On Her Knees by Jenika Snow


Karina slowly woke, but before her eyes were even open, she knew she was alone. She lay there, staring at the ceiling in Viktor’s bedroom, hearing the clock on the bedside table ticking off the time, and remembering everything about last night.

She was on her back and smoothed her hands outward, feeling the chilled sheets along her skin, and closing her eyes at the memories.

The soreness between her thighs and the scent of Viktor touched every part of her, filled every sense.

She stayed like that for a few seconds, and when she opened her eyes and sat up, she looked around the room. Everything was neat and in order, exactly how she expected it to be.

But last night she’d only vaguely glanced at her surroundings, her body and mind so wound up, so in tune to Viktor that nothing else had mattered.

It was then that she saw a slip of paper on Viktor’s pillow. It seemed kind of cliché, but she found herself holding her breath, not sure what the note would say. Clearly he wasn’t home, but kicking her out didn’t mean he had to be here, either.

Had a conference call. Sorry to leave, but didn’t want to wake you. Be ready at eleven. A car will pick you up. I’d like to take you to La Terrice for brunch.

Not about to end this, Karina.


Her hand startedto shake on its own as she reread the letter several times. She was honestly surprised, because no matter what he said, which could have been done because of the heat of the moment, she’d thought this would be a onetime thing.

She was not like the women he’d been with, and because of that, and the fact she was his employee, Karina just assumed he’d said those things because he’d wanted her in his bed.

The nightmare of the morning after had briefly filtered through her mind, and the awkwardness of seeing him, maybe experiencing his rejection, of course consumed her, especially when first waking.

But it didn’t turn out that way.

No, and that made this even stranger. Still, she was excited about the prospect of having lunch with him, of seeing exactly what his plans were, his thoughts, for all of this.

Her thoughts and plans? She had none, because she hadn’t ever seen it going this far.

Getting out of bed, Karina was about to slip on her dress from last night when she saw a white box with a red bow sitting on the dresser. Walking up to it, she took out the little card, and opened it.

Wear this for me, Karina.


Her heart was thundering.Inside were a cashmere sweater tunic, black leggings, undergarments, and a pair of leather boots.

Holy shit.

She took the tunic out, the material soft and obviously very expensive. She couldn’t accept these items, not when she knew this had to cost a lot, and she’d just slept with her boss. But did she really want to go to brunch in her evening gown?

She looked at the time. She didn’t have enough time to go home, and she told herself she’d use the clothes he left and figure out how to repay him for them.

She didn’t know how this whole experience would play out, but a part of her hoped it would go this well up until the end. That was either very optimistic of her, or very naïve.