Doctor Daddy’s Slutty Little by Scott Wylder













The second I saw Cynthia whispering to Trent was the moment realized that I wasn’t really welcome here. I shook my head and started towards the other room, hoping that Trent wasn’t watching me. I hated that worthless cunt who had stolen Trent from me, and I hated myself for caring more about Trent now than I did when I was his Little. Realizing that I was burning in jealousy and anger, I took off towards the kitchen, deciding that I needed a drink to calm down. As I made my way there, I noticed all the looks all the other attendees were giving me. Ignoring their looks of disgust, I pressed forward until I found the punch bowl and poured myself a cup. I downed it right away, fixed myself a second glass, and took a sip.

“Easy there,” said someone from the crowd around me as I put my cup down. “There’s no telling if the punch was roofied or not, so I’d take it easy.” One of the Littles nearby shook her head at me.

“It’s probably the only way she gets laid any more,” she remarked to the others around her. “Since no one wants a filthy Little like her, she lets herself get roofied so that she can get some. Talk about a trap.”

I rolled my eyes and tried to ignore their comments, but my anger slowly took over.

“You know what?” I demanded as I turned to face them all. “Suck my nonexistent dick! You’re just mad because I get more variety than the rest of you.” Everyone stared at me as I took another swig of the punch. Once I had swallowed it, I continued. “Many people would think that what I do is normal, and you are all the freaks. Think about that before you go judging me like that!”

Everyone mumbled amongst themselves and I swaggered out of the kitchen, keeping my head held high as I left the room, a feeling of accomplishment overtaking me.

I hated everyone here. It drove me absolutely crazy that everyone judged me the way they did. It was worse than going before a religious group with our kinks, and I was sick of all the judgement. So what if I liked to have fun while I could? So what if the other Daddies were too kind and nurturing for my taste. I wanted someone who I could be rebellious for and get punished, not rewarded. Forget the groundings and the loss of dessert privileges after a meal. I wanted something new and exciting. Something dangerous…

I smiled when I saw Matt come into the room, a drink in his hand. Joshua and Jared were with him and I smirked. Maybe Matt was considered social suicide, but the other two were still safer options. It was just a matter of which I wanted.

“Matt!” I called out, as I made my way across the room towards the three of them. He raised an eyebrow at me, as I stumbled towards him.

“What do you want, Kristina?” he demanded. I faked a drunken smile as I leaned into him.

“Which one is Jared, and which one is Joshua?” I asked, motioning towards both his friends. He scowled at me as if determining how drunk I really was.

“Why do you ask?” he asked as he watched me carefully, and I gave him my best look of disbelief.

“Because I think that one is super hot, but I can’t remember which one he is,” I said. I motioned toward the closet of his two friends. “You mind introducing me?”

Matt’s eyes widened as an evil grin spread across his face, an idea setting into motion in his dense head.

“Oh, Joshua?” he asked as he looked at his friend. “Joshua and Jared are both taken.” He wrapped his arm slowly around me as he spoke. “I’m still available, though.” Immediately, I wanted to run away, but a strange feeling started to overcome me, and I tilted my head to the side.

“You won’t kiss and tell, will you?” I asked, wondering why I felt the way I did. Was the punch roofied? “Don’t tell Joshua this, but I think about him when I’m all alone and bored.” Matt chuckled and shook his head.

“You can count on me, Little One,” he said as he guided me towards the stairs, the evil expression still on his face. “I knew you would come around.” Unable to comprehend fully how I truly felt about this, I ignored a bad choice, but I didn’t care any more. My body felt extremely sensitive, and I was dying to get laid. Maybe, if I pretended to be a good Little and gave him everything he wanted, he would keep me as his forever Little. It was better than the alternative of being alone forever and an Auntie to the next Little that walked into my life. Matt stopped at the first open bedroom and motioned for me to go §in.

“Ladies first,” he said as he gave a small bow, and I wandered into the room, a feeling of unease hitting me as I realized the punch was fully in my system.

“Aww,” I said as I turned back to face him. “That’s so sweet of you. I don’t know why everyone hates you so much.” He chuckled as he closed and locked the door behind us.

“Oh, you will,” he said as he unbuckled his belt. “Why don’t you remove that restrictive clothing?”

“Good idea,” I said as I peeled my shirt over my head. “It’s so hot in here.”

His pants fell to the ground as he watched me in the darkness of the room. “Then hurry and undress,” he advised as he stood before me. “You’ll feel so much better.”

I nodded and stripped down to my diaper and bra.

“Now what?” I asked innocently as I looked up at him. He smirked as he stepped closer to me.

“Now, we have some fun,” he said and pushed me to the bed.

I cried out softly as he temporarily crushed me beneath him before situating himself about me. His lips grazed the skin of my neck as his fingers travelled down towards my hips. He groaned as he touched the elastic waistband.

“Everyone’s had you before,” he whispered as he sat up and stared down at me. “Tonight, you’re mine…” He yanked down my diaper, exposing my soaked body and let out a soft moan of delight. “Fucking hell. Now I see what all the fuss was about.” He looked back at me, and I realized just how badly off I was.

“Are you going to make me yours?” I asked as I smiled at him, trying to reassure myself. “Or are you only going to look?” He growled as he grabbed me by the hips.

“Turn over,” he demanded as he flipped me onto my stomach. “Any loud noises and I’ll fuck you so hard that you’ll taste my cock in your mouth.” I looked over my shoulder at him as he climbed onto the bed behind me.

“Promises, promises,” I giggled, heat rising in my cheeks. “Better make good on that.”

He positioned his throbbing cock at the opening of my sex, and I knew in that moment that I was past the point of no return.

“Hope you like it thick and ready,” he said as he started to press forward, moving painfully slow.

“What the fuck are you doing?!?” shouted a voice as the door burst open, and Trent entered the room. He stopped at the busted doorway and stared at us in shock and horror as Matt turned towards him, glaring at his friend.

“I was having fun with a Little,” he informed Trent as he moved to shield himself from the looks of the spectators. “The fuck are you doing?”

Trent glared at the naked Matt and shook his head. “What did I tell you about roofies?” he demanded as he stared at Matt sternly. Meanwhile, I moved sluggishly to cover myself with a blanket.

“Get out!”

Matt sighed and rolled his eyes as he looked at me. “Come on, Kristina,” he told me as he started to get up. “We are clearly not welcome here.” Trent shook his head at Matt.

“You go,” he insisted as he stared Matt down. “She stays.” I started to rise to my feet, but the floor immediately rushed up to greet me before I could catch myself.