Three Thousand Roses by Viola Grace

Chapter Two

She met Terrance and shook his hand. He stared at her, fascinated. She smiled. “Hi. Are you my lawyer?”

He shook his head and dropped out of the stupor she had him in. “Yes, Miss. Lexa Adders?”

She grinned. “I am. Sorry. But it was suggested that I should let my omega flag fly today.”

“Wow. You smell... lovely. Okay. Let’s go in. Let me do the talking unless they need to ask you questions.”

She nodded. “I can do that.”

He put his hand at the small of her back, and they went into the courtroom.

She settled in the defendant’s position, and Madam Morthiwen was glaring at her for a moment before she saw Terrance and jolted.

When the judge settled, it was behind a small nameplate that said, D. Hall.

She blinked and stared at the massive Asian man who looked to be young for a judge but would have made a great pro wrestler. He was mid-thirties, if anything.

He met her gaze and smiled. He gave her a small nod.

Her eyes were wide, and she wanted to turn and stare at Arthur, but she kept herself facing forward and smiled when the first objection came from the opposition. The objection was that she had retained competent council. She smiled and simply sat quietly.

Terrance was a whirlwind who wanted to make sure that everyone knew that the song had been written from her own perspective and did not mention anyone by name. As the circumstances of the mauling of her mark had never been made public, the only way that Madam Morthiwen could imagine it was related to her was if she had been involved.

Finally, Lexa had been asked to speak, and she simply and calmly compared the lines of the song to her personal experience. She explained that the problem was that she had been a new omega and didn’t know how to accelerate the healing of her marks.

The madam froze in place. “You are not an omega, you beta slut!”

Terrance raised his brows as the judge scowled. “I have the official acknowledgement from five years ago, two days before the incident relayed in the song. Lexa Adders is indeed an omega, and at present, the Omega Centre is seeking the perpetrators because now that Ms. Adders is able to testify, the case has been reopened.”

Arthur’s mother looked green.

The judge looked to Lexa. “Ms. Adders, what effect has the event depicted in the song had on you?”

“It has had an effect on all of my relationships, including the one with my daughter. She understands that something hurt me badly and broke something, and I really wish she didn’t have to.”

“You mean your niece?”

“My daughter. The legal adoption occurred four years ago.”

He smiled. “Family is important?”

“It is everything. It is what is left when the world falls away. I once thought that way of a bond, but it obviously could be taken with ease if it was not protected. I protect my family.”

He nodded, and there was something else in his eyes.

The judge made his ruling and found that the charges of libel were unfounded. Court charges as well as Terrance’s fee were placed on the plaintiff.

That was it. She won and didn’t have to pay a thing.

Terrance grinned. “Do you want to go recoup your losses?”

“I really think I do.”

He tapped her chin. “Good girl.”

She looked at him with wide eyes and then let her normal sarcasm bleed into her gaze.

The bailiff came over to her and said, “Ms. Adders. The judge would like to see you in chambers. Please, come this way.”

Lexa looked at Terrance and then back at Arthur. He nodded and gestured for her to go.

She walked with the bailiff, and they walked to the door where the bailiff knocked.


The door was opened for her, and she walked into the office and kept her hands folded in front of her. The judge had shucked his robe, and he was in rolled shirt sleeves with his wide shoulders straining at the fabric.

She stood nervously, and he beckoned to her. “Miss Adders, please, come closer.”

“Um, your honour, I am not really sure why I am here.”

He chuckled. “I know that it is not quite true. Arthur has been very persuasive. I had not thought to pursue an omega, but since you are available, I believe that our agreement and action are essential to your safety and that of your daughter.”

She swallowed. “What kind of action?”

“We have obtained a suitable home, and as you are the omega, you will need to decorate your nest.”

She frowned. “Nest? I sleep in a normal bedroom.”

He chuckled. “Yes. Do you sleep well or curled into a small ball, or even worse, cowering in a corner?”

She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe a few of those, but I don’t want to be too far from Hailey.”

“That will be for the nanny to worry about. If you are a nested omega, you will have company in your nest when you wish it.”

“Uh, I thought you weren’t interested in that.”

He laughed. “I could obtain companionship or sex with little difficulty, as can Grigory, but to have an omega of our own? That is something all alphas dream of. Arthur said you took him easily when you were lovers. That’s good.”

She blushed, and he got to his feet. He walked slowly around the desk and looked down at her. She trembled a little.

He smoothed his hands over her arms and then over her back. He caressed the damaged mark, and each touch eased her to him. When he lowered his head to kiss her, she inhaled the thick cardamom spice of him, and it got stronger when she touched her tongue to his.

He lifted her and set her on the edge of his desk, deepening the kiss. Roses mixed with the cardamom, and he slid her skirt up, stepping between her thighs. Slick eased out of her. He held her head with one hand while stroking the other between her thighs. His long fingers rubbed against her, and she whined then whimpered.

He lifted his head and chuckled. “Ah, it seems that you are in need of some attention. How long has it been?”

He was questioning her, and she just wanted him back. A low whine came from her. “Long?”

“Since your last heat, Lexa. How long has it been?”

Cold curls of fear ran through her, pushing the arousal away. “I... it...”

“Brittle nails, sallow undertone to the skin, lips splitting slightly, and thready pulse.” He smiled and stroked her slowly and rhythmically. “How long have you been using suppressors?”

She whispered. “Five years.”

“Ah, poor little omega. Administered by the centre?” He was forcing her to think while he teased her.

“Mostly. They charge more with every cycle, so I have obtained what I needed for this last round.”

“Hm. You do understand that for this arrangement to work, you have to go off them.”

She nodded miserably. She had to appear to be normal, complete with a normal bi-annual heat cycle.

“Your daughter’s nanny is one of Grigory’s nieces. She’s an alpha and can act as a bodyguard as well as caretaker and instructor. She will be in good hands while you detox.”

Lexa opened and closed her mouth. “You won’t send her away?”

“And take away your motivation to normalize? No.” He smiled. “Grigory’s cat Misha just had kittens, so there will be a good distraction built into the house for her. The little ones will help her adapt and give her something to do with her anxiety.”

She swallowed. “What do I do with mine?”

“We will help you deal with yours. You will be in good hands, and we are not seeking offspring. We have large families. There is no pressure on you there.” He chuckled. “We will use protection.”

She swallowed. “Right. That. What is Arthur’s part in this?”

He cocked his head. “What do you want it to be? He will accept whatever role you assign him, but he is aware of his lapse of care and the pain it has caused you.”

Lapse of care.She remembered the sweet feel of his lips and tongue against his new mark. She blinked away the tears on her lashes. “Sorry. Still dealing with stuff.”

“And when you let yourself cycle again, you will feel the stuff you are dealing with, and it will crowd in on you.”

She nodded. “I know.”

“Arthur will take you to Grigory, and he will take you shopping for nesting materials. That is how you will meet him.” The judge watched her closely as he moved her practical panties aside and his fingers slid through the slick he had encouraged. “Your body knows what to do; it is just being held back by the suppressors. If you stop them today, this will work. That is my caveat to participation.”

She swallowed and nodded. “I only have two days left.”

“I understand, but stopping the suppressors is an act of trust. If you trust Arthur and trust us, this will work.”

She took a deep breath, which eased his fingertip into her slightly. She opened her purse and took the pill container, slamming it on his desk.

He nodded and nuzzled her neck. “Good girl. We will help you get on your feet and keep the centre from parting you from your daughter. Deal?”

She nodded and licked her lips again. “What do you want in return?”

He slid his fingers into her heat, and she gripped him tight. “Whatever you need to give.”

She gasped and moaned, leaning toward him but stopping short of his shirt.

He licked at her neck with slow laps of his tongue. “Why did you stop?”

“I don’t want to get makeup on your shirt.” She mumbled, “Your fingers are going to get all pruney.”

He laughed. “You are right. Lift your hips.”

She widened her eyes and did as he asked, hands on the desk. He reached under her skirt and took her underwear off in a smooth movement. “You are very good at that.”

The cotton was nearly transparent with the slick she had been dripping. He smiled. “Everyone has a hobby.”

He licked his fingers, and his expression took on a cruel cast. “You taste hot, Miss Adders.”

She swallowed. “The acquired suppressors aren’t the strength I need.”

He nodded. “Scoot back on my desk.”

She blinked. “Is that a technical term?” She obediently got into position but was still surprised when he parted her legs and dove down, licking far more frantically than she would have expected. Her body responded fast, and she covered her mouth as the heat spiked through her with the nuzzling and slurping at her. It spiralled out of control, and she bit the palm of her hand when she screamed.

His lapping slowed, and she sobbed lightly as he took all the slick she had pumped out and swallowed deliberately.

He eased her back to calm and patted her sex as if it had performed a trick for him. He got up and smiled then frowned. “You’re bleeding.”

She looked at her hand and flinched at the mark on her palm skin. She had broken through in two areas. “It will heal.”

He looked at her and picked up her hand, licking the two punctures on the side of her hand. She stared as the bleeding stopped. “How did you do that?”

“Every alpha has their speciality. This is mine. Poor thing, you are living on the edge constantly. You must be exhausted. Your heat will start within four days. We need to get you settled and get you used to us before that happens.”

She smiled weakly. “So, this is happening fast?”

“If I know Arthur, he will have the movers at your house already. You will leave here for Grigory, and from Grigory, you will go to the sloth house.”

She snorted.

He chuckled. “We didn’t pick it, but it is sloth or sleuth for a group of bears.”

“How did you know you were a bear?”

“That is an excellent question for a cuddle on the couch, Miss Adders.”

She blushed. “It is Lexa, your honour.”

“It is Delun, my rose.”

“Uh, Delun, then. Why are you agreeing to this?”

“Hmm. I get a hot omega at home, live with friends, and get plenty of time to enjoy life for a change. My housekeeper—Yorgi—is already settling into the new home. He’s looking forward to it. He’s also one of Grigory’s cousins, but he’s worked for me for years.”

She tried to ease forward and off the desk, but he blocked her.

“It will be all right, Lexa. We’ve got your back.”

She slid her hand up to his neck and collar, and she kissed him, tasting herself and cardamom. It was an amusing mix and reminded her of baklava. She just needed Grigory to smell like walnuts and sugar, and she was set.

He did not.

Arthur smiled as she got into his car, blushing and quiet. “Next stop is Grigory.”

“Did you know that Judge Hall was hearing my case today?”

“Yes, and he would have recused himself if it wasn’t so cut and dried. Their biggest objection to you was that you retained counsel at long last, so that was telling.”

She smiled then frowned. “So, today is moving day?”

“It is. We will meet with Grigory and his niece Illyana. You will take her to Hailey’s school to introduce her, and you and Grigory will go shopping for your nesting supplies.”

“That is a very niche activity.”

“It will get him immediately familiar with your preferences and you with his sense of humour.” He smiled. “It is an acquired taste.”

“They are Russian?”

“Yes, but they have worked hard to eradicate their accents. If you are lucky, you will meet Misha and the babies today.” He paused. “How did you find Delun?”

She swallowed. “Thorough.”

He grinned. “You smell like him. Be prepared for Grigory to pick you up. A lot. Don’t worry, he does it with everyone, but pretty girls are his weakness.”

“What are you not telling me?”

He chuckled. “Grigory is tall.”

She stared at him. “You are tall.”

He held his hand about eight inches above his own head. “He’s very tall.”

Lexa blinked, and they headed into the entertainment district and out of the car. Huge bouncers lined a discrete entrance, and they looked her over as she was escorted inside. They were both alphas, so the scent of the judge on her would have been very apparent. One thing an alpha could determine was the lust of another alpha. The heat of an omega was something that they could detect in their blood.

She looked around the surprisingly tasteful interior and the quietly organized staff, who was cleaning and setting up for the following day.

She felt footfalls through the floor. Something big was on the way. She leaned into Arthur, and when a shadow came around the corner, she hid behind him as the white-haired giant came into view. He had white-blue eyes, thick waves of white hair, and a silvery suit that encased all seven feet of him. He was an alpha designed to crush other alphas, and he was looking at her.

“This is the little treasure?” He crouched and smiled as he held out his hand. “Hello, little Lexa.”

She was five-ten. She was not tiny. She had never been tiny, but looking at this massive hulk of a man, she was fucking tiny.

She eased out from behind Arthur, and she saw his eyes warm as he took her in. She slid her hand into his. “Ah, not so little. You just have the big eyes of a child.” He looked her over. “And bad fashion sense. This does nothing for you.”

She looked away and looked back. “I am not going to dress up for court.”

“One should always look their best. We will see that you do.” He chuckled. “I can smell that you had Judge Hall today, or rather, he had you.”

Her skin went scarlet.

“Ah, a lovely colour. How far does it go?” He jerked her forward, caught her up, and settled her against his chest with one arm under her thighs. The other hand was undoing the buttons of her jacket and displaying the soft pink shell blouse.

“Moderately better, but the fire in your skin even shows on your belly. This is adorable.”

The young woman who must have been the nanny came up behind them.

Illyana was a serious young alpha with her hair back in a braid. “I would like to meet my charge. Can we go?”

“Arthur, I will take her now. We will meet you at the new house.”

Arthur nodded. “See you later. Call me if you need me, Lexa.”

She had no time to say that she didn’t have his number when Grigory touched her cheek with a soft finger. She turned, and he kissed her softly. She felt herself falling into a world of mint and cinnamon.

“I don’t pick you up to manhandle you. It just becomes difficult to crouch or bend over. You weigh next to nothing, so this is easier for me.”

She swallowed. “Um, okay, Grigory.”

He beamed as if she had learned a new trick. “Come now, let’s meet your daughter and get Illyana authorized to pick her up.”


Illyana beamed at her. “I have seen pictures. She is a very beautiful little girl. Very intelligent eyes. She will be an omega?”

“Well, I am one, my sister was one, our mother was not, but our father was an alpha with an enthusiastic beta mate.” She shrugged. “If she could have given him a dozen kids, she would have, but she couldn’t, so two omegas was all it was.”

“A wealth to any family.” Illyana smiled as she walked with her uncle. “We are alphas all the way through with beta mates. Having an omega in the mix will make for fun family gatherings. The cousins will be fighting each other to bring you gifts.”


Grigory frowned as they got into a huge SUV. “What do you mean, why? Omegas are to be spoiled and kept happy. I know that has not been your experience, but it is the natural order of things.”

“The natural order of things can kiss my ass. When I was young and stupid, I would have given anything to be kept and coddled.” She was still sitting on his lap, but the ride was smooth, and there were about sixteen airbags that she could see. “Then I had my very bad night, and I realized that being cute and vulnerable was a stupid life goal.”

Illyana looked. “Can I see it?”

“Oh, the scar? Sure.” She shrugged. At this point, it didn’t matter. She loosened her jacket and slid it off her shoulders. “You will have to peel back the blouse.”

Illyana smiled and pulled the silky rayon away from the base of Lexa’s neck, and then, she hissed and backed away, moaning and rocking.

Grigory lifted a hand, looked, and a deep growl sounded. “What made the marks?”

“I don’t know, but the doctors guessed it was some kind of blades on a stick. I felt it more than saw it.” She pulled her blouse back up, but he touched her hand and kissed the scarring. She could feel the pressure and the heat of his lips. When he raised his head, she pulled her jacket on.

They rode in silence, and another ten minutes, they were at Hailey’s school. Oh boy.