His Revenge by Charlene Raquel

Chapter Six



Jeff stood at the head of the dining room table, glaring at Gwen, Drew, Sam, and Dean. “I hate to repeat myself but I’m going to do it so that I know you heard me. This is not over. Gwen, you’re still a target. You’re not safe yet. Drew, the Scorpio Society thinks you died. They dumped your body in the woods. You are in danger too. One of us will shadow you both as much as possible. Do not go anywhere alone. Don’t walk through the hallways by yourselves. Make sure people are around you. You can go to class and practice your sports but be vigilant.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Why are Sam and I listening to this lecture again?”

Jeff stomped over to his little brother. “This isn’t a joke!”

“Didn’t say it was.”

“If someone is after Gwen and Drew, who do you think they would target to get to them? Their best friends. Dean, you and Sam are in as much danger as they are.” Jeff flopped down in the chair at the head of the table. “We need more resources.”

Drew leaned back in his chair. “I’m part of the Scorpio Society now. I passed the initiation.”

“It might not be that easy.” Jeff tipped his chair back.

“There’s only one way to find out.” Drew stood and held out his hand to Gwen. “Let’s go to class.”




“You were dead! I saw you die!” Abby sputtered as she backed away from Drew, her face losing all of its color.

Drew tipped his head and adopted a cocky smirk. “Died? A little dramatic, aren’t you, Abs?”

“No. No.” She was shaking her head violently. “You stopped breathing,” she whispered.

It took all of Drew’s discipline to not react to that comment. He knew something had happened, but he had no idea how close to death he had really been. “Need me to prove to you just how alive I am?”

“I have to go!” She turned to flee, but he grabbed her wrist to prevent her from leaving, pulling her into a small alcove away from the busy traffic of the hallway.

Drew studied her for a long time while Abby stared at the floor. He knew he had to proceed cautiously, but he needed information and Abby was the most likely to give it to him. Those jerkoffs, Adrian and Parker, had to have done something to him. There was no way everyone that was initiated into the Scorpio Society had reacted like that. “I didn’t get the whole dosage of the antidote to the scorpion venom, did I?”

Abby’s head began to shake side to side, and she backed herself against the corner.

Drew let go of her wrist but blocked her exit route. “You don’t have to answer, I know I’m right.” He gave her a fake laugh. “Maybe I’ll go ask your boyfriend, Adrian, what happened.”

She gasped. “You can’t! He’ll kill me.”

“Like he’s killed the others he didn’t want in the society? Or who went up against him? Like my brother?”

Drew didn’t think it was possible, but more color drained from her face.

“I have to go! You have to let me go! He can’t see me talking to you.” Abby tried to push him out of the way.

“You’re not going anywhere until you answer my questions.”

“Please!” Abby’s pleading eyes started to soften Drew. “You don’t understand. He’ll…”

“He’ll what? Hurt you? Punish you? Why does Adrian have so much power?” Drew gentled his features. “I can help you.

Abby laughed out loud. “You can’t help me. No one can.”

“You don’t have to be afraid of him.”

Abby stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. “If you think that then you are a bigger fool than he thought. Adrian’s powerful and has powerful friends.”

“I have powerful friends too.” Drew leaned away from Abby. They had been in the alcove too long, people were walking by and watching them.

“Not like his. The only thing you can do is go along with whatever he says. Do what he wants.” Abby fled as soon as Drew moved enough for her to get by. “It’s the only way to survive.”




“Gwen, wait up!”

Gwen was just about to her Jetta when she heard someone calling her name. She glanced around to make sure Crash was still watching her. He was standing by a truck a couple of spots away from hers. Taking a deep breath, she turned to face Parker, one of the most popular men on the rowing team, and a complete fake. She learned that during the Sports Donors’ Party at the Athletic Club the week before.

He had put on quite a show of charm and lies to get her to go to the party with him. He and his friend, Adrian, had embarrassed her and used her for whatever plans they had made against Drew.

She held onto the strap of her backpack that was slung over her right shoulder. She fisted her left hand on her hip. “What do you want, Parker?”

Parker stopped a couple of feet away from Gwen and raised both eyebrows. “I guess I deserve that. I didn’t know you and Maxwell didn’t get along. From what I had heard, your parents were tight. I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable.”

Gwen glanced at Crash as he moved closer and circled behind Parker. She knew the Special Forces soldier would take him out if he became dangerous. “It’s fine.” She turned to leave, but he kept talking.

“I looked for you all night. What happened? Did you leave?” Parker had his hands in the front pockets of his jeans, adopting a bashful pose that Gwen knew was fake. There was a lot hidden under the surface.

“I’m sure no one missed me.”

Parker gave her a half smile. “I did. I heard that your father was at the party. I’m sure you were catching up with him.”

Gwen’s body tightened. She wondered what he knew and what he was fishing for. Parker would not just come up to her to chat. He wanted something. “I have to go. Lots to do.”

“Gwen, wait. I really want to take you out some time. Our date got a little messed up and I want another shot.”

Gwen’s eyebrows shot up. Was he serious? Did he think she was that stupid? What was his plan now? “I’m dating someone, and I don’t think it’s a good idea anyway. See you around, Parker.”

“You’ll definitely see me. I’m going to convince you I deserve another shot.” Parker jogged away toward the academic buildings.

Gwen started to walk to Crash but he shook his head. Her shoulders slumped as she got into her car and headed to Jeff’s house.




Jeff glanced up when he heard his classroom door slam. It had been left open when the last of his students had exited the room. He was done teaching for the day and was happy about that. It had been a long couple of frustrating days. They were no closer to finding out who was after Gwen and shockingly, her father had refused to say anything.

He had thought for sure that he would crack under interrogation. Maybe a few days in jail would make him more inclined to chat with the feds. If not, Boomer had arranged a few minutes with Mr. Mason.

The other man they had arrested didn’t know anything but had been happy to share all of the nonsense he thought might get him out of trouble. Hank was a dead end too. His contacts were killed, and no other texts or calls had come through. They needed a lead.

Jeff leaned back in his chair and surveyed his new arrival. He had no idea who the gorgeous brunette glaring at him was, but he was going to make it his mission to find out.

The gorgeous woman was older than the typical college coeds. Jeff estimated her to be late twenties or early thirties. Just the right age for him to get to know. She could be a professor or in administration, but he didn’t think so. Her body was too toned and the curves she had were more muscular than soft. She stood with confidence and authority. Her charcoal suit jacket was slightly bigger than she needed, leaving plenty of room for the concealed weapon he knew she was carrying. He would bet she was law enforcement or military, and she was pissed off at him.

“If you’re here for private tutoring, you just made my day.” Luckily Jeff was used to controlling his reactions because the sour face she made almost had him laughing aloud.

“I want to know what the hell you are doing at Stonewall, Del Rossi.” She glared at Jeff, daring him to lie to her.

Jeff smirked. “I seem to be at a disadvantage here, doll. You know my name, but I don’t have the pleasure of yours.”

He didn’t think it was possible, but she looked more annoyed with him. “Ellison.”

“I guess I’ll call you Elli.”

“Lieutenant Ellison.”

“Now, we’re getting somewhere. Does Lieutenant Ellison have a first name?”

“Cut the crap, Del Rossi. You’re interfering with my investigation, and you need to back off. I spoke with your commander, and he assured me that you were not here on an official capacity. So, what the hell are you doing here?”

Jeff was a little surprised that she spoke to the colonel about him, but he wouldn’t let her know that. As far as anyone at Stonewall was concerned, he was filling in for a teacher that had to take a sudden leave of absence. “If you spoke to Colonel Hayden, then you’d know that I’m on medical leave. He gave me permission to rehab here.”

Lieutenant Ellison had her hands on her hips and leaned toward Jeff. “Why would an Army grunt be posing as a history teacher?”

Jeff placed his hand over his heart. “Grunt? Doll, you wound me.” He wasn’t going to tell her that every man in his unit was highly educated, most with multiple degrees. He happened to have Masters’ degrees in both computer science and world history and a few certifications in various areas of interest. “Maybe your intel isn’t as good as you thought it was.” The personnel records of his team were very light on details so she might not know as much as she thinks she does.

She stayed silent, but Jeff could tell her mind was working.

“Why don’t you have a seat?” Jeff pointed to the table and chairs in front of his desk.

She blew out a breath but moved to the table and leaned against it. “Why are you here?”

“Teaching History and brushing up on some physical therapy. The knee’s almost completely healed.” Jeff gave her a dazzling smile. “Judging by your suit, and lack of uniform that would normally go along with your rank, you’re most likely working for one of the letter agencies. My bet is the National Security Agency.”

He watched her closely, looking for any sort of reaction. The woman was good. He only saw a slight twitch of her left eye. His guess was probably accurate. “Why are you here? What are you investigating? Why would the NSA be interested in a college in the middle of New York?”

“You need to go back to your base in New Jersey and stay out of our way.”

“We don’t have to be at odds here. We could work together.”

“I have enough to worry about without having to clean up after you.” Lieutenant Ellison pushed off the table and moved toward the door. “Next time you take out some targets, clean up after yourselves. I don’t like having to swoop in and cover up someone else’s mess.”

Jeff jumped up. “Whoa. If you’re talking about the warehouse last night, that was not us. We got there after the action.”

She stopped and turned back to him. “It’s cleaned up, you don’t have to blame anyone else.”

“We didn’t kill them, and we weren’t planning on it. We needed information from them, but they were eliminated before we had a chance to chat.”

She studied him for a moment. “You’re telling me the truth. You didn’t take them out?”

He wondered how much to tell her but decided on the truth. “We were outside the warehouse when we heard shots fired. It took a few minutes to clear the building, but we didn’t find anyone.”

“Did you see anyone?”

“By asking that question, you know we did. Someone posing as a homeless man was seen against the back of the building where a window was opened. We think he slipped in and out unseen.”

“Did you identify him yet?”

Jeff shook his head. “Not yet.”

“Running facial recognition?”

“No, we’re new to this. Think we should?” He smiled sweetly.

“You’re not as charming as you think you are.”

Jeff could tell she wanted something. “Spit it out.’

“Are you always such an asshole?”

Jeff made a show of considering it. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“I want the facial scan.”

“If you ask nicely and tell me your first name.”

She was back to glaring at him. “Fine. Would you please give me a copy of the facial scan?”

Jeff opened his hands to show he was still waiting.

“Ugh. It’s Paris.”

“Paris.” He tested it out. “That’s a pretty cool name.” Jeff passed her on the way to the door. “I’ll send you the photo.”

“Wait. How are you going to do that? I didn’t give you my info.”

“You’re not the only one with contacts.”