Untaming Lady Violet by April Moran


It’s that part of the book!

You know, the part where people are mentioned, readers are thanked, and professionals are praised for their hard work.

As always, I thank my readers. Especially the ones who have waited over two years for Tristan and Violet’s story. There have been novels penned during this timeframe, but I’ve always come back to this special couple. I hope you enjoyed their sweet tale of finding true love.

Special thanks go out to my editor, Kendra G. This lady has taken my last four books and made them shine with her expertise. I am eternally grateful for her support and patience—especially when I must reschedule deadline dates! She goes out of her way to assist me, and I am truly lucky to have her on my team. Thank you, Kendra!

My PA and cover designer, Amanda W., gets all the handclaps for UNTAMING LADY VIOLET’s cover. As always, she knocked it out of the park with her imagination and designing skills. Don’t know what I would do without her! You rock, Amanda!

I would never forget to thank my friends and family. Every single one of you contributes in some way to this writing career of mine. You guys make me laugh, and I cannot wait until we are having live book readings on our back porch again. James, Alyssa, Trey, Jodi, Danny, Chris, Ladyne, Gary, Karen, Dan, Deb, Lance, Winston, Chili, Cecil, and LeAnne—thanks for your support and love.

To my book world friends: I know I can always count on you to answer questions, give me a pep talk, solve a problem, or just offer sympathy when life gets in the way and gets me down. A special thank you to Michelle W. and Cindi M. Ladies, I love you.

And finally, it might be weird, but I must mention my sweet Edie girl. When our German Shepherd, Blue, passed away right before the publication of THE UNTAMED DUKE, James and I were devastated. I placed a special dedication to Blue in that book, and I still get teary-eyed when I read it. After swearing we would never get another dog because we would never love one like we loved Blue, we somehow ended up rescuing this skinny little German Shepherd. We named her Edie (after a fantastic song by The Cult.) She has brought us immeasurable joy and love and helped heal our hearts. We cannot imagine life without her now. Please remember, “Adopt. Don’t Shop. Save a Rescue!”