Interview for a Wife by Ruth Ann Nordin

Chapter Fifteen

That evening Bill sat on the bed with every intention of watching Deanne undress. Since she hadn’t shied away from him last night when she’d caught him watching her undress and since she’d been receptive to him in the back room of the store that day, he didn’t feel quite so awkward exploring the more intimate side of their relationship.

Part of his eagerness to watch her undress was due to the fact that he’d felt a surge of warmth flood his loins while they’d been kissing, and this warmth had caused him to get somewhat hard. It wasn’t enough to do anything, but it was more than what he’d thought was going to happen when he began kissing her. He wanted to know if that would happen again. Could it be that fully opening himself up to the intimate aspect of his marriage would prompt him to be able to have an erection?

At the moment, he was waiting for Deanne to come into the room. Right after she’d helped him get into the bed, Amber had called out that Vernon wouldn’t stay in bed, so she had left to deal with that task. He could only make out half of what was going on in the children’s bedroom, and that was only because Amber’s voice was so loud that it had a tendency to carry across the house.

“She can’t read a book to you,” Amber said. “She needs to wake up early.”

There was a pause before Bill heard Amber say, “Then I want you to read this book.”

Vernon didn’t seem happy about her choice since Bill heard him cry out in protest. Bill found himself chuckling despite the frustration he was sure that Deanne was experiencing. He’d had his share of evenings when he had to coax Vernon into going to bed.

Bill couldn’t be sure how long Deanne read to the children, but it was completely dark out when she returned to their bedroom.

She didn’t hide her surprise as she shut the door. “I thought you’d be asleep by now. I was in there for a long time.”

Bill shrugged. “It wasn’t that long.”

“It was at least a half hour.” She pulled the pins out of her hair then picked up the brush. “Do you get uncomfortable sitting up in a bed for that long? You don’t have anything supporting your back.”

“I’m fine.”

She eyed him in a way that let him know she didn’t believe him.

“I am,” he insisted.

With a shrug, she brushed her hair. After a few seconds, she put the brush down and approached him. “I’d feel better if you had some support. If I sit on a bed for a long time like that, my back hurts. I’ll fluff the pillow and press it up against the wall. Then you can scoot back and be more comfortable.”

Maybe he should have let her do that, but another part of him—the one that had been subdued for a long time—compelled him to reach out and pull her onto his lap. She let out a startled shriek, so he brought his mouth to hers before she woke the children.

She was too shocked to do anything for a couple of seconds, but then she let out a sigh and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him in return. Then she proceeded to wiggle closer to him. This was a good sign. Maybe he hadn’t been the only one who’d found all the kissing they’d done earlier that day arousing.

He sought her permission to enter her mouth, and she parted her lips to let him in. With a groan, he explored her mouth in earnest. He enjoyed the softer kisses. There was no way he’d ever stop doing those, but there was something about this type of kissing that brought forth the desires that had been suppressed for far too long.

Once more, the stirring of desire coursed through him, and since he was in the privacy of their bedroom, he saw no reason to hold back on giving into it, to see where it would lead. He wanted to make love to her. He wasn’t sure if she had enjoyed being in bed with her first husband, but he wanted to show her that being with him would be something she could look forward to.

He brought his hand up to the top of her shirtwaist and began to undo the buttons. He made it halfway down her shirtwaist when she pulled away from him. At first, he thought she was going to remind him that he’d told her they weren’t ever going to consummate their marriage, but she undid the rest of her buttons then tossed her shirtwaist and the chemise to the floor. He had only managed to glimpse her breasts last night. Being able to see them up close was much better.

He wasn’t sure how far he would be able to go, but something was better than nothing, and he did miss being able to touch and explore a woman’s body. He cupped one of her breasts in his hand then leaned forward to kiss the side of her neck. She let out a light moan. Encouraged, he caressed her breast, taking his time to memorize how perfect it felt in his hand. He couldn’t think of anything more lovely on a woman than her breasts.

He urged Deanne to settle onto her back so he could lean toward her and better explore her. He brought his mouth to her nipple and teased it with his tongue. He recalled that being something a woman enjoyed, and as Deanne wound her fingers through his hair, he was assured he was succeeding in bringing her enjoyment. He was enjoying it, too. Not only was it of the utmost pleasure to satisfy his longing to be with her this way, but the increased hardening of his penis gave him hope that he might be able to consummate their marriage.

“Do you want me to remove my skirt?” Deanne asked, slightly out of breath as she caressed his shoulders.

He lifted his head then scooted up so he could kiss her for a wonderfully long moment. “Yes. I’d like to see all of you, if you don’t mind.”

Her face was already flushed with desire, but he detected her cheeks becoming a little pinker as she said, “No, I don’t mind.”

He shifted away from her so she could remove the skirt and undergarments. He had fun watching her. It was like unwrapping a gift. A very lovely and beautiful gift. And once she was lying naked in front of him, he was aware that he was fully erect. This was what he remembered being intimate to be like, back before he had put all of these passions and desires behind him, back when he felt like a complete man.

He traced Deanne’s body with his hand, taking his time to go over her curves, noting how soft and warm she was. There was no fantasy that could compete with her.

He turned his gaze to her face and saw that her eyes were closed and her lips slightly parted. The expression on her face indicated she wanted more of this. He had every intention of doing more. Before they went to sleep, she would be fully satisfied. And, perhaps, he would be, too.

He brought his lips to her cheek and kissed her. “You make me ache to be with you,” he whispered as he slid his hand between her legs.

She let out a soft moan and parted her legs, a silent invitation for him to continue what he had started. He brought his mouth to hers and slid a couple of fingers into her. She clutched his shoulders and lifted her hips to take him deeper into her. He found her sensitive nub with his thumb and began to rub it as he stroked her core with his fingers. She moaned in pleasure and dug her fingers into his skin. He lifted his head so he could watch her as he sought to intensify her pleasure.

How he’d missed this. All of it. He missed the kissing. He missed the pleasure of looking at a woman’s body without clothes getting in his way. He missed feeling a woman’s breasts. He missed putting his fingers into her and noting the wet heat that hinted at just how gratifying it was going to be when he entered her. Most of all, he missed the mounting tension that played out in the bed until there was no choice but to give in to release.

The moment Deanne cried out and her body grew still, he knew she’d found her release. He gently rubbed her sensitive nub, doing his best to prolong the heights of her pleasure. Once she relaxed, he brought his mouth to hers and kissed her for several long moments. Though his body was prompting him to enter her, he wanted to keep her suspended in her state of bliss for just a little longer. She was his second chance at a marriage that would fulfill every aspect of his life, and, in turn, he wanted to offer her the love and tenderness she hadn’t received from her first husband.

She turned toward him and brought her hand down the nightshirt he wore. It wasn’t until he felt her hand go down his chest that he realized what she was doing. He shifted so that it was easier for her to bring her hand to his erection. Even through the fabric, her touch was exquisite.

He settled onto his back and lifted his nightshirt. She got on top of him and took him into her. He groaned, clasped her thighs, and lifted his hips to go all the way into her. Yes, this was good. So very good.

He closed his eyes and gave into the need to move inside her. She worked with him, and before long, they established a rhythm that led to his eventual release. He called out her name and gave into the waves of pleasure that consumed him. It’d been so long since he’d experienced this. He’d forgotten how intense it was.

He had no way of knowing how long he was suspended in the clouds, but at long last, he drifted back to Earth. He urged her to lean toward him so he could wrap his arms around her. He kissed her for a couple of minutes before he whispered, “Thank you.”

“I don’t know why you’re thanking me,” she replied. “You’re not the only one who got enjoyment from this.”

“Maybe not, but it’s been a long time since I felt like a whole man.” He caressed her cheek. “You complete me, Deanne. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

He cupped the side of her face and kissed her again.

Afterward, she got off of him, brought the blanket up around them, and settled into his arms.

He closed his eyes and let out a contented sigh. This was nice. What a difference love could make. He kissed the top of her head and drifted off to sleep.