Sinful Kisses by Emily Bowie


Coy’s car rolls down the driveway. I pat my back to make sure I have my gun. He steps out of the car, wearing a three-piece suit, while I’m wearing dirty jeans and a cotton shirt, my boots having tears in them and covered in mud.

I raise my brow, watching him. He looks around at what’s become my home. I refuse to move, making him come toward me. We both know if I don’t return Gia, there’s no promotion for me. I’m sure he’s heard that I don’t plan to follow his orders.

He still has anger and hatred in his eyes each time he looks at me. Today is no different. We stand in a stalemate, neither of us moving. His hands brush down his jacket, and he takes a step toward me, across the dirt path.

“Romeo.” His voice is clipped.

“Coy. How’s the consigliere position?” My teeth run across my upper teeth.

“The families have come up with a peace offering.”

“Oh yeah?” I can’t hide my surprise.

“It has been decided that you and Gia will marry.”

I scoff. “Nicoli would never allow that.”

He shrugs. “Too many men have died. Wars are costly on everyone’s end. If we keep this up, another group will move in, and we’ll both be powerless to stop it.”

“What about this farm?”

He looks around at our surroundings, his eyes squinting from the sun. “I have another person in mind. After all, there’s no way Nicoli Rossi will allow his daughter to live in such a place.”

“My promotion?”

He chuckles. “This is a fucking promotion. You get to fuck the prom queen. You’ll also get Captain. Silvio got pinched and is serving ten years. You’ll have his position. Otherwise, the men will be in an uproar. This will still make you the youngest Captain made.”

This is what I’ve been striving for. Why I’ve been having secret meetings and trying to gain more and more support. Was this really it? All I had to do was wait it out?

“Something’s not adding up.”

“Listen, it’s either you or me who marries the girl.” My spine prickles. “I don’t see any downside to fucking that for the rest of my life.”

My fists clench, and I take a step toward him.

“The deal is, she goes home tonight,” Coy continues, ignoring my movements.

My molars grind. I don’t want her out of my sight.

“Her brother will come to get her.” He turns to dismiss me, walking back to the car he came in.

“I’ll be going to make sure she’s safe.”

He looks over his shoulder at me, rolling his eyes. Like I’m a small bug beneath his foot. He’s underestimated me my entire life. It will be his greatest downfall one day.

I watch as he gets into his car, the tires throwing up dust as he leaves.

“What was that?” Max asks, stepping out of the shadows.

“I need you to set up by Nicoli’s compound. Something isn’t sitting right.”

He smiles, excitement showing through. “You better go give your girl the good news.” He slaps me on the shoulder in congratulations.

I don’t know why my feet feel heavy, walking back to the house. Each step is like a hundred-pound boulder is strapped to my feet. My dog, who will remain nameless, lifts his head and begrudgingly moves to the side for me.

When I walk in, Gia smiles. It has warmth radiating into me. Maybe I’m being overly cynical.

“Your father has agreed for us to marry,” I say stiffly.

Her head jerks back in shock, and I try not to take it personally. “Marriage so soon?” she questions with wide eyes. My temper simmers.

“Do you have a better offer?” I bristle, crossing my arms over my chest. I can’t help my lips pursing as I try not to narrow my eyes at her.

She tilts her head, leveling me with an amused grin. I hate it. She walks to me, and I want to turn from her.

“You’re taking what I’m saying wrong,” she says, pressing a kiss to my cheek. “My father was in no hurry to allow me to marry before. It caught me off guard.”

“When it comes to your life, he seems to be more agreeable to the terms, I suppose,” I counter, trying like hell not to allow hope to dig its tiny claws into me. Hope is a slippery slope. I believe in facts and hard proof. Until Gia is married to me, I won’t allow hope to blind me.

She’s watching me with interest. Her gray eyes light up, her natural aura pulling me in like gravity. “What if he had said no?” she murmurs.

I swallow thickly. I didn’t have the opportunity to ask Nicoli. He hung up on me before I could. Not that it matters now. “I’d steal you anyway.” I give her my smirk, and it has a soft laugh escaping those perfect lips of hers.

“Your brother will be picking you up tonight.” The statement has my heart beating faster than normal.

“When will I see you again?”

“I’ll be coming with you to ensure my delivery goes smoothly, then I’m assuming to the wedding.”

I brush the few hairs away from her face. With Nicoli agreeing to marriage, I know with certainty that people are respecting me how they should.

I’m going toenjoy watching Romeo realize he’s being set up. I hate the little fucker. He’s as cocky as his father was. For once, people will be scared of the Campisi name. They’ll know not to fuck with us. There won’t be two Italian families in Texas soon. One family will rule, as it should have been generations ago. It won’t be long before both the Mancini and the Rossi’s are eliminated.

I pick up my phone as I drive away. “Luca, you have two hours to get your sister before I change my mind.”