Sinful Kisses by Emily Bowie


Ishift gears, slowing down, looking for a spot to park. The house is lit up, and clusters of people are grouped outside and in the house. Their shadows are on full display in the windows. To be honest, I don’t care whose party this is. I have one goal in mind—make our breakup believable. My heart twists into itself. Insecurities and doubts seep in that no one could love me with the same passion as my father loves my mother.

Seeing a spot, I pull to the curb, and my tire hits it with a thud.

Stepping out, I don’t bother locking my car. Looking behind me, my retinue of bodyguards pulls off to the side, cutting the engine.

“You are a gross, disgusting pig!” a woman shrieks across the lawn, drawing my attention back to the party. In the middle of the yard, Romeo Mancini is looking bored, while some girl is ripping him a new asshole. “When you sleep with a girl and say you’re going to call her, you fucking do it!”

Romeo crosses his arms over his broad chest, quirking an eyebrow. His eyes drift from the girl in front of him to me. An alarming swirl floats through my stomach the moment our eyes meet. I catch Romeo’s lips twisting up at the same time I take a step closer. The feeling immediately brings acid from my stomach up high enough to taste. I put one foot in front of the other, heading toward the entrance, which bypasses him. I’m forced to step closer to the little show they’re putting on.

I peek through my dark lashes and pause, realizing I’m about to have a similar display. Now, with interest, I watch the girl, studying her reaction, trying to memorize them to use for later.

“First, I never said I would call. You need to think of us sleeping together like a job interview. I didn’t call you, because you didn’t get the job.” He smirks cockily at her while looking out at everyone watching. Low, deep chuckles murmur around as Romeo becomes the center of attention.

My stomach tightens. What if everyone ends up laughing at me? I swallow, rubbing the base of my empty ring finger. The one I thought would be covered by now. My relationship will soon be seen as a mockery, and I’ll be the hot topic of the party, everyone wondering what happened to make us end things.

I chance another glance at Romeo. His gaze looks like one of indifference. Once he’s determined he’s tired of their exchange, he turns away from the woman. A smile ghosts his lips, seeing I’ve stopped to watch like everyone else. He makes a show of looking me up and down before winking. Everyone knows he deserves every bit of what that girl is yelling. However, I’m sure it’s lost on his deaf ears.

Last I heard, his mother disowned him and his brother after his father died. Their deceased father was Pierre Mancini, the Don of their family, with who we’re constantly fighting. Then there are rumors of his oldest brother, Jonny, being a rat. But he’s dead now too, and dead people can’t talk. No one knows the whole truth. Romeo Mancini has bigger problems than I do. He would have been heir to the other mafia family, but now he’s been tossed away, needing to make scenes at parties like this to feel special.

It’s probably a good thing that no one takes notice of him anymore, believing him to be a nobody. I have no doubt one of my bodyguards would have shot him on the spot a few months ago because of family drama. His family tried to ruin ours with shootouts, stealing weapons, forced marriages, typical things in the mafia. But now, the Mancinis have been reduced to nothing. A new family has taken their place, and my father believes he’s come out on top.

The girl steps up, her arm rising to slap Romeo across the face once again. His large hand grips her wrist when it comes swinging up toward him. He’s no longer smiling, looking scary. Not even I would mess with Romeo Mancini right now.

I live by one rule: don’t mess with someone who has nothing to live for.

Currently, Romeo is the walking, talking role model for that definition.

I keep on walking, wishing I had a drink in hand. I’m used to being surrounded by my friends and fiancé. It’s an odd feeling being by myself.

For the first time in my life, people don’t trip over themselves to move out of my way. I have to slip by the crowd in the doorway, bumping into their shoulders and stepping on toes to get in. I even get yelled at.

Scanning the smoke-filled room, I see my sister Katrina on some guy’s lap. He’s blowing smoke into her mouth. She promised our father, the most powerful man in the Italian mafia, she would never touch a drug again. I guess she lied. I’ve come to learn my sister is a pathological liar. She can’t help herself.

Just like Alfonso can’t help himself. My heart pinches at the thought of the only man I have ever loved. I still love him, and I can’t see that ever changing. My heart still stings at the knowledge that I’ll have to watch him continue his life without me. If our plan doesn’t work, I’ll be forever married to him, and we’ll have to pretend that everything between us is amazing to everyone outside our little world.

My stomach twists, remembering I once thought I hit the jackpot with Alfonso. I had our whole life mapped out, and I loved everything about it. Ask anyone. I’ve always said I was the luckiest girl in the world. My arranged marriage was to the man I love. To the man who is my best friend. To the one person I would trust everything to.

Spotting a keg, I walk over, grabbing a red Solo cup and pumping some beer into it. It tastes like shit, being lukewarm, but I drink it all down. Holding my cup, I fill it to the rim. Part of the yellow liquid seeps over the edge as I wander around the house, curious if I’ll see any of my friends.

My hands are clammy, seeing Alfonso walk into the house. He looks like his normal, sexy self. Ripped jeans with a leather jacket. He takes off his coat as he walks farther into the room, showcasing his sculpted arms under his blue T-shirt.

I step closer into the middle of the room. My nerves are getting the best of me. I blow out a breath, trying to calm myself. Alfonso and I have never fought in public. This will be a first for everyone, even if we are putting on a show.

I catch his eye, and he comes toward me, looking perfectly at ease. “Where have you been?” I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

He gives me a side look. “Don’t be like that. I had to stop for something.”

“Then why did I get a phone call after you left, from a girl saying she’s sleeping with you?”

The party noise quiets down as we gather more interest. My stomach bottoms out. Alfonso rolls his eyes. “She wanted to suck my cock. That’s all that happened.”

I feel like he slapped me, even though I know this is all fake. Cheating in the mafia world is more prevalent than we women want to believe. It’s the one thing you can do to your wife or girlfriend that won’t get you punished. That is, as long as that woman isn’t the daughter of Nicoli Rossi.

Deep down, I think I always knew he didn’t love me the same way I did him. I just never wanted to believe it.

“I can’t do this anymore,” I whisper, the words grating on my tongue, making it hard to say.

“It was one time, baby. She means nothing.” He steps in, ready to hug me. His eyes apologize, and I step away from him.

My throat is closing in on itself. The eyes of the people in the crowd burn my skin.

Katrina laughs, cutting some of the tension. “Alfonso, if you’re looking to trade up, let me know.”

“Excuse me?” I rear back, her betrayal squeezing my chest.

Her pupils are so large her eyes look black instead of gray. Red outlines her irises, and she laughs again.

“We all know you’ll be back together by the end of the night,” my sister says for everyone to hear. “If it’s truly over, Alfonso would take me up on my offer.” Alfonso looks at me, and Katrina gets up from her spot, going to him. “If you change your mind, I’ll be upstairs.” She seductively blows into his ear, putting on a show.

I step away, allowing my sister to flirt with my best friend. No one watches my retreat. All eyes stay on the two of them. Katrina was always more popular. Her wild streak had people taking notice of her. Where I’m too much of a rule follower.

“How come Barbie never gets pregnant?” Romeo is standing beside me, drinking a beer casually.

I roll my eyes, refusing to speak to him. Unable to watch my sister place her arms around Alfonso, I glance at Romeo out the corner of my eye. His toned abs have his shirt sitting perfectly. He’s not the kind of ripped that would take a full-time job at the gym, but he’s tapered to precision.

Romeo’s lips tilt up when he notices he has my attention. His thick, dark eyelashes shouldn’t hold my focus, but this fact only serves as another reminder of how handsome he is. My mouth goes dry with irritation that I would notice such a thing right now.

I glare at him. My left eyebrow arches, and his lips kick up higher on his face.

Knowing he has my full attention, he says the punchline, “Because Ken always comes in another box.”

My teeth grind, and I want to scream. Meeting his eyes, I see he winks at me, enjoying my pain. His green eyes are cocky, taking in my reaction. A knot forms in my throat. The room is smaller than when I first walked in. My fists curl, wishing I was strong enough to pop him in the face. I want to protect Alfonso, telling Romeo it’s not like that. But I can’t. We have to follow through with the lie. Even if the lie feels like it’s burying me.

I can’t help myself; I cry. All the pressure of the day hits me, I can’t stop it. People are looking at me like I’ve lost my mind. Romeo’s cocky smirk transforms into a frown wrinkling his forehead. For the briefest of seconds, I consider the fact that he regrets his joke, but it’s swiped away with a cold look.

“It’s a joke. I don’t need two girls crying on me tonight.” His tone is softer than I would have expected though. My tears are heavy on my lashes, and when I glance from under them, deep forest hued eyes study me. His expression is unreadable.

My palm wipes at my tears. I’ve never been one for drama. His large hand slides to my hip, and in one swift motion, he spins me toward the kitchen and leads me to the dark backyard.

“I’ve dealt with girls in your situation. Don’t let him see you’re hurt.”

“Oh good, I’m getting advice from a cheater and the enemy.” A shadow of annoyance slips over him before his arrogant smirk returns to his face.

“I don’t date. Therefore, I can’t cheat. But that’s beside the point. You want to get back at him?” Romeo steps into me, his hard chest solid against me. His fingers feather up my arm, lightly dancing on my skin. I have no control over the shiver he elicits through my body. While his woodsy scent washes over me.

His biceps fill his sleeves to perfection. He really does look flawless, almost as if he was chiseled by an artist.

The way he’s intently staring at me has me wondering if he thinks he’s my knight in shining armor. That I’m a damsel in distress. If only they all knew this was for show. My chest aches.

“You need to show him you’ve moved on. The best way to get under a guy’s skin is to prove he’s no longer in your thoughts, that he is no longer useful.”

My heart is racing. He rocks his hips into mine and presses his hard dick into me. It’s enough to pull me from my stupor.

“I would rather cry and be the center of attention than touch you.” I step away, a humorless laugh escaping me.

“You’ll be back; they always are,” he mocks, blowing a kiss toward me.

“No one wants you, Romeo. It’s time to give up on false hope,” I sass, annoyed that for a moment I allowed him to be a shoulder to lean on. What the hell was I thinking?

“For your sake, I hope you never kiss me,” he says behind me while I head back into the party.

I can’t help myself; I stop and turn toward him, my curiosity piqued. “Please, do tell and enlighten me.”

“My kissing game will make you want to fuck me.”

I swallow at his awful attempt at flirting. “Do women actually go for your crude lines?”

A deep chuckle escapes his lips. “More than you would think.”

“Goodbye, enemy number one.” I give him a two-finger salute.

“At least you still haven’t written me off.”

I glance behind me, taking in his sexy smile. “It’s what you and I have in common. People write us off too fast and never see us coming.”

Leaving Romeo standing in the dark, I go back into the house. I need to know if Alfonso took my sister up on her offer. The idea is torturing me. Anyone but my sister. If he is with her, not only will he successively not have to marry me, but I could never forgive him. Anyone but her.

Alfonso is nowhere to be found, the same as my sister. My gut turns at the prospect. Asking around, I head upstairs to where I was told Katrina is. I open the door to see her with a plastic rope tied around her arm and a needle in her hand.

Rushing toward her, I pull out the needle. My heart is flying out of my chest. Katrina is looking at me with evil in her eyes. Without a doubt, she hates me right now.

“I should thank you for breaking up with Alfonso.” Her pinky wipes the side of her lip. All I can see is her smudged lipstick. Her shirt is down enough to see the top of her bra.

“Why are you such a bitch?”

“I was trying to help,” she scoffs. “If people saw him with me, then no one would expect you to get back together. Now, I’m the bad guy. Not perfect, Gia.” My eyes narrow into hers. “Please, I have zero interest in Alfonso. Now give me back my needle.”

“No. You need help.”

Her eyes can’t dilate any more as she glares at me. “You have two options. Give me the needle, and Alfonso’s secret is safe with me. Or I’ll tell this party why he won’t come upstairs with me, and we both know it has nothing to do with you.”

“You used to be a nice person,” I say with disgust. But deep inside, relief fills me, knowing Alfonso never came up.

“Well, you used to be real. Now all I can see is this shell of a fake life you believe you’re entitled to.”

“You know what? Fuck you.” I drop the needle to the ground. “Someone else can clean up your mess.”