His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Eighteen



Drew stood at the side of the bed after his shower and watched Gwen sleep. He prayed that it would not be the last time he ever got to see her that way. He soaked in every detail, memorizing it. He would never forget the way her blond hair was spread over his pillow, or how her hand curled under her head as she slept on her side.

He dropped the towel and pulled on a pair of boxer briefs before climbing into bed. He shifted her onto her back and laid his head on her shoulder, curling himself around her. Drew needed to feel her against him, smell her fragrance, hold her close.

She stirred, slightly waking. “Hey.”

Drew hugged her tighter. “Go back to sleep, babe. Love you.”

“Mmm. Love you too.” She kissed his head and wrapped her arms around him. Loving the feel of his body partially covering hers. It was a switch to how they usually slept, with her head on his shoulder. She wondered what happened to bring about that change but decided to ask him in the morning. Gwen was going to simply enjoy him wrapped around her.




Gwen woke up alone. She thought she remembered Drew coming to bed sometime in the middle of the night, but he was already gone. Could she have dreamed that? Where was he? Did he come back last night? Drew loved morning sex and she loved him waking her up to it. It was her favorite way to start her day.

Turning toward the bathroom, she listened to see if the shower was running so she could join him. Maybe he had an early practice and didn’t want to wake her. He was considerate like that, but the water was not running.

She hopped out of bed to look for him but stopped when she noticed the closet door was open. It caught her eye because it was mostly empty. None of Drew’s stuff was inside. She ran to the connected bathroom and his toothbrush, shaver, shampoo, and deodorant were gone too.

Hurrying back to the bedroom, she searched the whole thing and only found her stuff. Drew and all of his things were gone.

Gwen fell down onto the bed and noticed her notebook sitting on the end. Her throat closed as she picked it up.

I can’t do this anymore. You’ve got too much drama in your life. I thought we could rekindle the past, but too much has changed. I left to get away from all of the crap in our lives and you’ve brought it all back. I’m done. I want my easy, carefree life back without a girlfriend weighing me down. Don’t call me. I won’t answer. Don’t be that pathetic little girl chasing after someone who dumped you.

Pathetic. He called her pathetic again. And she was. She fell for him again. Fell for his lies and promises. She was exactly what he had called her on his first day on campus.

The tears streamed down Gwen’s face as she read and reread the devastating words on the page. He did it again, he left her, broke up with her and she let him do it. But this time he didn’t break her heart, he obviated it and ripped her whole world apart. 

Wiping her eyes on the back of her hands, she attempted to stop the water leaking from them. She had shed too many tears over him in the past and swore she wouldn’t do that again. Gwen just needed to convince her tear ducts that.

She needed to pull herself together and go back to her apartment. Maybe pack her stuff and leave school. Start over somewhere that no one knew her. Run away. She had nothing to keep her there. She had nothing.

Gwen had to get her stuff together and get away from Jeff’s house and all of Drew’s friends. They probably knew what he did and would look at her with pity. They would think she was pathetic too.

The first steps would be the hardest. She had to get off the bed, get dressed and pack her stuff. If she was lucky, she could sneak out of the house unseen. Gwen would call Sam after she was gone and explain things.

A knock on the door made her stiffen in panic. She didn’t want to see anyone.


She relaxed hearing Sam’s voice and opened the door.

“What happened?” Sam rushed to Gwen and hugged her.

Gwen pulled back, grabbed the notebook, and shoved it at her best friend.

Sam hugged Gwen. “Oh my god, that asshole! I’m going to cut his…”

“Don’t. He’s not worth it. I just want to get out of here, but I don’t want to face any of the guys.”

Sam sighed. “You won’t see anyone. No one’s here. I thought it was weird, but now it makes sense. The cowards didn’t want to have to talk to you. They’re all dicks, every last one of them.” She grabbed Gwen’s hand and pulled her toward the closet. “Come on, let’s pack up and get the hell out of here.”




From the old lady’s backyard across the street, Drew watched Sam and Gwen leave Jeff’s house and had to have Rip grab his shoulder to keep him from going to her. Her face was red and splotchy from crying, and he felt every one of those tears. Each one cut him deep, leaving a gaping chasm in his soul. He deserved the pain of those tears and the ache of losing her. He did that to her. Even though it was to protect her, he still hurt her, and it was killing him.

“You’re doing the right thing.” Boomer came up next to him behind the privacy fence. The old neighbor was on vacation so they could use her yard unseen.

“It doesn’t feel that way.”

“It’s only for a short time to make her safe until we end things.” Crash added.

All of the guys rallied around him, giving Drew their support, but he didn’t want it. He needed to feel the pain to keep going, to keep doing what he needed to do. “Yeah.”

“Jeff and Dean are following the girls to their place, and we’ll set up a rotation for keeping watch.” Boomer told Drew even though he didn’t think the kid was listening to him. He’d never been in love before and after seeing what love did to the kid, he didn’t want any part of that.

“Come on, let’s get started. We have a lot to plan.” Crash guided Drew back to their house. “Jeff and Dean finished installing the cameras around the girls’ place. They’ll be pissed when they find out, but at least we’ll know if something happens.”




“I’m not teaming up with you.” Lieutenant Paris Ellison glared at Jeff. The arrogant man had waltzed into her temporary office as if he owned the place. She had no idea how he even knew where she was working. Paris had made sure she was never followed, and she didn’t use the same vehicle when traveling around campus. Her partner had gone back to their base office in New York City, so she was currently working the case on her own.

Their superiors were about to pull her back as well. They were supposed to be investigating an illegal fighting scheme that was being broadcast over the internet. The organizers were making a killing on the bets from the fights. They were even taking suggestions on what kinds of fights they showed; men, women, animals, and a combination of the three.

The problem was, someone tipped off the organizers and the whole thing moved. It would take weeks, if not months, for her team to find them again. Every time her team got close, the fight organizers would disappear. There had to be a leak.

“Why not? It’s the perfect play and you know it.” Jeff gave Paris his most charming grin. The ladies usually loved his smile, but Paris was unaffected.

“There are too many reasons to list.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

“I’ll wait.” Jeff sat down in front of her desk and put his booted feet on the top.

She glared at his boots. “You have no authorization to investigate anything. You don’t have any respect for local rule or authority and you’re arrogant.”

Jeff grinned at the last one. “We’re not stepping on your toes here. I know you handle cyber-crime for the NSA. We’re looking into student deaths. I hear your case is going nowhere since you lost your lead. We’re close to cracking our case but could use the assistance.” He held up his hands. “I’m not done yet. My colonel had a chat with your boss. It was their suggestion that we work together. Kids are dying. My little brother’s best friend is in trouble, and his girlfriend has had a death threat against her. We could really use the help.” He paused and gave her the smile again. “Please, Paris.”

She groaned loudly. “Fine. What’ve you got?”




It had been four days since Drew broke up with her and Gwen was still what Sam called a walking zombie. Gwen took exception to that description. Zombies were technically dead, had really bad eating habits, they ate brains, and had horrible complexions, skin peeling off and other gross stuff. She didn’t have any of that. Okay, so she had worn jeans and a T-shirt off the floor and chose to throw her hair in a messy bun instead of washing it, but really, a zombie was harsh.

Maybe tomorrow she would take a shower and wash her clothes. It was really too much of an effort at the moment.