The Torid Affair by Laurann Dohner

Chapter Eighteen


Jessa woke cocooned against Maith’s big, very warm body. He’d been amazing last night. It should have been an evening celebrated with lots of sex, but that hadn’t happened. He’d stripped them both naked and had curled around her, making that soothing noise. The vibrations from his chest against her back and his warmth had quickly put her to sleep.

He’d held her all night, and she hadn’t had any nightmares. She knew it was because he made her feel safe and loved.

Jessa had so much to be grateful for. But it had still been devastating to think she’d finally be able to see her sister…only to learn Anabel was out there somewhere alone. Possibly being held captive by two alien races that hurt humans.

She remembered exactly what it had been like when the Elth had kidnapped her and other fleet members off their shuttle after visiting that dust planet. Her mini vacation had turned into terror. They’d been locked up, slated to become experimental test subjects for the aliens. She honestly hadn’t thought they’d be rescued. Aliens were so much more advanced than humans. The Elth could have flown into deep space where the fleet couldn’t follow. It would have been suicide for any vessel that attempted it.

Anabel might be in that same situation now, locked up, scared, thinking that help will never come. The Kriror were even worse than the Elth. Less was known about them, except that they were highly hostile. Three unfortunate United Earth vessels had come into accidental contact with them. All three had been destroyed, along with all life onboard. They didn’t take prisoners or show any mercy. The recovered data logs from those vessels proved that.

Kriror had also pursued vessels attempting to flee once fired upon without provocation.

Maith’s arms suddenly tightened around Jessa, and he nuzzled her head. “Mate, what’s wrong?”

She loved his raspy morning voice. “Just thinking.”

“The hunters will find your sister.”

“Not if the Kriror or the Elth have found her first.”

“I doubt they would have bothered.”

She turned her head, peering up at him. They’d left the lights on low all night. “What makes you think that?”

“The female said your sister planned to go to a primitive planet. There’s nothing for either race to steal on one of those. They wouldn’t bother stopping and exploring it.”

“Oh.” That made her feel better. Slightly. She caressed Maith’s chest. The velvety texture covering his firm body was too tempting to resist running her hand over, another thing that soothed her.

A low groan came from him. “I want you, Jessa. Stop unless you want me too.”

He was already aroused. Jessa sat up and pulled the blanket down his hips. “Let me explore first.”

“Don’t touch my rod if you expect patience from me.”

She laughed. “Rod, huh? I can see why you’d call it that. Like I said, nothing on you Veslors is small.” She couldn’t help but do just what he told her not to, as she studied his cock. It had ridged veins and the head seeped clear liquid. It slowly slid downward, coating the exterior. She ran one fingertip along the thick shaft to see what his pre-cum felt like. It was warm and very slippery. Veslors males produced their own lubrication. She thought that was really cool.

“You know I’m going to have to taste you here.”

Maith jerked away and sat up. His mouth took possession of hers. Jessa opened to him. She loved the way he kissed her. There was so much passion. He took her down to her back, pinning her under him. He was careful not to crush her under his weight.

He was all mouth, tongue, and roaming hands. Jessa moaned and wrapped herself around him. The fact that he had her pinned only heightened her excitement. Sex with Maith felt like a full-body contact sport. A highly pleasurable one, as he rubbed against her. His stiff rod massaged her clit as he slowly thrust his hips. Moans tore from her throat. He knew how to make her ache for him.

His lips left her mouth and he went for her throat. The feel of his hot tongue and his fangs lightly nipping and raking over her skin ramped up her need even more.

He forced her to release the tight grip on his hips to slide lower, his mouth exploring her right breast. Jessa arched her back, writhing beneath him. He sucked on her nipple and used his fangs to nip her. It caused a jolt of pleasurable pain to shoot straight to her clit. She missed the pressure of his rod riding against it.

“Fuck,” she panted. “I want you inside me already. Now!”

Maith made that rumbling noise in his chest and instead of doing what she demanded, released her nipple to go after the other one.

Jessa speared her fingers into his thick back hair, getting a good hold. “Maith! Now.”

He sucked on her nipple hard, making her squirm. Then tried to move lower down her body.

Jessa yanked on his hair. “I need you now, damn it!”

He lifted his head, his green eyes hooded. His mouth opened to flash his fangs at her. “I’m going to taste you.”

“Later,” she wiggled harder under him. “Inside me. Now. Please! Everything is too new and you’re too damn good at touching me. We’ll learn to go slower much later.”

He grumbled but lifted his body up a little.

It gave her enough room to roll over, planning to get on her hands and knees the second Maith straightened. With Veslors having a yunce, she’d already worked out that was the most pleasurable position for her. Not only could he be inside her, but her clit would get the same stimulation—and she wanted it.

Maith surprised her by suddenly lowering his body, pressing her flat to her stomach. “Spread,” he demanded.

His rough demand had her doing as he asked. He immediately pressed his rod against her and pushed in. Between being turned on and Maith’s lubricant, there was no resistance. She barely acknowledged that fact before he drove his hips upward, making her take all of him.

A loud moan tore from Jessa, and she clawed at the bedding for something to grab onto. Maith began to fuck her hard and deep, his well-lubricated yunce riding her clit. Jessa squeezed her eyes shut and just let the ecstasy wash through her. Her climax built fast, and when it hit, she screamed against the mattress.

A snarl tore from Maith as he came. She felt his hips violently jerk against her ass, then she was being warmed from the inside by his seed. He gradually slowed his pace, unhurriedly pumping every last drop into her before he finally stilled.

They were both breathing heavily as he adjusted his arms and braced them next to her, to take some of his weight off her back. Jessa turned her head and grinned. “I had zero chance of resisting you.”

Maith leaned in and nuzzled her head with his chin. “What does that mean?”

“You’re too damn good at that. Hell, at everything.”

He chuckled. “We’re good together.”

She lifted her head a little and twisted, trying to see his face better. He moved so she could, their gazes locking. A little insecurity hit Jessa out of nowhere. “You don’t mind that I’m human?”

He appeared confused. “You’re perfect the way you are.”

“I’ve learned some things about Veslor mating habits. I know your women engage you in a fight before sex, to make you prove you’re dominant and stronger.”

“Our females test our skills to make certain we’re able to protect them better than they can themselves, since mates have cubs. They instinctually seek that strength in a mate. If the male wins, then she expects him to prove his ability to give her pleasure by copulating. That’s how a female decides if he’s worthy of becoming her mate.”

“You only have to touch me and I’m begging for you to take me. That’s not exactly a challenge for you.”

Anger flashed over his face, and he gently withdrew from her body. Jessa regretted bring up the topic. He rolled to her side then quickly grabbed her. He pulled her half on top of him, so her upper body ended up sprawled on his chest, their faces close together. He cupped her face with both hands.

“You are perfect. Hear me, Jessa. Perfect. I am grateful that you don’t battle with me first. That I’m not in pain when I mount you. The pleasure is greatest with you. I am grateful that you aren’t a Veslor female. Do you hear my words? This is the best. You are right for me. I am happy, and I want only you.” Complete sincerity shone in his green eyes and in the serious tone of his voice.

“I love you,” she blurted.

“I love you too. Never question what we have. Never.” He brushed his mouth against hers in a sweet kiss. Then he smiled, showing off his fangs. “You are everything that I have ever dreamed of finding in a mate.”

“Even if I ask too many questions and sometimes annoy you?”

He laughed. “There is my challenge.”

She laughed with him. “I’ll try to be less annoying if you avoid being a grumpy ass.”

He released her face and lowered his hand, gently smacking her ass with his big palm.

She startled, though it didn’t hurt. “Hey!”

He laughed again. “I have wanted to do that for a long time.”

“I bet. I drove you crazy, didn’t I?”

“Yes.” He caressed her ass next. “You angered but aroused me at the same time. That is what made me grumpy.”

“Same,” she admitted. “You’re too damn sexy for my own good.”

“I used to fantasize about kissing you to silence your mouth when you insulted me. I also wondered if you’d like it if I put my mouth between your thighs.”

Jessa felt her body respond. He was really good with that mouth. She was about to kiss him when the door buzzed. She twisted her head, staring at it. Then she rolled off Maith to grab the discarded covers. She’d never asked if Veslors just barged into bedrooms. As much as she liked being a part of his grouping, that didn’t mean she wanted to be caught buck naked with her mate right after sex by any of them.

Maith rolled the other way and got out of bed. “What’s wrong?”

She covered herself and sat up. “Will any of them just come in?”

“No. We have privacy boundaries.” He walked to a dresser and opened a drawer, withdrawing a pair of training pants. He pulled them on, then went to the door, opening it.

Jessa saw Roth. Maith glanced back at her before stepping aside, inviting Roth in. Jessa tightened her grip on the blanket. She made a mental note that Veslors weren’t shy in the least. Vera came in behind him. Neither seemed bothered that she was huddled in the bed, and it was obvious what they’d been doing. Probably. She figured they could guess, anyway.

Roth met her gaze. “I spoke to the hunters and hired them to find Anabel.”

“Already? I thought you’d come get me when they called back.” She’d wanted to meet the hunter Veslors and speak to them.

“They had a difficult time getting a solid signal to us.” Roth glanced at Maith. “They took the bounty after I made it clear the female is a sister to your mate.” He held Jessa’s gaze. “The males were on another job, but they dropped it. I knew they’d make retrieving your sister their only priority. They have everything they need to find her.”

Jessa struggled to wrap the blanket around her and get out of bed. Maith rushed to her side to help. She stood and approached Roth. “Did you say bounty? My sister isn’t a criminal.”

“A bounty is what Veslors call going after someone. Not just criminals. And we have traveled a lot. I recognized which system those numbers represented. The hunters are changing course and should reach it within days. They will locate your sister and bring Anabel to us.”

Jessa hoped they’d find her sister fast. “How many days? Did they say?”

Roth shook his head. “I would estimate three or four. Maybe five, given where their signal originated from.”

“Will they let us know right away when they find her?”

Maith stepped to Jessa’s side and wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her attention. “They might have to fly closer for us to pick up their transmissions. Humans have satellites in the space you frequent, to help signals travel faster, but others aren’t welcome to use them.”

“Abby helped us establish live vid contact with the other Veslor grouping by using your fleet satellites. Otherwise, we’d have only been able to send messages that took hours to reach them, and waited just as long for their response, right?” Vera looked up at Roth for confirmation.

Roth nodded at his mate, before giving Jessa a look. “The hunters have her image and I shared what we knew. They will search for the destroyed human freighter and a planet her pod could have reached. Those males are highly skilled and won’t stop until they have retrieved Anabel. Their leader gave me his vow.”

And Veslors always keep their word, Jessa mentally reminded herself. It made her feel better. “Thank you for letting me know.”

“We’re having first meal soon.” Roth smiled at them. “Join us.”

“We’ll be out soon.”

At Maith’s response, the couple exited their room.

Jessa pressed herself against Maith. It was becoming her favorite habit.

“Your sister will be with us soon. Roth is correct. Those males won’t stop until they find Anabel.”

“Thank you.” She smiled up at him.

“Let’s get ready and eat.”

“We need a shower.”

“Do we?” He gave her a devilish smile. “I like my scent all over you.”

She playfully punched his chest. “We do.”

“Fine,” he growled, but amusement lit his gaze.

“You shower first and I’ll go after.”

“We could do it together.”

It was tempting. “We’ll just end up having sex. I’m hungry. Go shower, and I’ll take a quick turn when you get back.”

“You can go first.”

“Okay.” She glanced at the blanket wrapped around her. “I guess I should get dressed to walk to the bathroom.”

“No need. We’re not humans. I’ve seen some of the mates use blankets to cover themselves while getting food from the kitchen, though nudity is not strange or shameful to us. It just means we enjoy keeping our mates bare and satisfied.”

Jessa conceded. “I am a Veslor now.”

“You are. Walk with pride to the bathroom.”

“I will.”

She released him and lifted her chin. Then she proudly strutted out of their bedroom. Abby, Drak, Darla, Gnaw, and the twin cubs were in the living space. Roth and Vera were in the kitchen. Jessa clutched her blanket a little tighter and waved, accepting their greetings. None of them acted as if her attire was weird or wrong.

She showered fast, musing that she needed to figure out where her personal products were. The hair cleanser she used wasn’t bad, but she liked hers better. She heard the door open just as she was finishing and gasped, peering out of the shower.

Maith grinned at her and set folded clothing on the counter. “I brought you something to wear.” He stripped off his pants.

The sight of him nude had her exiting the shower and grabbing a towel. “Tease.”

“You could step back in the shower with me.”

“Food first.”

He grumbled but went into the shower, ducking his head under the water. Jessa dried off and put on the clothes he’d brought her. They were from her cabin. That answered the question of whether they’d moved her things. She hadn’t seen them in Maith’s bedroom, but she hadn’t really looked, either.

She exited the bathroom and walked on bare feet into the kitchen. “Can I help?”

Vera was the one to answer from her seat at the counter. She loudly whispered, “Our mates prepare most of our food. They like to spoil us.”

Roth shot her a golden look. “It is our honor. Relax and grow my cub.” He lovingly gazed at her rounded belly.

It reminded Jessa that she needed to take a pregnancy test. The fleet had given her a birth control implant, but they were designed for humans. She was still pretty certain the result would be negative. Then again, the implants were only good for ten years. She’d been implanted at sixteen. In a month, she would have been required to renew it when it expired.

“I can set the table,” Jessa offered.

Drak was suddenly there, opening kitchen cabinets. Gnaw assisted him. They set the table. Roth smiled at her. “We’ll eat in ten minutes.”

Whatever he was cooking smelled good. They weren’t using the reheater so it had to be all fresh ingredients. Jessa wondered if it would be something from one of the Veslor home worlds. She was about to ask when Maith came out of the bathroom.

He had put on another pair of the loose training pants and a T-shirt that was tight enough to showcase his muscular shoulders, arms, and chest. The urge to smile hit Jessa, and she didn’t resist. She had one sexy mate.

He came to her. “You’re happy. I’m glad.”

“I am.” She replayed Roth’s words. They had ten minutes. She had an idea, and she grabbed Maith’s hand. “We’ll be right back.” Then she tugged on his hand, rushing toward the exit door of their family cabin.

Maith didn’t resist. “Where are we going?”

“Out. Briefly.”

“We’re not wearing footwear.”

“I don’t care. It’s not required.” They left the cabin. Some of the crew were in the corridor, but Jessa ignored them as they passed by. “We’re making a quick trip to my lab.”


Jessa didn’t answer him until they reached the lift. Two other people shared it. “I have a test to run.” She shrugged at him. “I want to know.”

Her answer surprised Maith. His eyes widened and he quickly glanced at her stomach. Then he grinned at her.

“It’s probably not possible for at least another few months,” she warned in Veslor. “My implant is good for one more month.” She didn’t want to be more specific, since the crew were huge gossips. She jerked her head toward them so Maith understood why she’d switched languages.

Both crew were gaping at her. Hearing a human making those noises wasn’t something they had likely ever witnessed before. Or expected. She understood.

Some of the happiness faded from his face. “I want you to carry my cub.”

“I do too.”

The lift opened on their level and they got out. She kept hold of his hand and had to use her implant to hack into her lab. She spoke in English once they were inside. “I really need to upgrade my new ocular implant to get my scanner back, then save the imprint to my door lock.”

“I will help you do that later today if you wish.”

She released his hand and accessed the drawer where she kept the Veslor pregnancy tester that she’d created, pulling it out. Then she faced her mate. “I’ll have it run five times.” Her heart pounded. “To be sure. I can remove my implant today if you want to start a family right away.”

“I do.”

There was no hesitation on his part. “Okay.” She held the device in one hand and pushed her finger into the tip on the other side, activating it to take her blood. A needle quickly jabbed her, then a sanitizer spray soothed the puncture. She withdrew her finger and clutched the device while it ran the tests.

Maith moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her, lowing his chin to rest on her shoulder. “How long?”

“The results should show at any second. It’s fast.”

“You’re a very smart female. I was stunned when you created a Veslor pregnancy test.”


The results silenced her as she read the outcome of all five tests on the small screen.

She nearly dropped the device. But Maith was suddenly cupping it too. He lifted it higher, as if to get a better look. Then he tore it from her grasp, placed it on the nearest surface, and spun her around.

Jessa found herself lifted off her feet and being hugged tight by her mate.

“We’re having a cub!” he almost roared, joy transforming his face.

She was grateful to have an ocular implant, since her natural eye was too filled with tears to see him clearly. She was speechless. All five tests had come back positive. All five. There was no doubt.

“Jessa, tell me you are happy.”

She wrapped her arms around his shoulder and nodded. “I am.”

He walked with her until they reached the med bed and he placed her ass on it. “Lay back.”

She hesitated. “No.”

His joy faded to a frown.

“I know you want to run a scan to find out how many cubs I’m carrying.” She smiled then, as it began to sink in that she was going to become a mother. “I do too…but I want to wait until Anabel is with us before we do a depth scan. Is that okay? I want her to be a part of this.”

He cupped her face and kissed her. “We should invite our grouping too.”


“We’ll wait. All our family will be present when we first see our cub or cubs. You’re such a clever, caring female.”

She threw her arms around him, feeling overwhelmed with too many emotions. Happiness, gratitude that he’d come into her life, and unbelievable joy that they were going to have a family together. She was pregnant!

Maith hugged her tight, then backed off. “We should go tell our grouping.” His gaze dropped to her stomach. “You need to be fed!” He suddenly scooped her into his arms, rushing toward the exit doors of her lab.

“Put me down, Maith.”

“No.” His voice deepened. “I’m going to spoil you, mate.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck, just enjoying the ride as he took them back to the lift. More of the crew stared. Jessa met their gazes and grinned. She didn’t care what they thought. Her mate was taking her home to feed her.

Their grouping was all seated at the table when they entered.

Roth stood. “Is Jessa hurt?”

“No. I just wanted to carry my mate.” Maith puffed out his chest, looking smug. “She needs to be fed.”

“We were waiting for you both to return before we dug in,” Vera said. “Where did you go?”

“We’re having a cub!” Maith blurted.

Jessa saw looks of surprise, shock, then utter happiness. Everyone but the cubs left the table to rush at them. Once again, Jessa found herself in the center of a huge group hug.

That’s when she knew everything was going to be alright. She was finally part of a family and had the love of a good man. They were going to be happy.

And she had faith that soon, Anabel would be found.