The Torid Affair by Laurann Dohner

Chapter Sixteen


Jessa’s hands shook as she took a seat at the conference table in the private offices of Commander Bills. Her future depended on how this meeting went. The commander was present, along with his sub-commander, Dolton Gibson.

Maith sat next to her. Roth, Drak, Gnaw, and Abby Thomas had also insisted on being there, but they were seated along the far wall, out of sight of the large vid screen that would turn on soon. All of them had put on their fleet uniforms.

“I have no idea how this is going to go,” Commander Bills stated quietly. “They didn’t give me any indication either way. All I know is that one of my friends at fleet high command said the situation was tense. Once your king contacted them,” he grimaced at Maith, before looking back at Jessa, “they went into a lockdown meeting with the United Earth council and the top four fleet admirals. Then I got notified they wanted to speak directly to you, Jessa.” He looked at Maith. “And you.”

“Why not Roth? He’s my grouping leader.” Maith sounded irritated.

Roth made a low grumbling noise, as if in agreement.

Commander Bills shot him a scowl. “Remember what I said. You four aren’t supposed to be here. I’m allowing it out of my respect for you. No matter what happens, remain silent until afterward. We’ll work on a solution in private if things don’t go our way. It will only exacerbate the situation if they become aware of your presences. That would be detrimental.”

“Our vow,” Roth swore.

There was a ding and then the black vid screen flashed white. In seconds, it cleared to reveal four men in red robes, seated behind a long table. Two women dressed the same were beside them. Jessa guessed they were the six representatives chosen for United Earth’s ruling committee. On a lower staging area below them sat four fleet admirals with medals on their formal uniforms.

A woman joined them from the side, wearing a dark gray medical uniform.

Jessa recognized Dr. Narrella Barns immediately.

The sight of her spelled disaster. Jessa hoped refusing to speak to her earlier hadn’t made things worse. The older gray-haired woman took a seat and clasped her hands on the solid table in front of her.

One of the robed men spoke first. “I am Darwin Robinson, first chair of the United Earth ruling committee. You have caused us some headaches, A.R.S. Brick.” He didn’t appear happy. “I will remind you that not all parties have been read in on certain aspects of your personal file.” He stared directly at Maith before holding her gaze. “Do I make myself clear?”

They wanted Jessa to filter what she said. “I understand.”

“The Veslor king has made our decision easier.” Darwin Robinson made a sour face. “He threatened to cease all food shipments and to call for an embargo against Earth and its associates with every ally the Veslors have if we did not terminate our contract with you, A.R.S. Brick. He was insistent that you are a Veslor mate. Is that true? Did you breach your contract by getting married?”

She chose her words carefully, guessing the question was a trap. They wanted her to admit to doing something illegal. “I have not married Maith under United Earth law. I would never commit a violation to my contract. You are aware of my job description and what it entails, but I will reiterate that alien studies is my field of expertise. Veslors mate after meeting and spending time with someone. It just happens. We were assigned to perform medical duties on Torid and ended up trapped together underground.” She left it at that.

One of the robed women leaned forward. “It is instinctual on their part? Is that what you are saying?”

Before Jessa could answer, Maith did.

“We know when we’ve met our mates and we bond to them. Jessa is mine.”

First Chair Robinson cleared his throat and tapped the table loudly with his finger. It seemed to be a sign for everyone to shut up. Or at least that’s how Jessa saw it as he took over again.

“Do you feel forced into this mating, A.R.S. Brick?”

“No, sir. I do not. As Maith just stated, we bonded. It wasn’t planned but it happened. I am his. He is mine. The bond is very strong.”

A long, awkward few minutes passed in silence. She could see that everyone in the room on Earth had data pads in front of them, and were silently communicating that way, since all eleven seemed to be reading and typing.

Robinson finally lifted his head and frowned at her.

“We are heavily invested in you, A.R.S. Brick. You departing your duty would be damaging to the fleet. I have before me your accomplishments. They are many, despite your young age. We all wonder what you could accomplish if you finished the term of your contract.”

Dread had her tensing up. They weren’t going to void the contract and would deny her freedom.

“Jessa is a Veslor now.” Maith reached over and took her hand. “She doesn’t belong to your planet. My king will repay any money spent on Jessa’s education and medical expenses, if that is your reason to keep her. I’m aware that he already made you that offer. I remind you of that. No child should have to repay being raised, fed, and taken care of. We find the concept offensive. Any intelligent and worthy lifeform would do all those things for the good of your people. Youth are our future. Their health and wellbeing is beneficial to everyone. Enslaving adults and calling it a debt for childhood care is wrong.”

Jessa watched the committee closely. A few of them shifted uncomfortably.

“Yes,” Robinson finally spoke. “Your king made his feelings and that of other Veslors very clear. We train children to fill much-needed roles, and that helps all of mankind. They are investments. Not slaves. I want to state that for the record.”

Maith growled. “Jessa can’t be with me—or do anything else she wishes—unless you agree to set her free. That is the essence of slavery. Veslors have mated to your humans before. None of them had to hold meetings for committee approval and our king didn’t have to contact your planet to gain permission. Jessa is not free. We understand this—and it is a problem. Veslors do not make allies with races that believe in enslaving others.”

Robinson and the other robed figures squirmed even more. It did Jessa’s heart good to see it. Maith was calling them on their bullshit by getting to the heart of the matter. United Earth and the fleet were forcing children into long contracts as adults that should be deemed illegal. It was beneficial to them, so they denied basic rights to those orphaned children as citizens.

Dr. Barns typed something on her data pad. Robinson looked down, reading. He finally looked up. “You possess something that we need back if you are to cease being a United Earth citizen.”

That infuriated Jessa. “Permission to speak freely, sir?” she asked, though her glare was directed at Dr. Barns.

“Not too freely. It is a matter of classified information,” he reminded her.

“Understood.” Jessa knew they didn’t want her to mention her brain implant. She inhaled and continued glaring at Dr. Barns. “The Veslors outshine us by far, not only with their defensive and space vessel technologies, but also with medical advancements. To be frank, to demand I return what Dr. Barns wants so desperately would damage me in a major physical way. What has been done can’t be undone. Dr. Barns knows that—since she’s the one who said it, when I requested the item be removed. Any attempt at removal will cause me to suffer severe consequences.”

She met Robinson’s gaze. “I’d be lucky if I could feed myself afterward. Veslors would find it barbaric if made aware of what we’re talking about, and to be blunt again, if they wanted the technology I possess, they’d have already invented it…and it would be a thousand times better. It would work as intended, without negative results or unintended losses.

“Did I word that carefully enough? What you might consider top-of-the-line tech is the equivalent of obsolete garbage to Veslors.”

Jessa could tell that didn’t go over well with anyone in the other room on Earth, but it was the truth. Robinson made a motion to cut the sound, then all eleven people on the screen began talking and gesturing wildly. She wished she could hear what was being said. It looked like a pretty heated debate.

It lasted only a few minutes before they settled and continued the meeting. Sound returned from Earth.

“I’m Fourth Chair Wanda White,” a robed woman said, introducing herself. There was a calculating gleam in her eyes. “Would Veslors be willing to share some of that technology with us?”

Maith started to speak but this time, Jessa cut him off. “No. You’re not going to use me to blackmail the Veslors or their king. You want their tech? You either buy it or negotiate for it with trade goods. I never asked for my parents to be killed or to be raised the way I was. I appreciate that I was cared for by the fleet, but I’m done being treated like property that you own. Exchanging tech and medical information for my freedom is not on the table. You either void my contract because it’s the right thing to do, or we’ll all learn what happens next.”

Jessa reached up and tapped her temple. “You made it possible for me to be highly intelligent, enough to deal with aliens of all races. I’ve run scenarios of the Veslor response.” She slammed her hand down. “Excuse my language, but it would be fucking stupid to force me to stay when it’s to your advantage to end the contract. In exchange, you get a better standing with the alien race providing food for your space stations.”

She knew she should probably shut up, but she was too furious. “What does it cost you every time there’s a riot on a planet or a station and you have to send the fleet to get those situations back under control? Add in the cost of repairs those riots cause. I’m sure the men sitting below you also have detailed reports of the skills their task force teams are learning from the Veslor grouping, who have been training them to fight better and prepare for unknown alien issues our fleet may face in the future.

“Veslors saved Gorison Traveler from being stolen and everyone onboard from becoming living meals. They did that out of common decency, because it was the right thing to do. They didn’t issue demands before or after for aiding humans. Veslors are the best ally that United Earth could ever hope for. Are you really going to screw that up by making them think you’re not the kind of people they want to aid in the future?”

They muted their side on Earth and conferred again.

Maith rumbled next to her and Jessa leaned into him, whispering in Veslor. “Sorry. But they’re playing games and angering me. They were totally going to blackmail your king into giving them tech to set me free! I’m not allowing them to do that.”

“Fierce mate.”

His response made her smile.

First Chair Robinson restarted the meeting. “We would request that you still work as Defcon Red’s A.R.S. while the Veslor grouping remains helping the fleet.”

Relief hit so strongly, Jessa almost sagged in her chair. “Done. As long as it’s a civilian job. That means I only have to give you a ten-day notice before I quit—and I keep my current pay grade.” She wasn’t so grateful that it made her stupid. The U.E. would need to compensate her if they wanted her to continue working for them. “I want confirmation that the original contract is null and void.”

“Done.” Robinson clearly wasn’t happy, but he nodded at her. “We’ll process the paperwork immediately and send it to Commander Bills. We want our alliance with the Veslors to remain in good standing. It’s well worth it for us to give you to them.” He paused. “It means you’ll no longer be considered a United Earth citizen. Think long and hard about that…and all it entails.”

Jessa wanted to roll her eyes at his threat. She could read between the lines. He was basically telling her that she’d have to beg on her hands and knees if she ever wanted to return to Earth, if things didn’t work out with Maith. They’d take her back, but she’d probably be forced to sign another illegal contract that would last for a few decades. “I understand. I’m a Veslor now. And what about my sister? She’s part of the deal.”

Robinson hesitated for too long. His features remained unhappy.

“I brought that up,” Commander Bills clearly stated. “Repeatedly. A sibling to a Veslor mate is also considered part of their grouping.”

“My king mentioned her to whomever he spoke to,” Maith added. “Anabel is a part of our grouping as the sister of my mate. We want her sent to us. She is now a Veslor.”

Robinson hesitated. “Isn’t releasing A.R.S. Brick enough?”

“No,” Maith stated bluntly. “We will fight to gain that female.”

First Chair Robinson used his data pad and seemed to hunt for information. He found it, judging by his loud sigh. “My file on her states she’s just a low-level security officer for a research facility.” He looked up. “I don’t see a problem with ending her contract early and having her transported to Defcon Red. We will do so immediately.”

One of the fleet admirals stood and turned to lean closer to Robinson, hissing something so low, they couldn’t pick it up on the live feed. Just three words came through from the admiral.

“…told you no…”

Robinson paled and leaned in, whispering back. Their quiet conversation became heated.

Jessa tensed again. The anger on the admiral’s face only confirmed her suspicions that her sister held a highly classified job. The admiral quietly arguing with Robinson was probably clueing him in on who Anabel really was, and that her file wasn’t accurate.

“What’s going on?” Commander Bills covered his mouth as he whispered to her.

Jessa debated on what to tell him, deciding he deserved to know what she suspected. She turned her head and leaned into Maith to hide her mouth from the camera. “Spy,” she whispered.

“Fuck,” the commander muttered.

Robinson stopped speaking and the admiral retook his seat. The admiral looked pissed, which gave Jessa hope. Robinson sighed loudly again before addressing Jessa and Maith.

“A.R.S. Brick, your sister is going to have to sign a confidentiality agreement if we end her contract early. A warrant will be issued if she violates it. I want your solemnly sworn promise that you will notify us if she breaches her agreement.”

He was actually asking Jessa to turn her sister over to Earth if Anabel ever spilled their secrets? It was petty and horrible—which didn’t surprise Jessa in the least.

“Given,” she lied. They wouldn’t arrest her sister. They’d kill her. “All we care about is being a family grouping. My sister will comply. I can speak for her.”

“Fine. There’s one problem.” Robinson hesitated. “She’s currently on vacation from her post. We’ll have to track her down and inform her of what has happened. Then she can sign the confidentiality agreement and catch a ride to Defcon Red.”

Tears filled Jessa eye but she blinked quickly to avoid crying in front of the committee. “How long do you believe it will take?”

It was the pissed-off admiral who answered. “Your sister didn’t inform us of where she was going. I’ll have to assemble a team to hunt her down and bring her back to headquarters. That may take a while.”

Jessa didn’t believe that Anabel was on vacation. No way would they let someone like her or her sister just take off to parts unknown. The fleet must have her working undercover. “That’s fine. I do want her contract voided and proof of that when you send mine. Just have her transported to us as quickly as possible. I deeply appreciate the decisions you’ve made today. Thank you.”

Robinson wasn’t done. He focused on Maith. “Please make your king aware that we are happy to work with all Veslors and the alliance is very important to us. We have deep respect for Veslors.”

“I will,” Maith swore. “Thank you for giving my mate and her sibling to my grouping.”

The meeting quickly ended. Once the screen went dark, Commander Bills swiftly cursed. “Your sister is an undercover operative and you didn’t warn me?”

Jessa faced him. “Nothing is confirmed. I haven’t seen Anabel since I was ten and she was twelve. The fleet separated us. I just knew the official file on her was bogus. Even the photograph. My sister has black hair and green eyes. The woman in the photographs has brown hair and brown eyes. I assumed that they did it to conceal her real identity. There are only a few reasons why they’d do that.”

“She didn’t tell you herself? Have you had contact with her?” Commander Bills was obviously shocked.

“The fleet allows vocal communications between us occasionally. I last spoke to her about five months ago. Everything we say is monitored. Anabel is careful to never speak about her job. That was also an indication to me that whatever she does is highly classified.”

Commander Bills nodded. He turned to Roth. “Are you planning on moving this sister into your family cabin or will you need a private one for her to be arranged?”

“She will live with us,” Roth decided.

That made Jessa smile. She was going to be with her sister soon, and the fleet had let her go. Emotions choked her and she turned into Maith, hugging him around his waist as she buried her face against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around her.

“We did it.” She was still reeling from their victory. “I’m free.”

“You’re mine,” he rumbled, kissing the top of her head. “You were free the moment you became my mate. Your Earth had no real say, since I would have taken you away from them if they’d refused to agree with our king. He sent a few fighting groupings to remain nearby, in case we needed a pickup.”

That made her laugh. “I should be surprised that was your backup plan, but I’m not.”

A big body suddenly hugged her from behind, and then more people crowded in. She realized they were in the midst of another grouping hug. It seemed to be a common occurrence with Veslors. Jessa could get used to it.

Abby ended up squished next to her and they grinned at each other. “No way were we going to let them take you from us. Hell, my parents were prepared to share what was done to you and your sister with other businesses. They came up with a plan of withholding their tax payments and stopping all production on anything we sell to United Earth until you were freed.”

Abby’s words meant a lot to Jessa. She couldn’t believe so many people she hadn’t even met were willing to risk pissing off United Earth and the fleet on her behalf. All so she could find her freedom and mate with Maith.

“Let’s go home,” her mate growled in her ear. “I have plans for you.”

She grinned as everyone separated. They would be sexy plans, with lots of moaning and mind-blowing endings.

Jessa clasped his hand tightly. “Take me home.”