Midnight Renegade by Anya Summers


Over the past week, ever since the night of the concert, Reegan had spent every night with Brody, either at her place, or at his. Which was why she was waiting for him in his living room, dressed and ready for their Friday dinner date with Gabe and Sophia. It knocked her for a loop—that she and Brody had become a couple.

If someone had told her two months ago that, in short order, she would be dating the man she considered her greatest foe, she would have laughed in their face. And yet, instead of panicking over the one-eighty change, she found herself happier than she had been in what seemed like forever.

On top of that, she no longer held herself back when they were together. When she surrendered and submitted, she gave him every part of her being. Because of her concession, she noticed a difference not just in herself but in him as well, and the intensity of their scenes was almost too much to handle.

Brody was in his office on a work call that was running over. If he didn’t end it soon, they were going to be late. Granted, they were headed to New Dublin Table. She was sure that Gabe had had his brother reserve a table for them tonight.

Her phone rang.

She pulled her cell out of her purse and frowned at the name on the screen. What could they possibly want? “Hello.”

“Reegan, I’m glad I caught you.”

“Paul. This is unexpected. How are you?” Why was her ex calling her? She glanced down the hall in the direction of Brody’s office.

“Doing fabulous. Work is good. Parents and family are good.”

“That’s great to hear, but I must say I’m a little surprised to hear from you,” she said, because he’d gotten rather upset when she had broken off their relationship and told her never to contact him again.

“I know. I said a lot of things that I regret. And I was wondering if you would meet me for dinner one night next week.”

She stared at the phone, wondering what he could possibly want. There was no future there. “Paul, I’m sorry, but I really don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I understand. But if you change your mind, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”

“Uh-huh. Bye,” she said, disconnecting the call.

“Who was that?”

Her head whipped up at Brody’s question. The man could move like lightning at times. “My mom. With two weeks to go until the party, she’s having one of her normal catering meltdowns before a big shindig,” she lied, pasting a smile on her face that she didn’t feel.

Why had she lied? She wasn’t interested in seeing Paul, let alone speaking to him. It wasn’t like she had any control over whether he contacted her or not.

“Sounds like fun. So, the party’s in two weeks in Delaware?”

“Why? Want to get rid of me so you can bring your other girlfriend home?” she teased, trying to forget that she had lied to Brody, and for no other reason than she didn’t want to rock the boat when everything was so great between them. Doms could be overtly assertive under the best of circumstances—toss in something they might see as a potential threat, and it would devolve.

“Ha. Something like that.”

Reegan studied him in his black slacks and deep burgundy dress shirt, admiring the way the clothes fit his muscular form. He was a sexy beast of a man, and her fingers itched to touch him, to strip away the veneer to the hard body made for sin. “Perhaps I should warn her that I don’t like to share.”

His eyes hooded. “Is that so?”

“Yep. In fact, I can get rather territorial, and would not be averse to scratching her eyes out for even thinking to look at what’s mine.”

“So I’m yours, huh?” He leaned down, trapping her in the leather chair. His expression was dialed to downright thrilled.

“Aren’t you?” She held her breath, waiting for his response, because a part of her needed the confirmation.

“Absolutely, babe, just like you’re mine.” He pulled her up until she stood before him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, unable to contain the joy his statement brought her. “I am.”

“We should head out. Otherwise, we’ll end up cancelling on our friends.”

She nodded, already thinking about all the naughty acts she wanted to commit the moment they returned. “We can make it a fast dinner.”

“I like the way you think.” He swatted her butt playfully and escorted her out to his truck. Brody wasted no time getting them onto the highway. Thankfully the traffic wasn’t too bad for a Friday night.

She relaxed in the passenger seat, enjoying her view of him, as he drove. “Did your meeting go well?”

“It did. We’ve got plenty more to accomplish, but the developer is happy with the design so far.”

“Oh, that’s so great. I’m happy for you.”

It didn’t take them long for a change to get into downtown and find parking near the restaurant on sixteenth street. Reegan loved the night life downtown. The sixteenth street mall drive was always packed with locals and tourists alike, given the multitude of shops, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs. It was likely one of the reasons why Gabe had put the dual Eros clubs on one of its corners.

New Dublin Table was a farm-to-table restaurant with multiple locations throughout the greater Denver metro region, owned and operated by Colin Ryan. It had been crafted to have a trendy, modern appeal, while paying homage to the Ryans’ Irish roots with distinctive pub décor that bespoke of that heritage. Reegan loved the old world meets modern era eclectic styling. Plus the food was top notch.

Upon being given Brody’s name, the young, perky hostess escorted them through the throng to a table where Gabe and Sophia were already seated and deep in conversation with one another.

“Sorry we’re a little late. There was a spot of traffic on twenty-five heading in,” Brody said with a friendly smile.

Gabe and Sophia rose from their seats. Reegan hugged them both, while Brody and Gabe shook hands. After the last conversation she’d had with them, she worried that tonight would involve the two of them assessing the situation.

“We’re glad you could join us for dinner.” Gabe gestured to the chairs, like a king granting them a seat at his table.

They all took their seats. Brody stated, “Reegan tells me you two are heading off to Hawaii for a week. When do you leave?”

“Sunday morning, and we return the following Sunday. It’s a much-needed vacation for both of us,” Gabe explained, and gave Sophia a wink that had her blushing.

“Who’s going to run the club without you around? You’re there most nights, if I recall,” Brody said, settling his arm around Reegan’s shoulders, which both Gabe and Sophia noticed.

“I am, which is why it’s good to get away. Xavier will be manning the bar, as usual, and each of my brothers will be taking a night or two to watch the place.”

“It is good to get away from time to time.”

“Hey there, guys.” Colin appeared at their table. The family resemblance was strong between Gabe and Colin. One could tell with a simple glance they had been cut from the same cloth, with the same builds and darker coloring. Tonight, Colin was outfitted in gray slacks and a salmon button-down with the sleeves rolled up, displaying his muscular forearms.

“Colin, I didn’t know you were working this evening. How are you?” Brody rose and shook his hand.

“Good, man. And I’m always working, between the restaurant and farm. Reegan, it’s good to see you, honey. I hear you’re with this guy.” He jerked his chin at Brody.

She blushed. She couldn’t help it. The Ryan men were drop dead gorgeous. When they looked a woman’s way, they felt it. “You too, Colin. And you heard right, I am.”

Colin was one of the Ryan brothers Reegan had taken for a spin. And while it had been purely physical intimacy with him during a scene, it had been hot as hell. Although, not anywhere in the same ballpark as with Brody.

“What can I get you guys to start? Brody, if you haven’t tried Dean’s newest label, I can’t recommend it enough,” Colin explained.

“Sure. I’m game,” Brody replied.

“I am, too. Our brother really outdid himself with it,” Gabe said.

“Can I get a glass of the merlot?” Sophia beamed up at Colin.

“Sure thing, honey. And for you, Reegan?” Colin asked, shifting his hazel gaze her way.

“Actually, could I have a Guinness?”

“Absolutely. I’ll have a server out with those in a minute, along with some appetizers to start you guys off. We’ve got some new menu items that I would appreciate your input on.”

The mood around the table was congenial as drinks were delivered. Brody and Gabe talked baseball stats, with Colin stopping by and adding his two cents. Reegan and Sophia discussed timetables for the wedding, and made plans to go dress shopping after Sophia and Gabe returned from Hawaii.

In between appetizers, while they were waiting on their dinner to be served, Reegan leaned over and murmured to Brody, “I’ll be right back.”

He squeezed her hand. “Want another Guinness?”

“Uh, no. If I have another, you’ll have to carry me home. Just water will do. Thanks.” She rose from her seat. Sophia took that as her cue to join her in the bathroom, rising with her and leaving their men at the table.

“You didn’t have to come with me, you know. It is rather clichéd for the two of us to go to the restroom together,” Reegan teased the moment they were inside the ladies’ restroom.

“Since I’m leaving bright and early Sunday morning, I sincerely doubt I will have a chance to talk to you until after I get back from Hawaii,” Sophia stated with a knowing look, which meant she planned to interrogate Reegan about Brody.

“Well, I do really need to go. But because I can tell by that look in your eyes that you’re not going to leave until we chat, what’s up?”

“You and Brody seem really cozy.”

“And?” Reegan asked, hating how defensive she sounded. She had known this was coming.

“Look, I just want to make sure you’re protecting yourself and being sensible where he is concerned. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I have thought it through. I seem to have done nothing but that since he and I started this thing. But we decided to move forward and modify the terms by dating, taking it out of the bedroom. And you know what? I’m happy.”

Sophia gasped and pressed a palm to her chest. “Oh my god, you love him.”

Reegan flinched at those words, grabbed Sophia by the shoulders, and pleaded with her. “Don’t say anything. Please. Not even to Gabe.”

“I won’t. Has he told you how he feels?”

Reegan shook her head, trying not to show her disappointment and fear. “Just that he wants to date me and see where it leads. I know that’s vague, believe me, I do, but he’s also been working to mend fences.”

Sophia’s brows rose. “Does this mean you forgive him for what he did to you in college?”

“No. Maybe. He’s apologized profusely, which is something I never thought that man would ever do.”

“But has he told you why he did it?”

That was what still bugged Reegan. It was the elephant in the room anytime she thought about a future with Brody beyond dating. “He’s sorry for his behavior. I’ve apologized for all the retaliatory measures I took in the intervening years.”

“But is that enough for you? Do you trust him without knowing the why?” Sophia asked solemnly.

Reegan shrugged and lifted her hands up in exasperation. “I don’t know. That’s the truth. I think he’s trying to prove he will be there and that I can trust him. For now, it’s enough. And I’m taking our relationship one day at a time.”

“You forget I know you, Reegan. You don’t love lightly.”

She didn’t. She had learned to be guarded with her heart and emotions at a young age. “I don’t.”

“I’m just worried, and hoping for the best.”

“I know, and I love you for it. We’ll find our way together, or we will go our separate ways. For now, I am happy. Not a night passes where I’m not at his place or he’s at mine. And he gives good woo.”

Sophia planted her hands on her hips and nodded. “As he should, because you’re a damn fine catch. We should probably hurry before Gabe sends out a search and rescue party for us.”

“You go on, I really do need to pee.”

After Sophia had left, Reegan couldn’t help but wonder if her not fully trusting Brody was something he was picking up on. Because she was trying, but she was a hard sell when it came to trust. Once trust was damaged or betrayed, it was super difficult to regain.

And what was more, could she commit herself when doubt stalked her joy, ready to overwhelm and destroy her happiness with a single blow?