Doctor Daddy’s Slutty Little by Scott Wylder













As soon as I saw Kristina drop to the ground, two emotions drove through me: pure rage towards Matt and concern for Kristina. I glared at him as I rushed to pick her up. More people gathered at the door, and I turned towards them all angrily.

“Out!” I demanded. “The party’s over! Get the fuck out!” People scattered and made their way towards the door.

I knelt down next to Kristina. She was breathing, and she wasn’t foaming at the mouth or showing any signs of distress. As far as I could tell, she was only sleeping, but I couldn’t be sure. I thought about taking her to the hospital, but they would never allow me to help her if I did. They would consider it to be a conflict of interest.

What possessed Kristina to drink the punch? I always made sure not to set out any punch at my playgroup parties, but one always appeared in the kitchen anyways. Even then, Kristina should have known better. The punch was never safe to drink at any party. Was it because she saw me with Cynthia?

“Daddy?” Cynthia asked, as she peeked her head in from the hallway. “Is everything okay? What happened?” She stopped when she saw Kristina laying there on the ground beside me. “Oh my God, is she dead?” I stopped and glared at her.

“Go to the room and lock the door,” I instructed her. “Someone spiked the punch and tried to take advantage of her.” A look of blatant disgust formed on her face, and she shook her head.

“She’s probably faking it,” she scowled as she looked at Kristina’s unconscious body. “I heard what she did in the kitchen. She was looking for trouble, and she probably faked it in order to get laid.”

Anger rose in me, again, and I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm myself.

“This is no laughing matter,” I stated as calmly as possible as I glared at her. Cynthia went pale as she backed away from the door. “Either do as I say, or I’ll punish you worse than I did earlier.” Cynthia whimpered as she scampered away like a beaten puppy, and I turned back to look at Kristina, who was seemingly sleeping peacefully in my arms.

If only I had never let her run off and leave me… If only I had been a true Daddy and fought for her… If only… If only…

“Trent?” Kristina mumbled almost inaudibly as her eyes cracked open. I smiled and relief washed over me.

“I’m here,” I reassured her as she started to come back to life. “How do you feel? Any nausea or pain?”

She shook her head drowsily.

“Just sleepy,” she muttered. I looked her up and down one more time as I rose to my feet.

“Come on then,” I told her as I helped lift her to her feet. “You can stay here for the night.” She did as I said, her movements slow and drugged.

“What happened?” she asked while I put her to bed. “Where am I?”

After thinking about my response for a moment, I finally said, “You’re home, Kristina. I’m going to take care of you now.” As I covered her with a blanket, she rested her head on the pillow.

“Home,” she agreed sleepily. “Home is nice.” Not even a second later, she fell asleep once more, and I sat there watching her for a moment.

Of course that scumbag had roofied her and tried to take advantage of her. I swore that, if I ever saw Matt again, I would kill him. Watching her sleep, I found myself lost in thought.

“What am I doing?” I asked no one in particular.

What was I doing? After finishing with Cynthia upstairs, I had gone back to the party and heard about Kristina’s lewd outburst in the kitchen. It didn’t surprise me, really. After all, Kristina was the kind of girl who didn’t take shit from anyone. So, hearing the response of those around her probably set her off in a drunken rage, and she set out to deal with her anger in her own way. At that point, Matt had walked in with his perverted ways.

Honestly, I knew Cynthia was my Little, so Kristina shouldn’t be any of my business, but I couldn’t help it. I still had feelings for Kristina, as I had previously warned my baby brother, Bryce. When I heard she was with Matt, I lost it and knew I had to stop him. Now, watching over her, after all that had happened, I was finally able to think about what I was really doing.

Kristina had left me, and there was nothing tying her to me any more. I had to accept that and let her go, but how could I? She was all I thought about, even when I was with Cynthia in the bedroom.

Seeing the clock, I realized that I needed to see Cynthia and to be with her. I would deal with Kristina in the morning. Cynthia needed me, especially after I had snapped at her the way I had. Approaching our room, I stopped when I saw her. She was rushing to and fro, grabbing handfuls of clothing or random items and scrambling to throw it all into a giant suitcase. I frowned as I watched her work.

“What are you doing?” I asked, and Cynthia stopped and looked at me.

“I’m sorry, but I’m leaving you,” she stated, her tone absolute and unwavering. “I see that I can’t compare to Kristina, and I don’t want to keep you from her.” Disbelief washed over me as I stared at her from the doorway.

“Cynthia,” I began until I saw the way the tears streamed down her face. “Is this about what happened earlier tonight?”

She shook her head. “I’ve suspected for some time that you still loved her,” she told me, a sad smile washing over her face. “I think that you should be free to chase after her and make her yours.”

This wasn't what I wanted at all...

“I don’t want you to go,” I told her as I started towards her, my arms reaching out to hold her. “Please, stay with me.”

Cynthia didn't give in and finished packing up her things.

“No, Trent,” she said. With a final glance around the room, she zipped up the suitcase, securing it as she did so. “You need her. Go be with her.” With that, she made her way down the stairs, but I followed her.

“Where will you go?” I asked.

She looked out the window, looking for something. “I’m going to stay with my sister,” she told me as she looked around. “If things don’t work out with Kristina, and she leaves you, you should come find me.”

I took a deep breath as I watched her wait.

“Be safe,” I told her, my head hanging in defeat. “I’ll miss you.” A car was waiting for her in the driveway.

"I'll miss you, too," she agreed, before disappearing into the night, and leaving me alone. As soon as she was gone, I went back to my bedroom and stared up at the ceiling, hoping I had made the right choice.