His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Three



“I need to help. I can’t just sit back and let all of you fight my battles. This guy is after me. I can’t be a victim. I need to fight back.” Gwen announced, breaking the silence in the car.

“No. Hell no.” Drew protested, but everyone ignored him.

“Do you know anything that we can use against your father?” Crash asked from the front.

Gwen searched her memory. “I don’t know. I haven’t been around my parents in a few years and before that our relationship was strained.”

Rip turned in his seat. “It’s okay. If you think of anything, even if it seems small, tell us.”

“If Dominic is that slick, he’ll never be caught.” Sam muttered from the middle.

“Don’t worry, Pixie.” Rip winked at her. “We’ll just have to be smarter than he is to catch him.”




They pulled up to a tall, pale gray Victorian house with wrap around porches on two levels and tall oak trees that towered over the home. Twin circular pointed spires took up both sides of the front, making it appear castle-like.

Gwen couldn’t believe that they were only a couple of blocks from Stonewall University’s campus.

“Only you, Del Rossi, would stay in a freakin’ mansion that looks like a castle,” Crash teased. “All you need now is a moat.”

“The university arranged for housing since I’m a visiting professor,” Jeff shot back.

“They don’t give houses like this one to just any new faculty member.” Boomer surveyed the property as he exited the vehicle.

“I may have pulled in a favor.” Jeff shrugged and hopped out. “There’s room for everyone to crash here until we figure everything out. There are six bedrooms, so we each get our own and the kids can double up.”

Dean wacked his brother on the back of the head. “We’re not kids, jackoff.”

“Shot gun on the top floor tower room.” Rip jogged to the porch so he could make it into the house first to claim his room.

Crash wrapped his arms around Rip in a bear-hug and tossed him into the hedges that lined the front of the porch.

Rip yelled obscenities, while Boomer and Crash roared with laughter.

Sam leaned closer to Gwen. “They act like that but call us kids.”

Gwen’s eyes twinkled. “Let’s claim the tower room.”

“No way, Sunshine. You’re staying with me.” Drew pushed past Jeff and the cackling military guys and joined Gwen and Sam.

After a couple minor skirmishes, the rooms were assigned, and everyone met back up in the dining room to plan their next steps.

“We want you to stay out of sight until we go to the meeting place tonight, Gwen.” Boomer pulled up a map of the area of town they would be staking out.

Crash pointed to an alleyway. “Hank was supposed to bring Gwen to the back of a tobacco shop in a not so nice section of Albany, knock on the door, and wait.”

Drew paced the room. “There were no other instructions?”

Rip cracked his knuckles and brought up satellite images of the neighborhood. “No, and we can’t ask Hank. I doubt he knew anything though.”

Drew tipped his chair back on two legs. “What is the plan?”

“This is a piece of cake. Stake out the area, grab the targets, and encourage them to chat with us.” Boomer cracked his knuckles and grinned. Things had been boring since Jeff was injured during their last mission. They needed a little action. Their whole team was sidelined waiting for Jeff’s knee to heal.

Sam frowned. “Just like that? The bad guys are just going to throw their hands up and surrender to you?”

Crash chuckled. “Hopefully not. That wouldn’t be any fun.”

Gwen watched the group, forming her own plan. She needed to be there. Had to see for herself that those responsible for her night of terror and second attempt at kidnapping were arrested. “They’re going to expect me to be there. If you show up without me, they’ll know it is a setup.”

Drew shook his head. “No. These guys know what they’re doing. They don’t need you tagging along.”

Gwen purposely looked everywhere but at Drew. He would never agree with her need to be a part of this, so she was going to ignore his protests. “This is about me. They want me.”

Drew clenched his fists on the table. “They do want you for whatever reason. What? Are you just going to hand yourself over to them?”

Rip scowled. “Hey now. You think a couple of punk-ass dudes are going to get a jump on us?”

Gwen wasn’t going to sit back and be the victim. “I need to be there. I want to help, and I know it will be easier of they see me.”

“Oh, hell no!” Drew jumped up from his seat. “It’s too dangerous.

Gwen tried to ignore her boyfriend’s agitation. She knew he didn’t want her involved, but this was her life and she needed to be an active participant. It would be too easy for her to sit back and allow everyone else to dictate everything. “This is about me and my life. I’m going.”

Jeff shared a look with their teammates. “Gwen, this is serious. If we take you tonight, you need to listen to everything we tell you no matter what it is. If we tell you to duck, you drop to the ground, if we tell you to hide, you hide, and if we tell you to run, you better run your ass off.”

Drew shoved his chair back and stomped from the room.

Gwen watched Drew leave and wanted to rush after him, but she needed the military guys to know she was serious about taking control of her life. “I’ll do whatever you tell me.”

Rip raised an eyebrow. “No questions asked?”

Gwen sighed. “I’ll try not to ask too many questions.”

Boomer barked out a laugh. “That’s probably the best we are going to get.”

Crash cut him a dirty look. “This is serious, Gwen.”

Gwen nodded. “I know.”

Jeff ran a hand through his hair. “We should all rest up for a couple of hours and meet back here at 5PM.”

Sam hesitated. “If we are going to be stuck here for a little while, can we swing by the apartments and pick up some stuff?”

Rip stood from his chair. “I’ll take you and Dean to gather a few things.” He paused. “Gwen, we need you to stay of out sight until the meeting tonight. We cannot risk someone seeing you. Stay in the house.”

“Got it.” Gwen pushed away from the dining room table and went to search for Drew. She didn’t want him to be angry with her, but she also wasn’t going to give in. This was something she had to do.

She watched Boomer and Crash head for the kitchen grumbling about take-out menus. Rip, Sam, and Dean left through the front door, and Jeff was so focused on his laptop that he didn’t even flinch when something crashed in the kitchen and several loud curses were thrown about.

Gwen chuckled as she made her way up the steps. The door to the room that she was sharing with Drew was closed, making her pause for a second to decide what to do. Should she knock? Barge right in? Open the door slowly and peek?

Taking a deep breath, she grabbed the handle and opened the door. The circular room was bright even though the blinds were down, so she could easily see Drew sprawled out on the queen bed barefoot with his arm over his eyes. He didn’t move when she entered the room or when she closed the door behind her and locked it.

Staring at him on the bed had her thoughts torn between wanting to get him to talk to her and wanting to throw something at him. The mature girl inside won the debate, but barely. If he gave her too much of an attitude, she would not be held responsible for her actions.

Approaching the bed, she kicked off her sneakers, climbed up, and settled herself sitting up next him. His body went solid when she placed her hand on his chest. “When you told me you were planning to go through with the initiation, I was worried and upset, but I understood your need to see things through. You need to give me the same respect and understanding.”

Gwen stroked his muscles through his tight T-shirt, trying not to smile when she felt the pectoral muscle quiver. He could be upset with her, but his body couldn’t lie or hide its reaction.

Drew pulled his arm down and laced his fingers with hers. “I know. But it goes against every protective bone in my body.” He brought their clasped hands up together and kissed the back of hers. “Last night was one of the worst nights of my life.”

Gwen slipped down next to him so she could rest her head on his chest. He raised his arm to make room for her to cuddle into him. “Yeah, you almost died.”

Drew squeezed her. “Well, yeah, but I would go through that initiation a million times before having to go through finding out you were taken and having no idea where you were or who had you.” He closed his eyes, pausing before opening them and staring into hers. “I could have lost you forever. Do you realize that?”

“I could have lost you too. That was dangerous, Drew. That scorpion sting could have killed you. They thought it did kill you when you had an allergic reaction and passed out. They dumped your body in the woods instead of taking you to the hospital.” Gwen shivered as she examined the sting mark on his arm. “Does this still hurt?”

“Not really. It’s a little tender when I bang it against something or forget and lean on my forearm. I’m sure it will be fine by tomorrow.”

Gwen nestled in closer. “I can’t believe all of this has happened to us.” She ran her fingers up and down his torso, stopping just shy of the top of his jeans. “I need this over with, Drew. And I need to be a part of it. For too long, I sat back and allowed my parents to dictate my life. Choosing everything I did, who my friends were, and even my clothes. You were my only rebellion, and they took you away from me too. I have to be there tonight and every night until they find Dominic or whoever else is behind this.” Gwen leaned up to look at him. “I need you to be okay with this and to support me.”

Drew let out a deep breath. “I support you. I don’t like it, but I support you, Sunshine.” He kissed the top of her head. “We should get a few hours of sleep.”

“I’m tired but I have too much going through my head.” Gwen snuggled against him.

Drew brushed some hair away from her face and traced along her jaw line. “Do you need a kiss to help you sleep?” Drew shifted them so they were on their sides facing each other.

She didn’t make him wait for a response. She moved closer, pulling his bottom lip in between her teeth, tugging gently and sucking it into her mouth.

Drew growled and rolled her onto her back, covering her lips with his as he ravaged her mouth. Nipping, sucking, and dueling his tongue with hers. He couldn’t get enough of her sweetness.

Gwen tore her mouth away from his to suck in much-needed air. “I thought you wanted to get some sleep.” She grasped the edge of his T-shirt and pulled it up, exposing his ripped stomach. Damn, he had the sexist stomach and chest she’d ever seen. She couldn’t pull it the rest of the way off since he was leaning on his arm.

“Just trying to relax you, baby.” Drew smirked. “Need help with that?” He reached over his shoulder with one hand, fisted the back of his shirt, and pulled it over his head, tossing it on the floor. “Anything else you want me to take off?”

“Those jeans can’t be comfortable. You won’t be able to sleep in those.” Gwen’s fingers reached down to release the button and pull down the zipper.

“Of course not.” Drew finished removing his jeans and those too, ended up on the floor. “Thinkin’ you’re a little over dressed.”

Drew brought his hands to her sides as he slid her shirt along her body. His lips followed the path as he licked and sucked his way to the edge of her bra. Her soft mounds beckoned him closer and dragged his attention to the hard buds pressing through the thin material. Drew pulled one cup down so that he could reach his prize, taking the round nub into his mouth.

Gwen’s back arched off the bed as the first sensations spread through her. She slid her fingers in his hair, holding him to her.

Drew’s hand skimmed along her skin to her back, flicking open the clasp on her bra to give him better access. He moved his attention to her other breast, keeping a hand on the one he just lavished.

Gwen’s hand left his hair, rounded his broad shoulders, and trailed along the hard plains of his chest and abdomen to the edge of his boxer briefs. Dipping her fingers under the elastic band, she felt him tense in anticipation.

With a quick hard kiss to her nipple, he swiped her bra and shirt up over her head and tossed them off the bed. “Find something you like?” Drew went back to showing as much attention as he could to her lush breasts.

Gwen ran her fingers along the silky underside of his erection, loving how she could make him twitch with desire. “Maybe.”

“Maybe? That’s all I get?” Drew fisted the top of her yoga pants, hooking her panties, and slid them down her toned legs. She helped kick them all the way off.

Circling his hard length, Gwen’s hand slid down to the base. “I need to explore a little bit to be sure.”

Drew flopped to his back with his hands behind his head. “Explore all you want, baby. I’m all yours.”

“Now you’re overdressed.” Gwen pulled his boxer briefs off, granting her better access. She ran her tongue from the base to the tip, swirling around before running it back down again. Glancing up, she watched Drew shudder and close his eyes, basking in the feel of her mouth on him.

She slipped her lips over the tip, taking him inside her mouth. His hands dug into her hair as she worked his length. She was hesitant as first but gained confidence as she felt his excitement increase. He rocked his hips as she sucked and licked, taking him deeper than before.

“As much as I love what you’re doing, I’m gonna come.” Drew pulled her off him and up his body. “I want to be inside you when I come.”

Gwen scrambled up, straddling him, with her hands splayed over his hard chest. She rose up and started to guide his tip into her wet folds.

“Condom.” Drew breathed out, not wanting to lose the sensation.

Gwen paused, staring into his lust filled eyes. “I’m on the pill.”

“I’ve never gone bareback before.” Drew fisted her hair, bringing her down for a hard kiss.

“Never?” Gwen stared down at him when he shook his head. “I haven’t either.”

“You’d be my first.” Drew brought her closer for another kiss. “You’re my first everything, Gwen. My first best friend. My first kiss. My first sexual experience and my first and only love. I want to feel you without any barriers, but I’ll get a condom if you want.”

Gwen shook her head. “You are my first everything too. I don’t want anything between us.” She guided him into her folds and slammed down.

They both hissed their pleasure as she began to move. Drew’s hands dropped to her hips as he guided her quickening motions. He used his impressive abdominal muscles to lean up so that he could take one of her nipples into his mouth.

She leaned down to give him better access and she rode him faster. Gwen could feel her orgasm building just as he flipped them over so that he could take them over the edge. It didn’t take many strokes for them both to be ready to explode. He claimed her mouth in a searing kiss designed to muffle their release, Gwen’s breaking just seconds before his world incinerated.