Taken by E.M. Leya


Ben swallowed the last gulp of his coffee and set his cup on the table as he looked over the cages. He'd slept like shit, tossing and turning all night, wondering how much more of this he could put up with. They needed more names, more proof of who was involved. It wasn't easy to get. Security was tight, and even with his access, he couldn't just whip out his phone and snap photos.

He'd come too far, given up too much of his soul to quit now. He'd do everything he could to put a stop to this and bring the evil men and women who used Isaac's services, even sacrifice his own life if he needed to.

"You're up early." Wade, one of the other guys walked over to him.

"Couldn't sleep. Figured I might as well be here." Ben ran a hand over his two-day beard he hated, but wore as part of his cover. "Anything new?"

"Nah, same shit. Drugged them all around midnight and had a quiet night other than some of the kids crying. I'm tempted to bring in some Benadryl to knock them out since we can't drug them the way we do the adults." Wade reached back and tied his long hair into a ponytail.

Ben glanced at the kids' cage, grateful Isaac refused to drug the kids. It was bad enough drugging the adults. The kids were usually too scared to cause a scene, but they did cry a lot. The older kids tried to comfort the younger ones, but it didn't always work. Seeing those kids and knowing what was happening to them was the hardest part of his job.

Everything in him wanted to stop this now. He hated he had to let it play out so they could take down everyone involved. It was so much more than Isaac. They needed to stop the people who bought the men, women, and children. If they simply took down Isaac, someone else would just take his place. The demand for sex slaves was extreme in the area and they needed to shut it down.

He knew others were working upstairs undercover, and he knew of one agent undercover with Isaac's personal security team, but they couldn't simply give names and have people arrested. They needed proof of everything. Hard proof that would put these assholes away for a very long time.

One thing was for sure, once he finished this job, he was done. He couldn't see himself doing anymore undercover work. This job had nearly broken him. He'd never be able to get the things he'd seen from his mind, let alone some of the things he'd had to do to maintain his cover.

"New guys give you any problems?" Ben asked.

"Not really. That one cries a lot, but I've kept him drugged. The other has hardly moved." Wade shrugged. "He's alive. That's all that matters. Dr. Frank will be in around nine. The guy Stan beat died this morning," Wade informed him.

Ben kept his emotions hidden, but he felt a wave of remorse. He always did when a life was lost. He could stop this now. He could kill everyone here at the mansion, but that wouldn't give them Isaac or the other leaders. They would just set up someplace new. This was an international sting, and he had to hold the line to make sure they got everyone involved. He prayed they were close. He was so deep undercover that he had very little communication with anyone. He'd been at it for three months. In his mind, that was more than enough time to find out who all the big players were.

When this unfolded, it would be headline news. Actors, congressmen, and other elites took advantage of what Isaac offered. He knew there were other locations throughout the country as well, not to mention the trafficking trade with Mexico and Canada. He'd seen hundreds of people come and go through the holding cells over the last few months. Mostly children. He was glad he didn't have any of his own kids to worry about because he'd end up being the most protective father they'd ever known after the things he'd seen.

"Stan's not going to be happy." Ben sighed. "I'll get the men over there for their exams. Doc can see them first. If anyone is going to give us problems, it's them. Besides, the girls take forever. I'm not completely sure exams are all Doc does in there with them."

Wade gave him a nod. "I'm sure of it."

Ben turned away, not wanting to think about what the doctor did to the small girls he was brought into exam. They were supposed to be virgins when sold the first time, but there was a lot a person could force a child to do. He couldn't think about that. He'd learned quickly that it only made his job harder if he visualized the children being hurt.

He unlocked the gate, and with a quick glance to make sure Wade was still watching for security reasons, he went over to one of the new guys. He glanced down at the man's naked form and nudged him with the toe of his shoe. "You awake?"

The man's eyes opened slowly, no sign of aggression in them.

"You need to get up. The doctor wants to see you."

The man didn't move.

"We can do this the hard way or easy way. I know you're not too drugged to stand." He hated playing the tough guy, and as much as possible tried to treat the captives with respect. It all depended on who was watching them. He had to stay in character or his own life would be on the line.

The man sighed, then sluggishly pushed up so he was sitting. It was clear he was still weak and feeling the drugs they'd pumped into his system.

"Don't puke on me," Ben warned.

"Nothing left in my stomach to puke." The man took a deep breath and stood.

There was something about his voice that cut deep into Ben's emotions. He didn't know the guy, but the sound of his voice hit him with a feeling of warmth and possibly desire. It was crazy. He couldn't find himself attracted to one of the captives. He knew what was in store for them. He had to push the thought and feelings from his mind. Ben gripped the guy's arm, surprised to find it firm. "Not going to fight me?"

The guy shook his head. "Not unless you try to hurt me."

Ben hid his cringe because he couldn't be sure Doc wasn't into men as well as females. He could easily be leading him in for his first rape. "You're safe with me. I'm just taking you to see the doctor and get some pictures taken. Any medical issues we need to know about? Diabetic or anything?"

"I'd probably be dead by now if I needed insulin." The guy stumbled.

Ben caught him. "Easy, we'll take it slow. Out the gate and to the doors to the left," Ben told him. "What's your name?" He bit his lip. He'd never asked anyone here their name before.

"Does it matter? I get the feeling you'll call me whatever you want."

"Not me. I'm not part of that. I work here but I don't take advantage of anyone. I know it makes no sense, but I'm the nicest one here. Any of the others will take what they want." Ben kept his voice soft as they walked. He paused to open the gate, then led the man through it. Once he'd relocked it, he gave Wade a nod of acknowledgment to let him know he was okay and didn't need any assistance.

"Trenton, Trenton Bowers." The man's voice was stronger as they walked, but his steps were still slow, showing how weak he really was. "Are we still in California?"

"I can't tell you that," Ben told him honestly.

"How long before they move us? Sell us?"

Ben was surprised at the question. Most people at this point were confused and had no clue what the future had in store for them. He'd either talked to the other men in the cage or somehow guessed what was going on. "That varies. You could go upstairs as soon as tonight. It depends on if anyone picks your photo. As for moving you to another location, it varies on a lot of factors. I'm guessing you have a few weeks, maybe even a couple of months."

"Is this the whole operation or are there other cells?" Trenton asked.

"Curious, aren't you?" Ben was surprised.

"I know how these operations work."

"And you think by me giving you the information you can find a way out of here?"

Trenton shrugged.

"There isn't a way out. I can give you a map of the place and you still wouldn't get past the guards outside. It might look like a half-assed operation from down here, but it's not. Don't get your hopes up of escaping." He opened the door and led him into the exam room. There was a small table for the patient to sit on, two chairs against a wall, and a locked cage with medical supplies. One wall was painted dark blue. Ben pointed to a small door toward the back of the room. "There's a shower in there. I can spray you down or you can do it yourself, but I can't give you privacy. The choice is yours."

"I'm not fighting you. I can shower myself. I'm already naked. It's not like I have anything to be shy about now."

Ben looked down at Trenton's toned body. "You had nothing to be ashamed of. You're very well built."

"Not what I want to hear at a time like this." Trenton jerked his arm free from Ben's grip, then leaned on the exam table. "Give me just a minute. I don't know what the fuck you gave me but it's fucked me up."

"I didn't give you anything. I hope never to have to do that to you, but yeah, the shit they give is a mix of heroin and some other stuff to help keep you knocked out and weak. Some handle it better than others. You'll end up craving the shit before too long. They all do."

"They'll drug me if I don't fight them?"

"Depends on who is working and what their mood is. Some want quiet so they drug everyone at the start of their shift if they know no one else is going to be called upstairs. I can promise you, if you don't fight me or cause problems, I'll never drug you."

Trenton looked up at him, holding his gaze for a moment. "Thanks for that."

Ben didn't like the feeling in his gut as he stared into the man's eyes. This guy was different than the rest. He wasn't some college kid. There was more to see in those eyes than just fear and regret for getting drunk at a club. He forced himself to look away. "Shower, then pictures. The doctor will come in after and give you an exam."

Trenton narrowed his eyes.

Ben held up a hand. "I've never known him to be into men. That doesn't mean he isn't, but I've never seen it. He likes girls." He watched Trenton visibly relax. "Listen, I do what I can to treat you decent. I know it's not enough, but I have to be careful or I could easily end up in there beside you. I wish I could say all of us were as easy on you as I am, but that's not true. I'll do what I can when I can, but you need to be ready for—"

"I know what I need to be ready for. I hunt assholes like you for a living." Trenton glared. "Let me shower."

Ben stepped back as Trenton made his way on wobbly legs to the bathroom. He followed just close enough he could catch him if he started to fall. He was stunned by the outburst. What did he mean he hunted people like him? "Are you a cop?"

Trenton twisted the handles, letting the water flow over his body, and didn't glance up. "If I said I was, you'd kill me for sure."

"No. The others might, but I wouldn't."

Trenton held one hand against the wall his head bent under the water but turned so he looked directly at Ben. "Because you are a cop?"

Ben didn't respond.

"That's why you're nicer than the others, isn't it? It makes sense. You do just enough to keep your cover, but do everything you can to make it easy on me. Is it just me or do you treat everyone nicer than the others?"

He should deny being a cop, but something kept him from doing it. "No one deserves this."

Trenton narrowed his eyes. "Who are you?"

"Who are you? You hunt traffickers?"

Trenton turned his head and used his hands to push the water out of his hair before straightening and reaching for the soap.

"Listen, I can't help you get out of here, but I can make it as easy as possible while you're here."

"Help me escape." Trenton turned to face him, the soap flowing down his body.

Ben closed his eyes, not wanting to enjoy what he saw in front of him, but unable to stop the wave of desire that hit him. "I can't. There is no way out."

"You leave."

"Yes, but that's different." Ben turned as the door to the exam room opened and Doctor Frank walked in. "Hey, Doc., give us a moment. I just need him to dry off and I'll get photos, then he's all yours. Did you get a list of the others you need to see?"

Doctor Frank grinned as he nodded. "I did. I'll save the girls for last."

Ben bit back a curse and he swore he heard a growl come from Trenton who was just turning off the water in the shower. Ben turned and handed him a towel. "Dry off and use that comb for your hair, then I'll get your photos."

Trenton took the towel as he glared at both Ben and the doctor, but he remained silent and did as told. When he stepped out of the bathroom, he stared at the doctor with hate.

"Stand against the blue wall, hands at your sides, look directly at the camera," Ben told him.

Again, Trenton did everything he was told without fighting or arguing. It was rare any of the captives didn't struggle or try to escape. This was the point most realized the true nature of the situation they were in and fear overwhelmed them. Not Trenton. He was calm, watching everything around him, noticing the placement of every item. He seemed to know that showing aggression would get him nowhere. He wanted to know who this man was. If he was a cop, he needed to let his contact know so they could try to do something. That in itself pissed him off because a cop's life was no more important than anyone else's. He couldn't do anything right now. Dr. Frank was watching everything they did.

Once he got the photos he needed, he gestured to the medical table.

"Stay standing. I need to do a full physical." Dr. Frank looked over Trenton's body. "You'll bring a nice price."

Trenton bit his lip, but Ben could imagine exactly what he wanted to say.

Once Trenton stood beside the table, Ben handcuffed his hands behind his back, then attached another chain to the handcuffs that attached to the bottom of the table. "Want me to stay to make sure he doesn't cause problems?" He seldom offered, but Dr. Frank was less likely to abuse a captive if someone else was in the room. He didn't think Frank was into men, but he'd seen a few come out with new bruises or cut lips.

"Nah, he won't be any problem, will ya?" Frank cupped Trenton's balls and squeezed.

Trenton sucked in a breath but remained quiet.

"Well then, I'll just leave you to it and go get the other guy." He turned and left them alone. He needed to figure out who Trenton was. He didn't look like a cop, but that didn't mean he wasn't one. He was old enough. From afar, he looked in his twenties, but closer, Ben bet Trenton was well into his thirties. It wasn't like he could ask. This wasn't the dating game. This was a game of life and death, one that Trenton probably wouldn't survive. That caused Ben's gut to twist. Sometimes he just wanted to wear a bomb into this place and take the whole building down. A quick death for everyone would be better than what they have to face in this place or beyond.

He forced his mind off Trenton and trying to figure out who he was and focused on his job. One slipup and he would fuck everything up. He needed to stay alert and remember he had his own job to do. He couldn't worry about others as he was trying to keep himself alive in this hell hole. They had to be close to taking the whole group down. They knew who was running things here, they were only waiting to try and get the names of those who trafficked them from here and the names of a few more customers since most were well known in Hollywood or political circles.

Unless contacted, he checked in every two weeks. He had another week to go before he was scheduled to update his team about things and find out what any of the others had found out. He prayed someone had found the names of the Canadian and Mexican leaders. Once they had those, then maybe they could shut this place down. They were trading innocent lives for information by not stopping things now. He understood they had to commit the crimes to get the evidence, but how many had to be hurt to get the proof they needed to convict them? Sometimes, he thought it would be easier to just shoot them as they walked in the door seeking Isaac's services.

He nodded to Wade. "Going to grab the other guy. You wanna back me?"

"Sure." Wade groaned as he stood, acting as if just standing up was taxing. Knowing him, he'd drank too much the night before and was feeling the results this morning.

Ben focused on the other new guy. He'd been the one to break down and try to escape. They'd kept him drugged most of the time he'd been here, and Ben hoped the guy could stand and walk to the doctor's office. He didn't doubt for a minute he'd have to spray this one down. He wouldn't be like Trenton and do as he was told.

In fact, few ever did as they were told. It's what made Trenton stand out. He was alert and aware of everything and seemed to know that fighting and resisting would only make things worse. Seeing the guy naked, he was sure Trenton could fight if he wanted, but for some reason, he was patiently waiting for the right time to strike it seemed.

"Time to wake up." Ben nudged the new guy with the toe of his shoe. When he didn't get a response, he kicked him a bit harder in the leg. "I need you to stand."

The guy opened his eyes and groaned.

Ben knew when someone was too drugged to stand, and this guy was close. He was going to have to help him up and out of the cage. Hopefully, he wouldn't need Wade's help to do it. It was safer if Wade just watched the gate and stayed out of the way. "Come on, big guy, let's get you up and moving. You want a shower, don't you?"

That got the guy's attention. He stirred a bit more, then pushed up so he was sitting. It was clear his head was still cloudy and his muscles weak, but at least he was moving.

"I'm going to help you stand, then we'll walk out of the cage and across the room. Don't fight me or the other guy will have to help, and he's not as nice as I am." Ben pulled him up by one arm.

The guy resisted for a minute, then seemed to reconsider. "A shower?"

"Yep. You just have to make it across the main room to the doctor's office. You'll shower and get an exam. You got any medical issues we need to know about?"

With a shake of his head, he seemed to focus better and started to walk. He would have fallen over if Ben hadn't guided him, but at least he wasn't fighting. He waved Wade off, figuring he could handle it on his own.

They made it to the exam room door and Ben knocked.

"Come in," Dr. Frank called.

Ben walked in, pushing the new guy in front of him, then stopped as he watched Dr. Frank pull up his pants and ease the zipper up. In front of him, Trenton was sprawled face down against the medical exam table, anger flared in his eyes as he stared back at Ben.

Ben wanted to be sick.

The new guy took one look at Trenton and panicked. "Oh, fuck no. Get me out of here." He turned and tried to get through the door.

Ben grabbed him and tossed him against the wall. "Stay still." He glared at the doctor as he spoke, pissed off that the doctor had so little control. He couldn't look at Trenton as guilt washed over him. He'd been so sure the doctor wasn't into men. He wanted to kill the man with his bare hands, or better yet, release Trenton so he could do it.

"Let me out of here." Tears fell from the new guy's eyes and he clawed at Ben to try and get free.

"Wade, I need backup," Ben called, hating to bring someone else into it but unable to handle the desperate man on his own.

As he struggled with the new guy, his mind never left Trenton. He didn't need to wonder what happened. It had been clear. He'd seen enough rapes over the last few months to know what someone looked like after. Usually, there were tears, but in Trenton's eyes, he'd only seen anger.

Wade rushed in and grabbed the new guy from Ben. He pushed him to the ground and quickly cuffed his hands behind his back. Looking up at Ben from where he had his knee pressed against the new guy's back, he grinned. "Want me to take it from here?"

Ben glanced at Trenton, then back at Wade. "Yeah, I'll get this one back to the cells." His gut ached with guilt at having left Trenton alone with the doctor, which was odd because it was hardly the first time the doctor had raped someone. He'd been pissed off then too, but this one felt more personal because he'd tried to assure Trenton the doc wouldn't do it.

Keeping his professional face in place, he went around and uncuffed Trenton from the exam table but kept his hands cuffed behind his back. He tried to ignore the semen running down his ass cheeks, but his attention kept going back to it.

Fuck, he couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't watch people being raped and sold into slavery. He didn't care if the end game was arresting everyone. There were people getting hurt now. Children being sold. He couldn't look the other way any longer. If his team didn't act now, Ben was done. He couldn't wait for the right moment to come. Couldn't wait for them to just get evidence against one more trafficker or one more senator. This had to stop.

"Go rinse that shit off you." Ben led Trenton to the shower as he glared at the doctor.

Trenton didn't argue and stepped into the shower on his own.

Ben turned the water on, grabbed the spray nozzle, and started to squirt him down. He wanted to take time to use soap and a washcloth to clean him good, but that would blow his cover. He was taking a risk letting him rinse off at all.

"Leave that water going for this one," Wade called.

The new guy openly cried as Wade held him down. "Don't let him rape me."

Wade laughed. "I doubt at his age the doctor can get it up again so soon."

"Fuck off, Wade." Dr. Frank leaned against the counter, watching Ben and Trenton in the shower.

Wanting to get Trenton away from the whole group, he shut off the water, toweled Trenton down just enough so he wasn't dripping, and led him out of the shower, then the room. He slammed the doctor's office door behind them.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think." Ben's voice cracked.

"Yeah, but you knew it was possible." Anger filled Trenton's voice. "Guess you know now he is into men. Don't be so sure he won't be able to get it up again. I'm betting Ian gets the same treatment."

"Fuck," Ben cursed. "Are you injured?"

"I was just fucking raped, what do you think? Will I live? Yeah. I refuse to let some asshole like that take me down, but I swear to God when I get out of here, my team and I are going to destroy this place and everything in it." Trenton shook with anger and probably adrenaline. He wasn't showing signs of breaking down the way most rape victims did right after, but it would come. It always did until it happened enough the person didn't have the emotional energy to care anymore.

"Tell me who you are? What team?"

Trenton remained quiet.

"Who the fuck are you? If you’re a cop—"

"I'm not a cop." Trenton glared at him. "Would it matter if I was? You going to save a fellow cop but not an everyday person like me? A cop's life more important than those kids I hear crying all night? You'd do something for a brother in blue but not for those kids?"

His words cut deep. It was true. "I have handlers too."

"Sorry if I don't have much respect for your boss. If he's letting this happen, he's part of the problem. My team would have stopped this the moment we found out about it."

"And let others involved slip away?"

"They all re-offend. We'd get them later. What matters to my guys is saving the ones in danger right now." Trenton looked directly at Ben as they got to the cage gate. "You know this isn't right. Half of us, hell, maybe all of us will be dead or sold as slaves before your boss does shit. How long have you been here already? Sorry if I don't have any faith in your people."

"Who is your team?" Ben asked again.

"Look up the name Dyson Fowlers. That's my team. Trust me, as soon as they find me, this place will burn to the ground. Now get these cuffs off me. I want to sleep." Trenton turned his back to Ben so he could unlock the cuffs.

Remembering the name Dyson Fowlers, Ben slid the cuffs off Trenton's wrists and opened the gate enough he could walk inside. He watched him weakly make his way across the cage before dropping down on the other side. He hated the slight flinch he noticed as Trenton sat down. This was his fault. He'd left the guy with Dr. Frank. This was on him. Hell, as long as he was in this building everything that happened was on him, but what could he do? This was his job. He couldn't force his boss to shut it down right now. He couldn't risk the other innocent cops working undercover. Still, he couldn't help wondering why his team hadn't worked to move faster. Why they were always getting orders to wait and watch. Trenton was right, the kids more than anyone else needed protection.

Hating that the day had just started and he had hours to go before he could leave, Ben walked back over to the table, ignoring his cold coffee. He had a lot to think about. Was there another way? Could Trenton's team do more than the police?

Pulling out his phone, he quickly did a Google search for the name Trenton had given him. His eyes widened when he saw the articles the search brought up. If what Trenton said was true, he was part of the vigilante group that castrated pedophiles. It had been huge news years before when one had been arrested.

He sank down in his chair and read over several of the articles. There wasn't much information there on the team or even the guy they'd arrested. Almost all the articles talked about the castrations and people they'd gone after.

Was Trenton really one of these guys? If so, how the hell had he ended up here? From what he read it didn't sound like his team was very big, but then again, there wasn't a lot of information on them. They were good. There was never evidence left behind and other than the one time the one guy had been caught, they didn't have any pictures of them.

He glanced over at the cage and watched as Trenton curled up in a ball on the cold floor. He wanted to comfort him, talk to him, assure him they'd find a way out, but he could do none of that. And why did he want to? What made Trenton any different than any other person they brought in? Why had he taken an interest in Trenton, but none of the others? He didn't know anything about him. Hadn't known he was part of a pedophile hunting team until just now. Why had he talked to him, asked his name? That was stuff he avoided doing with others brought in.

Wondering how he'd gotten himself into this, and if it was all worth it for a job, he stared at the cages, trying to figure out how to save them all.