Gulf Coast Wedding by Maggie Miller

Chapter Thirty-four

Georgia smiled as everyone filed into the breakfast room for the amazing dinner Coffee had prepared. The wedding cake he’d made, a gorgeous white, three-tiered confection covered in buttercream roses and delicate piping, took pride of place on its own table just next to the buffet server.

The room glowed with candlelight, and flowers and plants had been strategically placed to make it seem more intimate. White tablecloths covered the tables that had been put together to serve as one long dining area and accommodate everyone. More flowers, ivy, candles, and tiny fairy lights ran down the center.

She hadn’t had a chance to get Levi or Sam’s impressions yet, but she hoped they were happy. To Georgia, the room looked beautiful. The entire inn did. Lilly had outdone herself with all the extra things she’d bought, and Mia had really put them to work with the decorating. They’d even made space for dancing if anyone was so inclined.

At the moment, soft music played through the sound system that had been set up, but Georgia knew Mia planned to play some more upbeat tunes later on. Which reminded Georgia that she wanted to compliment Summer on her lovely guitar playing.

Everything about the evening felt magical.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” Griffin announced from the entrance of the breakfast room. “It is my great pleasure to introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Parker!”

He got out of the way, quickly moving back into photographer mode, and Levi and Sam walked in, smiling and waving.

Everyone cheered and clapped and a few more tears were shed.

But Griffin had more to say. “We’re headed out to the deck for a few more shots, then they’ll be back for the rest of the evening.”

Twenty minutes later, they returned and joined everyone at the table, taking their spots in the very center. Travis was seated next to Sam, and Denise was beside Levi. Georgia was at Travis’s side. Everyone else filled in around them. Except for Griffin, who seemed intent on taking every possible photograph he could.

Georgia understood. The inn needed some great wedding shots to help boost that part of their business. He also wanted to add to his portfolio. Weddings, especially bigger ones outside of the inn, could mean real money for him.

Still standing, Reverend Bartholomew clinked his knife gently against his water glass to get everyone’s attention, then offered a blessing over the food and the couple.

When everyone said amen, Coffee went over to the server and started taking lids off the chaffing dishes. The tang of the lemon chicken made Georgia’s mouth water.

“Dinner is served,” he announced in his booming voice. “Bride and groom first.”

Levi stood aside for Sam to go ahead of him, but she gestured to Clayton to come with them. He scrambled out of his chair to join them.

Georgia put her hands on the edge of the table and leaned in toward Travis. “Beautiful night, don’t you think?”

“Amazing. You guys outdid yourself with the decorating.” He smiled at her, his eyes alight with happiness. “You look beautiful, too.”

“Thank you.” Georgia had dug into the clothes left behind in Aunt Norma’s closet. Mia had sorted through them when they’d first arrived and separated out anything worth keeping. There was a lot left as Norma had been partial to high-end designers and Mia thought they should hang onto those.

Georgia was glad for that. The dress she had on, a navy silk with beading at the sleeves and neckline, fit like it was made for a queen. The label read Halston. She wondered where Norma had worn it as she glanced at Travis’s sport coat and tie. “You look pretty nice yourself.”

“I thought maybe I should get a suit, but then it wasn’t my night.”

“You look great. But you’re right, tonight was all about Levi and Sam. Sam, mostly, though, because let’s be honest, have you ever seen a more perfect bride?”

He smiled and took a breath. “She does look stunning, doesn’t she? What is it about a white dress and veil that makes you see your little girl suddenly as this beautiful, grown-up woman?”

His next exhale was a little ragged, like he was struggling with emotion.

Georgia hooked her arm through his. “She and Levi are really perfect together.”

He nodded. “They are.”

Everyone else started to get in line for the buffet so she and Travis joined them. The food looked delicious, not surprising considering the man responsible for it. Coffee stood nearby, making sure everyone got what they wanted.

“It looks fantastic, Coffee,” Georgia said. “And that cake! I had no idea you were so skilled. I’m blown away. I hope Griffin got a lot of pictures of that thing.”

Coffee beamed. “Thank you, Georgia. I’m sure he did.”

She helped herself to a big spoonful of lemon chicken, then added a spoonful of the orzo that was underneath. “I can’t wait to taste it. But Coffee, make sure you get a plate and eat with us.”

He nodded. “I will. Promise.”

Mia turned the sound up on the music just a little as everyone returned to the table and began to eat.

Travis raised his glass. “Here’s to Sam and Levi. I wish you a long, happy life together.”

Everyone drank to that, and more toasts followed throughout the meal. Even Clayton got in on the action, holding up his glass and loudly exclaiming, “Here’s to my new backyard!”

That got a lot of laughs but as the meal wound down, the conversation turned to cake.

Mia shook her head. “We’re not cutting that cake until the bride and groom have had their first dance as a married couple, then we’re doing the father daughter dance and the mother son dance. I realize this might not be the most traditional of weddings, but we’re at least doing those.”

Lilly’s brows went up. “The wedding planner has spoken.”

Mia changed out the play list as Sam and Levi took to the floor. Georgia figured Mia had already gotten all of this arranged with Sam and Levi since they seemed very ready.

The soft strains of At Last by Etta James began to play and the pair swayed together as if the rest of them no longer existed.

Good, Georgia thought. That was as it should be. She hoped this night was everything they wanted. Mia had been right when she’d said this wasn’t the most traditional of weddings, but there was a lot of charm in a small, intimate event like this.

Travis danced with Sam next, then Levi and Denise followed, both of which made Georgia dig into her small evening bag for a tissue.

Griffin kept snapping away, but Georgia had to wonder if this evening wasn’t making him think about Chloe and the years to come. Of course, years was the important word there, but she knew firsthand just how fast time went by.

One day they were babies on your hip, the next they were driving.

As Levi and Denise returned to the table, Travis stood and held his hand out to Georgia. “May I have this dance?”

She smiled and took his hand, going into his arms like it was exactly where she belonged. That’s what it felt like to her.

As they began to dance, she watched Lucas and Mia take the floor as well. Levi and Sam joined them, then Agatha and Reverend Bartholomew, Hilda and her husband, Coffee and Mary Lou, and then Kelly and Griffin, with his camera still around his neck. Not to be left out, Clayton decided Lilly was the woman for him, and they entered the dance floor as well.

Georgia laughed softly. “Did you see your grandson?”

Travis glanced over. “What can I say? The Taylor men have great taste in women.”

She laughed a little more, feeling herself sink into his gaze. “This is nice.”

He nodded and held her a little closer. “It sure is.”

They swayed like that until the next song picked up the tempo. Most everyone returned to the table. Except for Sam and Levi, who went to stand beside the cake.

Mia still very much in the role of wedding planner and MC, gestured toward the table. “It’s cake and champagne time!”

Griffin jumped into position to catch the magic moment. Coffee brought out two big bottles of champagne and started pouring.

The doorbell rang. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

“I’ll get it.” Georgia frowned as she got to her feet, not sure who it could be at this hour, but praying it wasn’t who she thought it was.

Travis gave her a look that said he was thinking the same thing.

She grabbed his hand. “Come with me.”

He nodded, but they were already headed toward the foyer.

Georgia opened the front door and sucked in a breath. “You have got to be kidding.”