Untaming Lady Violet by April Moran


Longleigh Woods

Three months later…

“Up you go.”

“Up?” Violet needlessly questioned. Her hands were damp, slick with nervousness. Quickly, she swiped her palms over the skirts of her riding habit.

“Yes.” Tristan smiled. “Up.” He bent over alongside the mare with hands cupped and ready for her booted foot.

“Up there?”

“You are repeating and stalling, love,” he said with a patient sigh. “Place your foot here, and I will help you into the saddle.”

Violet’s face flushed pink. “What if you should put too much effort into lifting me, and I end up tossed too far? No doubt, I would land on the ground on the other side of Destiny.”

Tristan straightened and took Violet’s hand. He kissed it then chucked her under the chin. “Do you think I would toss my wife in such a manner? The one person in this world who means everything to me?” When she shook her head, he gave her a quick, intense kiss and bent over again. “Now, up you go. You can do it, darling. I know you can.”

The mare shifted, turning her head to gaze at Violet with huge, liquid brown eyes. She really was a beautiful creature with a glossy coat the color of chocolate and a mane and tail of ebony black. And she was so very gentle, as if she understood Violet was unsure of her abilities and required a mount on her best behavior.

Celia, who had arrived a few days prior for a visit, proclaimed the mare as the very finest Willsdown Stables offered. Nicholas delivered the horse himself the week prior along with the news he was to be a father, and that his Grace, while stubbornly insisting on doing things that scared him half to death, was doing well in her first few months of pregnancy.

Swallowing past the lump of fear lodged in her throat, Violet nodded. Glancing over where Celia stood beside the paddock railing with Carrot in her arms, she called out to her new sister-in-law, “Hold that little beast carefully. He has become quite bold when I take him outside.”

Carrot meowed as if in protest of being restrained, but Celia did not loosen her grip. “Do not worry. I’ll hold Carrot’s leash tight if I should place him on the ground.”

Summoning her courage, Violet placed her foot in Tristan’s palm. “Do not let me fall, Tristan.”

“I will never let that happen, kitten,” he replied solemnly.

The next instant, Violet was settled upon the mare’s back. The ground was a staggering distance away; she held both reins and mane tightly as she gathered her bearings.

“There. You see? Not so hard, was it?” Tristan stepped away, holding the horse by the bit. “Now, I’m going to let go, and you are going to nudge Destiny with your heel. That’s it, shorten your reins just a bit. Like this.” He showed her what he meant, and Destiny began walking around the perimeter of the paddock.

Tristan smiled at Violet, encouragement and pride evident in his features. “You are doing so well, Violet.”

Violet concentrated on the length of the reins in her hands while keeping her balance in the sidesaddle. Before she knew it, she had traveled around the paddock without having a panic attack or falling off.

A surge of confidence flooded her. She was actually riding. And she was only a little afraid of the horse Tristan had given her as a gift to celebrate their wedding just two months before. Another circle of the paddock, and she realized every time she nudged with a heel or tugged the reins, Destiny responded almost immediately.

This wasn’t so difficult. And it felt almost… freeing.

She thought perhaps she liked it.

“I’m doing it, Tristan,” she exclaimed in delight. “I’m riding a horse.”

“Yes, you are. You look beautiful, too.” Tristan watched her closely. When he thought she could handle it, he took the mare by the bit, breaking her into a slow trot by running alongside her. After a few minutes, Violet nodded that he could let go of the bridle. She and Destiny trotted several times around before Tristan had her stop.

With his hands around Violet’s waist, he swung her down from the saddle, and because she was still in his arms, he whirled her in a circle until she was breathlessly laughing.

“You are a natural, Violet. A few more lessons and you’ll be a better rider than me.”

“I cannot wait to race you!” Celia chimed in with a giggle. “Mother and Father will be delighted to know Tristan kept his promise to teach you. They are so excited to see you ride in next year’s May Day Chase.”

“I really did it.” Violet squeezed Tristan in a grateful embrace. “It was wonderful. I want to do it again.”

“Remember, I told you once that certain activities become more enjoyable with repetition and a great deal of practice.” Tristan’s grin was boldly wicked as he murmured, “Perhaps we can recreate your lessons somewhere a bit more private.”

“Are you still talking about riding, my lord?” Violet whispered back. “Because I’m eager to learn whatever you wish to teach me.”

“Now that you are my wife, we can practice these lessons anytime we desire.”

“I’d like that very much, Tristan.” Her arms wrapped around his neck as she stood on tiptoes and kissed him. “I’ll show you what I’ve learned while you tell me how incredibly brave I am and how proud you are that I did not fall.”

Tristan tucked a stray curl behind her ear, his expression tender as he gazed at his new wife. “You are not just brave, kitten. You are my untamed, wild Violet. I love you to the depths of my soul, and my arms will always be here to catch you.”