Gulf Coast Wedding by Maggie Miller

Chapter Thirty-six

Georgia wasn’t sure how the guests inside would react to Lavinia joining them, but to the woman’s credit, she’d told Sam she didn’t think it was a good idea.

Sam had insisted, however, and being that this was her day, no one was about to tell her no. So in they went.

The silence that greeted them as they walked into the breakfast room and everyone realized who they were looking at, spoke volumes.

Sam put on a big smile and lifted her chin. “Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce you to my grandmother, Lavinia Major. She has something she’d like to say.”

Lavinia looked a little scared. There was no other way to describe it. That wasn’t a look Georgia had ever seen on the woman before.

Lavinia cleared her throat softly. “I apologize for interrupting. But that’s actually what I’m here to do. Apologize. To all of you. I’ve treated so many of you terribly. There’s no way to make up for what I did. And I’m not asking you to forgive me. But I need to speak the words and let you know what’s on my heart.”

Georgia watched the faces around her. Levi’s eyes had taken on a hard glint and his body language had gone defensive. Denise appeared like she might bolt at any moment. Lilly’s gaze had narrowed into one of pure judgement.

The bridge club ladies looked pretty similar. Reverend Bartholomew seemed interested, but then it was logical he might be the most ready to forgive and forget. Clayton looked confused.

Lavinia stared at her hands. “I am very ashamed of my actions. And I am deeply sorry for the hurt I’ve caused.”

Sam put her arm around her grandmother’s shoulders. “It wasn’t her idea to come in right now with the celebration going on. It was mine. I’ve heard her out and I believe she’s sincere. I want her to join us for the rest of the evening and I hope you can find enough grace to allow that to happen.”

Georgia waited for Sam to say something about the check, or hint that Lavinia had given them a generous gift, but she didn’t say a word. Georgia gave her credit for that. Money could sway people. And this was a decision best made without that sort of influence.

Levi stepped forward. His expression had softened a little, but not much. “You really believe her?”

Sam nodded. “I do.” She looked at her grandmother. “Although I imagine you’d understand if we took things on a day-by-day basis.”

Lavinia nodded. “I’d expect you to.”

Silence was the only answer.

Travis spoke up. “Maybe we should take a vote.”

Suddenly, Lilly stood up. “I realize that I don’t have as big of a stake in this conversation as some of you, but I was once in Lavinia’s shoes in a way. Estranged from my family by my own doing.” She smiled at Georgia, then at Sam before looking at Travis. “I will never stand in the way of someone getting a second chance.”

Lilly raised her glass as she looked around at everyone else. “My vote is for letting her stay. While also watching her closely.”

That got a few laughs and some smiles.

Levi’s expression softened a little further. “When you put it that way, I’m the last one to argue against second chances.” He shook his head as he looked at Lavinia. “What you did to me and my family can never be undone so you’re right that you can’t make up for it. But if Sam wants you to have this chance, I support that decision.”

His gaze shifted to Denise. “Mom, are you okay with this?”

Denise swallowed, then seemed to find her courage. “Trust has to be earned. I suppose that can’t begin unless she’s given the opportunity.” She made direct eye contact with Lavinia. “You have a lot to prove.”

Lavinia nodded. “You’re right, I do. Especially to you and your son.”

Travis looked past Lavinia to make eye contact with Sam. “There’s one more person you need to hear from. Your son.”

Sam nodded, then she went straight to Clayton’s seat and crouched down beside him. “What do you say, buddy? Do you think you could forgive grandma and give her a second chance to be nice to all of us?”

His little brows were bent as he considered his mother’s questions. “I guess we could.”

Sam kissed his cheek before getting up. She looked around. “Anyone else have anything to say?”

“To err is human; to forgive, divine,” Reverend Bartholomew said. Then he smiled. “You have a good heart, Samantha.”

She smiled back, then she glanced at Levi and mouthed the words, “Thank you” before looking at her grandmother again. “Looks like you’re joining us for cake and champagne.”

Lavinia smiled, getting a little weepy again. “Thank you. To all of you. I promise this is the start of a new me. Like Denise said, trust has to be earned. I plan to do that.”

Sam immediately started working on making a place for Lavinia at the table between Travis’s spot and Clayton’s. Coffee went to help, getting an extra chair. Mia went to the kitchen for what Georgia guessed was another champagne flute and maybe a fork for the cake.

Travis sidled up to Georgia. “It’s going to be long time before I’m a hundred percent okay with this.”

Georgia nodded. “I understand that completely.” She looked at him. “I’m well aware that you heard her out because I asked you to, so I know I’m in trouble if this turns out to be some big ruse to insinuate herself into Sam and Clayton’s lives again.”

He smiled as he took her hand. “You’re not going to be in trouble. You could never get in trouble for having a big heart and a forgiving soul. Those are parts of why I love you.”

She exhaled, relieved, but also praying that Lavinia was telling the truth. “I love you too. Thank you for saying that. I really hope she’s on the up and up.”

“Me, too.” He dropped her hand to slip his arm around her waist. “You realize Sam hasn’t even told Levi about the check yet?”

“I noticed that. She’s learned a lot from you.”

His eyes narrowed as he watched everything going on. “I just realized something else.”

“What’s that?”

“If Lavinia’s actually good to her word, she’s going to be at all the upcoming family events and holidays. Thanksgiving. Christmas. Birthdays.”

Georgia smiled. “True. But it’ll be the new Lavinia, remember?” Then she sighed. “And thanks for reminding me that the Christmas party is right around the corner.”

He laughed. “It is, but let’s go have some cake and champagne and worry about that tomorrow. What do you say?”

“I say cake solves pretty much everything.” She kissed him, right then and there. Because life was too short not to kiss the man you loved whenever you wanted to.

And because he was right about leaving the worries until tomorrow.

Right now, it was time to enjoy the moment and celebrate the friends and family they had around them. Very soon, the inn would be open, and her life would change, meaning times like these would be a little rarer.

Travis winked at her when the kiss ended. “That’s my girl.”

She smiled. He was right about that, too.

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Other Books by Maggie Miller:

Gulf Coast CottageGulf Coast SecretsGulf Coast ReunionGulf Coast SunsetsGulf Coast Moonlight

Gulf Coast Promises

Gulf Coast Wedding

Gulf Coast Christmas