On Her Knees by Jenika Snow


Karina glanced to her side and couldn’t help the little flutter in her chest. Seeing Viktor in the driver’s seat, his hand on the gearshift and his focus on the road, made arousal rear its sweet, erotic head up violently in her.

They’d just gotten back from dinner, and although she would have no issues being with him right here and now, he was taking them back to his place for wine and classical music.

She’d never have taken Viktor for a classical kind of man, but then again, he was surprising her on all avenues. They drove through the city, the sun already having set, and the night full of life.

The traffic was starting to thicken the later it got, and her anxiety and arousal were climbing with each passing second.

“You’re nervous,” Viktor said without glancing at her, and sounding slightly amused.

“I’m not.”

He did look at her then. “You’re lying, baby, but I can read you as if I’m looking in the mirror.” He grinned and focused on the road again, weaving his way in and out of traffic and heading closer to his apartment. He descended into an underground garage, the lights coming on instantly.

There were plenty of below-ground garages in the city, but this one only held a few cars... a few very expensive cars.

Once he parked and cut the engine they sat there for a second, her hands in her lap, her heart not beating nearly as fast as she assumed it would be.

Although it wasn’t like they’d talked about why they were coming back to his house, she knew the end result.

They’d fuck, and it would be incredible.

“Why are you nervous?” he asked, looking fully at her now. “Is it because of everything and what you told me, or...”

She swore the heat in the car went up ten degrees in just that short amount of time.

She swallowed before answering. “I’m not so much nervous as I am... anticipating it all.” She said that last part more on a whisper, her face heating after the fact.

Viktor made a low sound, and she couldn’t help the tingle that moved through her, starting at the base of her spine and running to the tips of her toes and fingers.

Viktor reached out and tangled his hand in her hair, pulling her head forward and meeting her in the middle to kiss her. His lips on hers were soft at first, but as the seconds moved by, he became more demanding and dominant with his mouth and tongue.

She loved it and couldn’t help but moan against him and reach out to wrap her hand around his bicep. Even through his suit jacket she could feel his muscles and strength, and a fresh gush of wetness left her.

He swiped his tongue along hers, eliciting a soft moan from her. If they didn’t stop, she could easily give herself to him right now, and although the car might not be the most comfortable place to have sex, it would surely be hot as hell.

But he pulled away after a few seconds, breathing hard and resting his forehead against hers. “If we don’t stop I’ll come right in my fucking slacks, and I want to be buried in your cunt when that happens.”

Her throat tightened, and her nipples beaded at his words.

He pulled back, smoothed his finger along her jaw line, and was out of the car before she could even inhale. She watched as he walked around the front of the car, her body frozen in place at the way he moved, at the fact he looked like a predator, a damn sexy one.

He opened the car door for her, helped her out, and had her in an embrace as soon as her feet touched the ground.

He kissed her again, and she knew she could get lost in this man, in everything about Viktor Port.

“Let’s get you inside before we give the security cameras a nice show.”

She chuckled and nodded.

They made their way through the garage, her heels clicking along the pavement. Once they reached the elevator, he slipped in a key, turning it and taking them up to the top apartment. It was the same thing he’d done the first time he’d taken her here, just in another part of the building.

When she’d first come here, they’d gone through the front doors as they’d had a driver.

This was the first time she’d seen the garage, or this elevator, and even if those things might not seem lavish in the least, in this ritzy part of the city, and in this building, it was impressive.

Once they’d reached the top floor and were in his apartment, she actually took the time to appreciate his place. The time before things had been so frantic and arousal-laced that she hadn’t really stopped and checked everything out—not much, anyway.

The morning after had given her a little bit of time to look around, but she’d been so nervous of what lunch would bring that her mind had been preoccupied.

“Make yourself at home. I’ll get us some wine.”

She glanced at Viktor and watched as he went into the kitchen.

He turned on the light, and the glow moved its way into the living room, which was where she was headed. Smoothing her fingers along the back of the buttery soft leather couch, she heard him approach.

He had a bottle of wine in one hand and was holding the stems of two glasses in his other. He set the bottle and glasses on the coffee table and poured them both wine.

She took the offered glass before making her way toward the windows. “Your view is incredible,” she said softly and sipped from her glass.

A moment of silence stretched after she spoke.

“It’s beautiful,” he said right behind her, and she glanced over her shoulder to see he was only a few feet from her, his focus not on the cityscape, but on her. Karina’s heart jumped a little, and she curled her fingers around the stem of the glass even more.

The way he was looking at her was the way she’d envisioned a man looking at the woman he cared about above all others.

There was possession, but not the kind that would frighten her, rather the kind that made her feel like she was truly wanted.

He smiled and walked over to the stereo. After turning it on to something classical and soft, he moved back toward her, his wine glass now on the coffee table. “Dance with me, baby,” he said in a low, deep voice, one that sent sparks of fire through her.

The view of the city was all around them, the floor-to-ceiling windows letting the lights filter through, and almost giving the illusion they were floating high above everything else and in their own little world.

She slipped her hand in his outstretched one, set her wine glass on the table beside her, and allowed him to pull her in to the hardness of his body. She rested her head on his chest and just let him hold her, both of them swaying back and forth, the music all around them, the atmosphere soft.

It was strange, kind of, given the way they’d had sex, the controlling and powerful persona that came from him, the needs they both seemed to have.

But she liked these dual sides of Viktor because she knew not everyone saw them.

He pulled back so she was forced to look at him, but then leaned down to press his lips to hers. For several seconds they kissed, still swaying, mouths fused. But as the seconds ticked by, the more heated it became, the more demanding.

She grabbed his biceps and clenched her nails into his arms, trying to pull him as close as he could get.

Her body was primed for him, so ready to be fucked, controlled... dominated. She never thought she’d like that in sex, because she’d never had it before Viktor. But now that she’d had a taste, she wanted more.

“Viktor.” She whispered his name. “Sir,” she said on another breath, liking the way calling him the title made her feel, and getting turned on because she knew he liked it as well.

He groaned, ground his erection into her belly, and placed his hand on her lower back, keeping her pressed fully to him.

“I’m burning alive.” How she was even able to form words at this moment was beyond her.

“You want me to help you out with that, baby?” His voice dropped lower, and she sensed that power come from him, the one she’d experienced in the office and at the party.


“You want me to make you feel good, to make you come?”

She was breathing harder now and forced herself to nod. “God, yes.”

“Then say you’re mine, Karina,” he ordered.

She opened her eyes, not realizing she’d closed them, and stared into his face, one covered with a hard expression. It was a no brainer on what she wanted to say, on what she wanted with Viktor.

Now that she allowed herself to be open with him, and accepted her feelings, not afraid anymore, she wanted nothing more than to be his in every way imaginable.

“I’m yours, only yours.”