Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


Later that evening, Brody stood on his back patio with a beer in his hand, manning the custom outdoor grill. He had made progress with Reegan today. Definitely not as much as he would have liked, but even an inch forward was improvement.

Nor had he been completely honest about his intentions, because he didn’t simply want to date her. He wanted to collar her in a ceremony at The Eros Pit. He wanted her to move in with him—that way, he would have access to her killer body whenever the mood struck, and he also liked sleeping next to her. The few nights she had spent in his bed weren’t nearly enough.

In his mind, his bed was where she belonged.

Brody wasn’t ready to let the earlier conversation go, either, he thought as he barbecued their dinner. Heaven help him, if she discovered the true direction of his thoughts and desires on their relationship, she would run away before he could finish speaking.

In her red polka dot dress, Reegan carted out plates and a salad she had tossed together. Her willowy form was out of this world in that dress. Earlier today, Brody had come close to forgetting about the foray to their alma mater because he took one look at her, and he wanted her.

He always wanted her. He always had.

“I have one more thing to confess,” he said as he brought the dish with steaks and grilled veggies over to the patio table.

She looked up from dishing out salad into bowls and quirked a brow as he joined her. “It seems to be the day for it. Go on then.”

“I didn’t know that Kristi was your roommate until she introduced us. It was as much of a shock to me. If I would have known, I never would have dated her.” He could remember with perfect clarity the fury and hurt that had entered Reegan’s eyes. How her smile had been forced. And the well-aimed barbs she had tossed his way when Kristi had left them alone for a minute to go out into the hall to answer the call from her mother.

Reegan considered him, her jaw working, like she was trying to decide how to reply. “I did consider it a rather epic dick move on your part. It’s why I burned your name in effigy, and couldn’t help myself on my spring break trip to New Orleans my junior year. Sophia and I went to a voodoo shop and found a curse to put on you.”

He winced. He’d known he had hurt her, but hadn’t considered how much of it she had carried. Two years later and she had still been hurting that much. Brody felt like the biggest heel alive. He knew what his reasons had been, because she had terrified him, or more accurately what she had made him feel had terrified him. “Well, I’m sorry for it just the same.”

“I hated it—and you for dating her, for continuing to date her even after you discovered she was my roommate. Hated listening to the two of you at night, screwing each other in her bed.”

“You were listening?” That, he hadn’t known. Brody shifted in his seat, uncertain what to think or feel about that little kernel of information.

Her cheeks pinkened. She took a swig of her beer and then said, “If we’re having full disclosure then yes, I listened. I would pretend that I was asleep. And… I didn’t only listen.”

“You watched me fuck Kristi?” he asked, beyond shocked. He tried to recall everything he had done with Kristi but that had been thirteen years ago, before he entered the world of BDSM and trained as a Dominant. Hell, he couldn’t even recall exactly what Kristi had looked like, he just had a vague impression of blonde hair and big tits.

“Yeah. I couldn’t seem to help myself. I mean, it wasn’t like our freshman dorm room was that large. We didn’t even have our beds separated by a wall or partition. You guys were at most twelve feet from me. The first time, I lay there, embarrassed, and tried to block out the sounds of you together by reciting lines of code. But after that, considering you guys were like rabbits going at each other every night for months on end, I started watching. I’d feign sleep until you started, kept my eyes half closed, and pretended it was me.”

He sucked in a breath. He’d caused a lot of damage with a simple, selfish act. But he could make amends with honesty. “I imagined it was you too.”

“No, you didn’t.” She waved him off with a roll of her eyes.

“You sure about that? It drove me bug fuck crazy that the woman I really wanted was in the other bed and wanted nothing to do with me. So yeah, I pretended it was you.”

It didn’t look like she bought it, but she smiled. “Talk about a couple of head cases.”

Brody leaned in close, as much as the table would allow, and asked the question burning in his mind. “So what I really want to know is, did you touch yourself after watching us? Did you get off watching me fuck another woman?”

“Yes. The first few times, I’d wait until you were finished and asleep,” Reegan admitted, and dropped her gaze. That pink flush in her cheeks now colored her upper chest and neck in her embarrassment.

“And after that?” he asked, breathless and aroused beyond measure.

She nibbled on her plump bottom lip as she debated whether to confess or not. She exhaled a deep breath and said, “After that, I grew more adventurous.”

“Did you touch yourself while you were watching?” He was so fucking hard thinking about it, he wanted to bend her over the table and have her describe in explicit detail what she had done.

“Yes. There were many times I came when you two did. Sometimes multiple times in one session. You guys weren’t quiet in the slightest. And there was that streetlamp right outside our window—the light from it filtered into the room at just the right angle so that I could see you two together. I liked it the most when you took her from behind, because then I could watch your face and imagine you were looking at me like that.”

Jesus fuck!“Show me.”

“What?” Her hand stopped mid motion, still holding the beer bottle.

The half-eaten meal was forgotten where it sat. He needed her. Now. Needed to watch her play with her cunt. He ordered, “I want you to show me how you touched yourself. Take off your dress, lie down on that lounge chair, and show me.”

“But someone could see,” she whispered, glancing around his backyard through the trees.

“My closest neighbor is a mile away. All the trees and bushes around this place provide a natural barrier of protection, as I designed it to. Only I will see or hear you. Are you refusing to do as you’re told?” He slipped into Dom mode, taking control of the situation as she hesitated.

Reegan took a long pull on the beer bottle, never taking her eyes off him. She set it down on the table before she stood and walked the short ten-foot distance to the padded lounge chair.

She turned as she undid the long line of buttons down the front of the dress. When it was loose enough, she let it slide down her form to pool at her bare feet. Her bra and panties followed, landing on the pile.

She didn’t sit down on the chaise so much as she glided onto the padded chair. Here, she was Aphrodite, out to seduce a mere mortal. She leaned against the backrest, then spread her bent legs, giving him a clear view of her pretty pink cunt.

He swallowed and growled. “Tell me about one of the nights—what I was doing to Kristi and you were thinking as you touched yourself.”

She slid her hands over her torso, cupping and kneading her tits. “There was one night you guys started when you weren’t in bed. You made Kristi kneel down on the floor by the bed and had her suck your cock.”

One of her hands meandered on a slow path to her pussy. She bit her bottom lip, her lids growing heavy as she circled her clit with her fingers.


“It was just the right angle, and I had a clear view of your cock. I thought it was beautiful, and wanted it. I imagined shoving her out of the way and taking over, showing her the right way to give head.” Her fingers caressed through her crease that was growing slick with dew.

He couldn’t help it. He undid his pants, freeing his erect dick, and began slowly stroking it as he watched and listened. “Did you come right away?”

She shook her head and gasped, pinching a nipple. “No. I knew I had to lie very still, or you would discover my naughty secret. So I slowly rubbed myself as she sucked you off. But you grew impatient, made her stop, and made a comment, something to the effect of get on the bed on your hands and knees so I can fuck you. You have no idea how much your words turned me on. Kristi,” she gasped, “obeyed your command without question. I watched you roll a condom on, line yourself up, and thrust in deep. Deep enough that Kristi cried out. You smacked her rump and told her to be quiet or you would wake me up, and then you might have to fuck me too.”

He’d been enough of an arrogant prick that he didn’t doubt her claim, not that he remembered the instance. “And what did you do after I said that?”

“I came, so hard, I bit my lip. But I didn’t stop fingering myself. I was too entranced by the sight of you fucking her to be able to stop. So I slipped two fingers inside me, thrust them in time with your thrusts so it was like you were fucking me instead. If either one of you had looked over at me, you would have seen my hips moving as I finger fucked myself. I watched your ass muscles clench as you screwed her.” She was growing heavy lidded as she thrust two fingers in her cunt, her hips undulating.

Entranced, he rose from his spot at the table and sauntered over to the end of the lounge chair. Reegan was gorgeous with pleasure marring her features. “Is that all?”

“No. You were rough with her that night. Pulling her hair and riding her hard. I had two more orgasms along the way before I climaxed when you both did, for a fourth and final time. And it was that night, watching you slap her ass and take her hard in that fashion, when I understood I was different. It turned me on, the orders you grunted out for her to follow… oh god.” She panted, her back arched.

He furiously stroked his dick. Listening to her talk about him fucking another woman while she had watched, and describe the night in detail, was the most erotic thing he had ever experienced. Growling, he ordered, “Go on.”

She was writhing on the lounge chair. “It was the night I realized I was into submission. All the commands you barked and made her do… I was on fire. The last orgasm was so big, I’d had to clamp a hand over my mouth to keep any sound from coming out.”

Holy fuck!

She had realized she was submissive because of him. “On your hands and knees. I need to fuck my pussy.”

Reegan groaned as he used the words from her story. But she complied, and presented her sweet ass. Brody gripped her hips and plunged, penetrating her cunt in a single hard thrust. Their twin moans of pleasure flooded out over the patio. He was not going to last long.

He smacked her bottom a few times as he began to move, and was rewarded with fluttering clenches of her cunt squeezing his dick.

“You’re such a dirty girl, aren’t you? Watching us have sex and touching yourself like that. Did you touch yourself every night I fucked her?” he asked, thrusting hard and fast, riding her exactly as she had described.

“Yes. Oh god, yes, every night.”

“Would you have turned me away if, after I finished with Kristi, I came to your bed and fucked you too?”

“No. I wanted you too badly. Did you think about doing that? About finishing with Kristi and coming to my bed?”

“Every fucking night.” He pumped hard and fast, smacked her rump, and felt her explode around him. That was all it took to send him over the edge. He slammed home, and came, emptying his seed in hot liquid jets. He tossed his head back and roared as he climaxed.

He bent over her prone form, crowding her. Using his palm, he turned her face his way and claimed her lips in a hot, hungry exchange.

He knew she was it. That this, what they were doing with each other, was where he wanted them to go, what they had been traveling toward their entire lives. And while there was a part of him that wished he would have been wiser with the gift of foresight, and had clung to her instead of running, he wouldn’t regret the path his life had taken—only that he had hurt her.

Now it was up to him to make amends until she could see the same future he did, and would actively work together with him to achieve it.

He lifted his mouth. “Let’s get you inside and into the dungeon. I want to hear more about the nights you touched yourself.”

“And you call me dirty when you’re just as naughty.”

“Takes one to know one, babe,” he said and scooped her up.

“Wait, we need to clean up after the meal, or you’re going to attract bears.”

Because she was right, he grunted and set her on her feet. “Fine, but no delaying, because I don’t want to waste a minute doing something else when I could be eating my pussy.”

She shivered and nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

It took them ten minutes to clean up the half-eaten dinner. But then he carted her into the dungeon and discovered just how naughty his girl could be.