On Her Knees by Jenika Snow


“What are you going to do?”

Karina had just gotten through telling her friend all about what happened with Viktor... everything in detail. She wasn’t going to hide what had happened, because she’d wanted to confide in someone, and she wanted to get another opinion on it all.

Karina looked at the other woman, the one person she trusted most of all, Hardy. They’d been friends for the last year when Karina had found Hardy drunk, left at the bar by her deadbeat boyfriend, and trying to call someone to pick her up.

It wasn’t the ideal way to make a new friend, but the women had hit it off—well, after Hardy had sobered up.

After that, and for the last year, she was the one person Karina actually spoke with, the one person she considered a true friend. It was funny how people met, but it was also a blessing.

Hardy was also the person that had lent the evening gown to Karina, and she’d come over today to pick it up.

“I don’t know.” Karina grabbed her cup of coffee and drank from it, mulling over her thoughts. “But honestly, I know what I’d like. I’m just too afraid of what might happen, I guess.”

Hardy didn’t speak for a second, but she looked thoughtful. “You want him,” she said without phrasing it like a question.

Karina nodded, not about to lie.

“But you think he’ll fuck you over?”

Leave it to Hardy not to mince words, but that was what Karina needed to hear right now. “Yeah, or something like that. You know his reputation. Hell, everyone in the city knows who he is and the women he’s been with.”

Hardy nodded. “True, but who cares about them?”

“I guess I care. I shouldn’t be thinking about what could happen—”

“Honey, if life has taught me anything, it’s that you can’t worry about what might happen. Hell, look at how it ended with Marco and me?” Hardy shook her head. “I thought I was going to marry him, but then I found out his ass was cheating on me the entire time we were together.” Hardy shrugged and took a long drink from her coffee cup, which Karina knew she’d spiked with Irish Cream. “I say live your life the way you want to. If you feel like it is right with him, fuck everyone else and what they might say.”

Karin knew her friend was right, and she wanted to have that mentality, but she supposed never before having the kind of attention Viktor gave her made her a little unsure of which way to go.

“Just go with what your heart says. You’re a smart girl, and it won’t lead you wrong.”