His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Nineteen



Drew was finally going to talk with his father. It had taken Oliver several days to get back to him after Drew canceled their appointment. Now they were meeting across town at a small pub so that no one would catch them. The hiding, lying, and sneaking around was weighing on Drew and he needed it to end. He hoped his father had the answers he needed.

Drew had taken a circuitous route, backtracking and weaving through numerous streets to assure that no one was following him. It was ridiculous but it was necessary. He didn’t want to go through everything he was dealing with for nothing. One wrong step and they could all be in serious trouble.

His father was sitting in the back corner of Rudy’s pub. They had selected this bar for its remote location, nondescript appearance, and multiple exits. Crash had been a pain in the ass about it, but it seemed to be a good choice. Rudy’s was supposed to have pretty good food too.

Drew knew his father wouldn’t be happy about the meeting location, but he didn’t expect complete hostility. “Drew.”


“Why are we here?”

“It’s nice to see you too. I’m fine now. Thanks for asking.” Drew sat down across from his father. He noticed the tired and almost haggard look in his father’s eyes.

“Cut the shit, Andrew. You stopped caring about any of that years ago.”

Drew picked up the menu on the table. “I heard their burgers are the best in the city.”

“You didn’t drag me all the way out here to try their damn burgers.”

“No. I drug you all the way out here to make sure we weren’t followed and so that no one would see us meeting.”

His father looked affronted. “You don’t want to be seen with me now?” He moved his chair back.

“Dad, please sit down. We have a lot to talk about. I have a lot to tell you and I’m hoping you can provide the answers I need.”

Oliver Maxwell sat back in his chair and folded his arms across his chest. “Start talking.”

Drew launched into his story, telling his father everything that has happened.

Oliver slumped back, rubbing his face. “They killed my boy.”

Drew was shocked to see tears in his father’s eyes. “I don’t have proof yet, but I’m close.”

Oliver cleared his throat. “What do you need from me?”

“I need you to tell me as much as you can about the Scorpio Society and every member in it.”




Sam was right about the shower and the clean clothes. They did make her feel a little better. At least a little more human. She went to all her classes and came home to study. Gwen ate what Sam put in front of her and went back to her bedroom in between. She was surviving. Barely. And she hated it. She was not this weak pathetic creature that Drew called her. Gwen needed to get on with her life, but she had no idea how to do that.

Since her tennis team was only playing tournaments through the fall semester, their practice schedule was not as rigorous as it would be in the spring, and they had some time in between sessions. She only missed one practice and was excused for being sick. Technically she didn’t lie, she was heart sick. Now, Sam was forcing her back to the court and suggested that Drew’s face be stamped on the balls. It was incentive enough to get her motivated.

Gwen’s class got out early, so she decided to get a head start on tennis practice. The more she got to whack the ball, the better. It was no longer critical for her to stay ranked in the number one spot, so now she was going to play for herself. Her scholarship had demand that; the nonexistent scholarship that was controlled by her father.

Fury soared through her every time she thought about how gullible she was. First her father and then Drew. Would she ever learn to harden her heart?

She’d embrace the anger. That, at least, was not pathetic. Three years at Stonewall University as a supposed scholarship student, jumping through ridiculous hoops and demands that were part of her fictitious financial aid package was all a lie. She was told she had to remain in the top seat. She had to earn top grades. Proper decorum was to be observed at all times. How foolish she was. They were all things that her father had demanded of her while she was growing up.

Gwen hadn’t known any different. It was what she was used to, so she never questioned anything. Desperation required her to follow the rules placed on her scholarship. It was that or go back to her dysfunctional family, so she didn’t question it. Never again. She would never blindly follow along with anything ever again.

Her father broke her trust and Drew broke her heart. Gwen needed to turn the hurt into anger. Anger was good. She could live with being mad.

The locker room was empty when she arrived, and Gwen was thankful she wouldn’t have to deal with any drama. Her tennis team had a few members who thrived on it. All she wanted to do was get onto the court and hit the crap out of as many balls as she could. There were a few faces she was going to envision on the balls.

Some people used a heavy bag to punch as a way to de-stress. She had a racket. Changing as quickly as she could, she slammed her locker shut only to find herself surrounded. Life was not fair.

Gwen tried to ignore the three young women crowding her but since they all towered over her, it was next to impossible.

“I saw you trying to chase after Andrew Maxwell at Dizzy’s Pub last week,” Clarissa Bachini spat as her two sidekicks, Luci and Blaire, cackled. “You’re making a fool of yourself, and you don’t even know it.”

Luci leaned closer to Blaire. “She tried to dance with him, and he turned her down.”

That was two weeks ago, and they did dance together. He held Gwen tightly and told her he wasn’t going to let her go. What a lie.

Blaire laughed loudly. “I heard she even tried throwing herself at him and he still wouldn’t take her up on it. How pathetic is that? What college guy wouldn’t take what was offered? She must be as bad in bed as we heard.”

Clarissa sneered. “He’s taking me to a party at the president’s house next week. I can’t wait. I hope he stays over this time after he walks me home.”

Gwen didn’t know if they were making everything up or not, but she felt as if she was going to be sick. It was taking all of her control not to yak all over their shoes.

Their words still stung even though she knew Drew was free to see anyone he wanted. Gwen just never expected to hear about it so quickly. They were enjoying rubbing it in her face. They were the mean girls from high school who never grew up. Never changed. While most of world moved past petty differences and jealousies, these girls thrived on them. They liked hurting others and she was their target. “You girls are getting better with your stories. Must be the creative writing class.”

Lucy frowned. “We’re not taking creative writing.”

Gwen needed to make her escape before she embarrassed herself. “Good to know.” She tried to move around their little posse, but Clarissa blocked her way.

“You need to leave Andrew Maxwell alone. He’s already told you, and now I’m going to tell you. Stay away from him. He’s mine now.”

Knife to her heart. He told Gwen’s nemesis that he dumped her. Her life really sucked.