His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Nine



“You’re packing?” Sam flopped down on the bed in Gwen and Drew’s room.

Gwen slipped on her sneakers and gathered up her purse, phone, and keys. She was going back to her apartment. She was tired of living in fear, and it was time to take back her life.

It had been almost two weeks since the river cruise and they had not seen Dominic or her father. She wanted to get back to normal. As much as she loved sleeping next to Drew every night, he was so overprotective that she was starting to feel stifled. Gwen knew he loved her like crazy, and she felt the same toward him, but she needed a little space.

She couldn’t go anywhere or do anything without an escort. She was done hiding. The deciding factor happened a few hours before. She had taken a quick shower after tennis practice and Drew had tried to call her while she was under the spray. He had freaked out and called Rip, who caught her coming out of the bathroom wrapping a towel around herself. She had no idea if he saw her lady parts, but they both were embarrassed enough not to discuss it.

Rip had spun around and fled the bedroom as if he were running from an explosion. Gwen’s whole body was bright red, and she knew it would turn that color again as soon as she saw Rip again. Ugh. The dangers of living under the same roof as six men. One of them was bound to see something they shouldn’t.

“We’re going back to our apartment.” Gwen stuffed some of her things into a duffle bag and slung that over her shoulder too. “Nothing’s happened in a couple of weeks. It’s beyond time to go home.”

“I’m ready!” Sam jumped up. “I’ll be right back.”

Gwen’s brows drew together. She wondered why Sam was so quick to want to go back to their apartment.

Sam rushed into the room with her tote bag overflowing. “Let’s go.”

“Want to tell me why you are so anxious to leave here?” Gwen studied her friend. She had been so wrapped up in her own problems that she hadn’t really focused on her best friend. That was going to change too. “I thought you and Dean were getting along so well.”

Sam let out a groan. “We were and then nothing. I mean nothing at all.”

Gwen scrunched up her forehead. “What does that mean? Aren’t you sharing a room?”

Sam peeked her head out the door and popped back in. “Can we talk about this in the car? It’s embarrassing. I don’t want them to hear.”

“Yeah. Let’s go.”

They snuck down the steps, listening for anyone and thankfully the foyer and front of the house was empty. They settled into Gwen’s car and were off toward their apartment and their old life.

Gwen glanced over at her friend. “Okay. Spill.”

“Ugh. Okay. We’re just roommates. There’s two twin beds in the room and we each have one.”

“Well, twin beds are small.”

“If you and Drew had a room with twin beds, would you each take one?” Sam knew the answer to that, and it would be a big fat no.

“Well, not everyone likes to cuddle or sleep close.”

Sam shook her head. “It’s more than that. We hooked up once and it was just. I don’t know. Nice.”

“Nice? That’s how you’re describing it?”

“Yeah. And that’s part of the problem. There was no spark for either of us. It was just not there.”

“You only tried once? Maybe you should give it another try. You both flirt with each other and bicker.” Gwen parked in the driveway in front of the garage at Ms. Hamby’s house. Sam and Gwen rented the two-bedroom apartment over her detached garage.

“It’s so nice to be home.” Sam unlocked the door and led the way into their place. She flopped down on the couch, leaving room for Gwen to join her.

“It really is.” Gwen twisted to face Sam. “So, keep going.”

“Uh. The first time he kissed me was exciting. He was charming, cocky and definitely a hottie, so I didn’t realize there wasn’t any tingles.”

“Tingles?” Gwen toyed with the edge of a throw pillow she had pulled into her lap.

“You know. When you kiss someone, and it feels like electricity is running through your veins and the hair on your arms stick up. Tingles.”

“Okay. So, no tingles.”

Sam leaned back and closed her eyes. “We banter back and forth, and you know we bicker. We mistook that for interest and angst. We don’t like each other like that. We’re just friends and he could end up being my best guy friend, but that’s it.”

“Wait. Why didn’t you mention it?”

“There’s been too much going on.”

Gwen leaned over and hugged Sam. “I’m sorry I’ve been a crappy friend. I won’t let that happen again.”

“It’s okay.”

Gwen shook her head. “No. It’s not. I’ll do better.” She hopped up. “I need to grab something and then head into town. Do you want to take a ride?

Sam scrutinized Gwen. “Where?”

“Just to the bank. I want to do something with all that money that Mrs. Hamby gave me. I don’t want to have it lying around here anymore.”




“She’s gone and she’s not picking up her phone!” Drew was worried, pissed, and going to clobber Dean.

“Dude. Chill. She left you a note.” Dean held the folded piece of paper up. “You’re sounding like a clingy woman who won’t take no for answer even when you make shit up, so she’ll go away.”

“I’m not a clingy woman, asshole.”

Dean raised his eyebrow. “You’re sure acting like one. The girls went back to their apartment.”

Drew ran both hands though his hair. “Fuck! She left me.” He turned away from Dean. “Again.”

“She didn’t leave you; she left a temporary housing situation with five other guys. I’m sure you’ll be in her bed tonight.”

Drew stalked to the window. “Aren’t you upset about Sam leaving?”

“Nah. She’s hot and all, with all that long red hair and sexy body, but we’re just better off as friends.”

“Friends? What happened?”

“Just wasn’t there for either of us.”

“Sorry, man.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. I like her a lot. We work great together. I just don’t want to date her.”

“She’s okay with that?” Drew rubbed his face. It would be seriously screwed up with Dean and Sam didn’t get along. Dean and Jeff were more brothers to him than his own had been and Drew knew that Gwen and Sam were like sisters.

Dean laughed. “She’s completely okay with it.”

“Dude, you’ve been sleeping together for the past couple of weeks.”

“Sharing a room, yes. Sleeping together, no.” Dean smiled at Drew’s surprised reaction. “We hang out to give you and Gwen some time together.”

“Thanks, man.” Drew leaned against the windowsill facing the bedroom. “I need to go find my girl.”

“You need to leave her be for now. I thought you wanted to go to your brother’s old apartment.”


“She’ll be fine. I’ll go with you to Landon’s old place.”

A half hour later, Drew and Dean were walking back down the street toward Drew’s car.

Dean watched his friend’s frustration grow. “You had to know your parents would have everything cleaned out.”

“Yeah, but they didn’t take all of his things and bring them home, they told his roommate to throw everything out or donate it. That’s really screwed up.”

Dean nodded. “His roommate did tell us that Landon had a girl he hung out with. It was odd that he didn’t say it was Landon’s girlfriend.”

“Really? You’re questioning it when you and Sam are just friends who hang out.”

“Whatever, we need to find his friend. What was her name?”

“Dina and she’s a pre-law major who lives two blocks from here.” Drew glanced at his phone. Gwen hadn’t called him back yet or answered her phone. He hoped she was okay, but he knew he had to respect her need for privacy and space.

“Let’s go see Dina.”