaning across to kiss me. “And if you do, I’m willing to overlook them.”

“That’s probably because I just melted your brain.”

“Probably.” He grinned. “I don’t care though.”

He kissed me again, a new heat simmering under his touch.

“There is one thing you should know though before we get distracted,” I said. “Lewis knows. And Jason will too by now. He saw us kissing last night. It’s why the little shit was hammering on my door at noon.”


“It’s fine. He promised he wouldn’t tell anyone. Not even Jules or Finn. His friends might know, but they don’t know my family, so it’s fine.” I pulled him close against me. “But since he knows, you should tell your sister. You’re close, right?”

“Yes. And she has this habit of randomly coming into my house, so I should probably let her know.”

I laughed. “Definitely. Can I tell Orlando too?”

“Sure,” Tristan said. “He sounds really sweet.”

“He is. And he’ll be dying to meet you, so be prepared for that.”

“Maybe we can all get drinks sometime?”

I cupped his face and kissed him again. “You, Tristan Rose, are too sweet. Far too sweet.”

“Thank you.” He smiled at me, pressing himself close against me. My cock twitched against his hip, reminding both of us I hadn’t come that afternoon. Not that I needed to. Tristan licked his lips. “You know,” he said, “you were so nice to me earlier. You really spoilt me, and I haven’t even attempted to return the favour.”

“Do you want to?”

“I do.” The next kiss was deeper, the simmering heat beginning to turn into new need. “Can I suck your dick?”

“Baby, you can do whatever you want to me.”