His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Eleven



Sam groaned. “Why did you have to pick a bank on the other side of town? What was wrong with the one two blocks from campus? It’s taken us almost an hour in traffic just to get here.”

“It hasn’t been that bad. It’s not like we had anything else to do.”

Sam rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Why here?”

“Two reasons. I don’t trust the bank near campus. My father has too many ties to Stonewall, and with my luck, he would find out that I took out a safety deposit box. He would probably be able to get into it and take the money. The second reason is I picked a national bank that has branches all over the country. I am not going to stay in the area after graduation.”

“If you put the money in a safety deposit box, why would it need to be a national bank?” Sam wasn’t sure where Gwen’s logic was going.

“I’m going to put most of the money in the box but use a little to open an account. Each week, I’ll take some money from the box and put it in the account until it’s all there. It’s actually illegal to keep large amounts of money in a safety deposit box. I’m going to do it anyway because a deposit this large would raise all kinds of red flags.”

Sam got out of the car as soon as Gwen parked in the small lot. “Let’s get this over with.”




Jeff, Rip, Boomer, and Crash were meeting with their commander, giving him an update on the situation.

Colonel Hayden’s deep voice echoed through the speaker on the phone. “I had an interesting phone call from a colleague in the NSA. Was told we needed to back off. They’re tracking some cyber-crime coming out of the university.”

Crash grunted. “Sir, with all due respect, we’re not going to leave these kids unprotected. Tech is still on medical leave and won’t be cleared for a few more weeks.”

“Stand down, Crash. I’m not pulling you guys out. I suggested that the NSA could use our assistance with the unexplained student deaths and that they were likely tied to the cyber-crimes the NSA was looking into. That Lieutenant Ellison is a piece of work. She had the nerve to call me up and demand that you pull out. Want to tell me about the three bodies she had to deal with?”

Boomer briefed their boss and Jeff gave a report on their theories.

Colonel Hayden growled. “I’ll look into Dominic Arnello. Stay out of trouble and no more dead bodies. You’re on US soil. I can’t save your asses if you cross the line too far. Understood?”

“Understood.” They all repeated and ended the call.

Jeff popped up from his seat. “I think I’ll pay a visit to Paris.”

Crash tipped his head in question. “What are you going to tell her?”

Jeff grinned. “I’m going to chat with our new partner.”

“Are you going to tell her we didn’t get a hit on the homeless man?” Rip was frustrated with their lack of information. It felt as if they were working against a team that had way more influence and connection than they did. It’s nearly impossible to keep an identity off every database. There are records everywhere and even from sources no one would ever imagine.

“Sure. We didn’t get a hit. Maybe she will.”




Drew was on his side on Gwen’s bed facing her. “You should have told me you were feeling trapped.”

Gwen shook her head. “I didn’t feel trapped, Drew. I told you that. I just needed to feel like me again. Be in my own space. Have my own things around me.”

“I get it and I know that things seemed to have calmed down, but they haven’t. There’s still a threat out there and I’m beginning to wonder if it is all connected. Your situation and mine with the society. I’m worried about you.”

Gwen brushed some hair off his forehead, leaning in to kiss the spot she just exposed. “I’m safe. You’re here with me.”

“You moved out of the safest place you could find.” He knew he was being a dick, but she didn’t understand the danger and after talking to Dina, he was wondering if they even knew just how much danger there was.

“So, stay here with me.” Gwen inched closer to him, almost chest to chest.

He nudged her onto her back and hovered over her. “I thought you wanted your space.”

Gwen framed his face. “You thought I wanted space from you? No, Drew. I want you close.”

“You got pissed when I had Rip check on you.” Drew winced at her fierce expression.

“We’re not talking about that. Ever.”


“Don’t Gwen me. He saw me naked! Naked, Drew. The girls were on display, and I don’t even want to know if he saw my bits below. Ugh.”

Drew tried to keep his laugh in, but his body began to shake. 

Gwen pushed on his chest. “Get off me! It’s not funny.” She tried to squirm her way out from under him, but he settled himself between her legs, anchoring himself to her. The more she squirmed, the more she ended up rubbing herself on his hard length. She was torn between keeping up her façade of being annoyed with him and wanting to rip his clothes off.

“It’s a little funny.” He began to grind himself against her. “Still want your space?”

Ripping his clothes off won. “Mmm. Not from you. I’ve just had enough of the others.” Gwen ran her hand up under his shirt, bunching it up.

Drew pulled his shirt off to give her better access and leaned down to take her lips. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, teasing and pulling it back when she shifted closer to him. He licked her lip again and moved back.

Gwen threaded her fingers in his hair, holding his head still so he would stop teasing her.

He took the opportunity to slam his mouth against hers, claiming his woman. They both moaned their pleasure when their kiss deepened.

Drew pulled her shirt and sports bra over her head, breaking the kiss momentarily only to dip back down to her mouth. “Mmm. I love kissing you.”

Gwen circled his waist with her legs, hooking her ankles behind his back. “Sam’s in the other room.”

“We’ll be really quiet.” Drew reached down and grabbed the waist band of her cropped pants and pushed them and her panties down over her hips. She relaxed her legs from around him, giving him easier access to remove the rest of her clothing. His clothes quickly followed hers to the floor.

Gwen’s lips glided along his cheek to his ear, pulling his lobe into her mouth and sucking on it.

Drew leaned back a little to gaze into Gwen’s eyes. “You know I love you, right?”

Gwen’s eyes twinkled. “Yeah. I know.”

“That’s it? Just, ‘Yeah, I know.’” Drew tickled her side and she squirmed under him. “Tell me you love me and I’m the best, sexiest man you know.”

Gwen giggled, burying her head into the crook of his neck to keep herself quiet. 

Drew’s fingers flurried over her sides. “Say it. Drew’s a god in bed.”

Gwen laughed harder. “Now you think you’re a god in bed?”

He stopped and growled. “Are you refuting that?” He pressed his hard length against her core, gently rocking into her.

She whimpered and pressed into him. “I don’t know. You might need to show me again. I can’t seem to remember.”

Drew reached down to guide himself into her, hissing in pleasure as he slid into her fully.

Gwen hooked her legs around him, holding him close as they thrust together, moving closer and closer to their climax.

He palmed her breast, kneading it until his mouth took over from his fingers. Her nipple pebbled as he sucked on it, taking it between his teeth.

They became lost in the rhythm and overwhelming feelings of rightness until the pressure in both of them began to build. Drew captured her mouth to contain their release as they tumbled over the edge together.

He collapsed on top of her before turning them both to their sides. Drew moved his mouth to her ear. “Ready to admit it yet?”

Gwen snuggled closer to him. “Admit what?”

“That I’m a god in bed.”

Gwen giggled again. “I think I need some more convincing.”

“Anything for you, babe.”




Drew was dragging and no amount of coffee was going to help. He had kept Gwen up most of the night convincing her that he was indeed a god in bed. Early this morning, just as the sun was coming up, she finally admitted it and he had a ball getting her to do it.

He had dropped Gwen off at the Related Arts building and continued across the courtyard to his business class. He had thought about ditching, but he figured he could take a nap in the back of the lecture hall and the old professor wouldn’t notice. The lecturer droned on and on about business management and had no idea that most of the class was not paying attention.

He was just about to enter the first set of double doors when Parker and Adrian came up on either side of him.

Drew stopped and waited. He was not going to engage them first.

Adrian didn’t make him wait long. “Let’s go. We have somewhere else to be.”

Drew raised a brow. “I’ve got class right now.”

Parker chuckled. “You’ll get credit for being there and a full set of notes delivered to your email.”

Drew glanced between the two men and shrugged. “Let’s go.”

The three men walked around the business building toward the athletic complex. They passed the main building and entered the training facility. Drew tried not to appear too interested in where they were going, but he was committing it all to memory.

Adrian followed a hallway toward the offices in back. He stopped at a door that was labeled Medical Supplies, pushed his way inside, and crossed the floor to a filing cabinet. Parker took the handle on the third drawer down and twisted it to the left. A wall next to them shifted inward, revealing a staircase leading down.

Parker put his hand on Drew’s chest, stopping him from moving forward. “We’re only showing you this because you are a member now. You don’t reveal anything you see today to anyone. We’ll know if you do.”

Drew shook Parker’s hand off him. “Get the fuck off me!”

Parker was enraged, but somehow turned it off or more like, masked it.

Adrian scowled at Drew. “I didn’t want you in the Society, but you somehow made it through the initiation. You screw with us, don’t follow directions, or fuck up in any way, you’re done.”