Twisted Love by Summer Cooper



He’d didn’t hate her, and it hurt that Keily had even asked him that. He’d stayed away to protect her, to keep her from the abuse he might pile on her in the wake of his nightmares. The dream hadn’t stopped plaguing him and that always turned him into an asshole. Not the physically abusive kind of asshole, but the kind that might say things he didn’t want to say to her anymore. Nasty things that would break her.

He’d stayed away from her to protect her, to keep her from having to shoulder the burden of his misery. He was an exhausted mess and he didn’t want to expose her to that. Sleepless nights, busy days, left him running on empty. Those weren’t his best times.

He realized how long he’d avoided her when she asked him that question. It had been far too long and he wondered if some time with her might help him. He missed her too, whether he liked it or not.

Waking up every night with the smell of his own burning flesh in his nose, knowing it was only a memory and not real, but still smelling it, didn’t make him the kind of person anyone should have to be around the next day. He knew that and knew Keily didn’t deserve his current…state.

Maybe some time with her would calm him down long enough to sleep through the night?

He was about to leave the office, about to walk out the door with the keys in his hand, when his phone started going crazy with alerts and text messages. Then it started to ring too. “What the hell?”

He pulled the phone out of his trouser pocket and answered the phone.

“Logan? Logan have you heard yet?” Wally, his right-hand man in California, asked breathlessly on the other end of the line. He sounded erratic, shaken, and…scared.

“Heard what, Wally?” Logan stared at the elevator, but he didn’t see it. He was focused solely on Wally’s voice. Something was wrong.

“There was an earthquake. The whole building has collapsed, Logan. I’m trapped inside with my assistant and the head of HR.”

“Why aren’t you on the phone with emergency services, Wally?” Logan demanded, but Wally interrupted his tirade.

“I have, they’re outside now, trying to get to us. Logan, it’s bad, really bad. I think, fuck, Logan, it’s bad.” Wally’s voice broke up and Logan went into pro-mode.

“Listen, Wally, I’m on my way. I’m sure emergency services will get you out. Just hang tight man, okay? Let me get on a plane, and I bet you’re out before I even land.”

“I hope so, Logan. Melanie’s leg is broken and she’s pregnant.” Wally answered, and Logan pictured the cute brunette that worked as Wally’s personal assistant.

“You’re all going to be okay, I swear it, man. One way or another, we’ll get you out of there.”

Logan had no idea how he’d keep that promise, but he got off the phone with that conviction in mind. He got on the first plane he could catch and sped out to California with nothing on his mind but his employees and their safety. His parents were out of range of the earthquake, so he knew they were fine. He got a call from his mom while he was getting off the plane in California, surprised to see her name on the screen. He told her he was fine too and that he was busy, so he kind of brushed her off, but she didn’t take it personally, he knew. It was how they were.

He spent a week in California, trying to sift through rubble, paperwork, and insurance claims as the days blurred into one. As he’d assured Wally, he and everyone else in the building were evacuated without any loss of life. There were a lot of injuries, but he’d take that over death. The earthquake, bigger than any on record, had decimated buildings. The loss of life in the other buildings cast a somber air over the entire city, but it was the people that had lost their homes that concerned Logan the most. He paid for temporary shelters to be brought in, mini-mobile homes, and other more environmentally friendly temporary units, and donated money to charities left and right. He wasn’t the only one working hard to keep his business while also trying to help the best way he could. He wanted to be there to help, in any way possible. This was his second home now, but it had a special place in his heart.

Logan knew he needed to send word to Keily somehow, but the first night passed with frantic phone calls, trips to the emergency room, and trying to find a place to house his employees who’d lost their own homes, as well as their place of employment. It was the middle of the night back there, so he told himself he’d call the next day. The next day was filled with just as many frantic trips across the city, calls to be made, and he knew he was needed more by his people than by Keily. She’d understand, he told himself. Surely she’d seen the news.

At the end of the week, he flew back to South Carolina, at last. He’d gone downtown one last time to go over the plan he’d formed with Wally to get started on clearing the disaster area that used to be his building. There were so many plans to be made that he knew the work wasn’t done, but he had to get back to South Carolina for some meetings there he couldn’t postpone.

After that meeting, he went back to his hotel and gathered his things. It was time to get back home. To Keily. He’d had a lot to think about over the last week, and he knew that all he wanted once he stepped off that plane was a shower, and to slip into bed with Keily. If she’d let him in her door. She hadn’t texted him at all since that night when he hadn’t gone to her house.

But fuck her if she didn’t understand. Well, no, fuck him. He was the one that hadn’t even sent her a message. Fuck, this might not be good, he thought as he got into his car and drove towards her place. Would she kick him out?

Logan let himself in with his key and noticed right away that the house was dark and quiet. It was after midnight, and her car was in its parking spot, so she must be asleep. Damn. What should he do?

He toed his black leather loafers off and removed his suit jacket. He was here now. Might as well see if he could make peace. After seeing all the death and destruction in California, he knew what he wanted from the future. If she’d let him, he’d use his body to show her what his mouth couldn’t say. He headed for the bathroom, determined to wash the grime of the flight off his skin before he touched her. If that didn’t wake her and have her demanding he get out, he’d take his chances.

He was naked by the time he made it to her room, unsure of how she’d react to his presence, but he knew the best way to deal with Keily was head-on. If she told him to fuck off, then that’s what he’d do, but he had to try.

She was on her right side, the comforter pulled up to her chin, in the middle of the bed. It was freezing cold in the room, just the way she liked it when she slept, but it made goosebumps break out over his slightly damp skin. He’d be warm soon enough, if she didn’t bash him over the head with a lamp or that baseball bat she kept at the left side of her bed.

He pulled the comforter up from her back and slid in to spoon her body into his.

“Keily. I’m here.” He said as she stirred and then went stiff as a board. “It’s okay, it’s just me.”

“Logan? What the fuck are you doing here? Go away.” She asked sleepily, obviously angry, but too tired to argue. He didn’t say anything, and he soon heard her snore softly.

“Keily? Wake up, honey.” Okay, she’d told him to fuck off, but did she mean it? She was half-asleep, maybe she didn’t mean it. He turned her to face him and her eyes popped open. She stared up at him, her face a blank mask that twisted into hurt anger as she gazed icily at him.

“Where the hell have you been?” She spit at him, but she didn’t reach for anything so he decided he must be safe for now.

“The earthquake in California brought my building down. I had to go and take care of things there.”

“Oh.” She answered. “Well, when I wake up in the morning, if you’re still here, I’ll know it wasn’t a dream. Otherwise, I’m going back to sleep.”

It didn’t really make sense, but she wasn’t totally out of the Land of Nod yet.

“No, wake up, let me hold you. I’ve missed you.”

“Hold me while I sleep, asshole.” She mumbled and pushed her head into the space between his shoulder and neck. That meant he had to push his head up higher on the pillow, but if that was where she wanted to be, that’s where she’d be.

For the longest time, he was content to just hold her, to feel her heartbeat as he cupped her left breast in his palm. It soothed him, and for a little while, he slept beside her. His dreams were peaceful, despite the nightmare that had plagued him and the week he’d had, the worries that kept him on edge. He was tired, too tired to fight off sleep as he found peace at last, for the first time since the nightmare began to plague him again.

It was dark, quiet sleep, the restorative kind that he hadn’t had in a month now. The kind he always had with Keily in his arms. He wasn’t even sure why he’d left her that first night, he thought as he woke up in the early hours of dawn, the sunrise still only a glow on the horizon.

He slid out of the bed, made sure she was still asleep, and made his way to the bathroom. A few minutes later he was in the kitchen brewing coffee in her French press and waiting to see what inspiration hit him. He had to go to the office later, but if he skipped his normal morning routine, he could wake her up and have her in his arms, wide awake and gasping in pleasure.

He drank the coffee, brushed his teeth with the toothbrush he’d left there, and went back to her bed. He slid in behind her once more and smiled when she moaned softly in delight. She might be asleep, but her body knew what it wanted.

Her nightgown, a white cotton slip really that came down to her knees, was hiked up over her hips. The feel of her smooth skin against his palm made his pulse pound as his mind whirled with other thoughts.

Logan held Keily in his arms and had to laugh at himself silently. Once upon a time, he’d have given anything to have a woman like Keily in his embrace. During his years at the university, he’d learned what it was like to want a woman. During his years after, he’d learned how to fuck women properly. He’d never wanted any of them the way he wanted her.

Still, it was nice to just hold her, which was something he’d never done with women, even in his younger days. He thought he’d never do such a thing, not until the first time he’d stayed over with Keily. Keily was amazingly sexy, even when she didn’t try to be, but she was also a source of comfort. He hadn’t realized just how much comfort he found in her until he was standing in the rubble of what had been the first building in his empire, wondering what to do next. He’d wanted to be with her then, but he couldn’t be. He was here now, though, and if she’d let him, he’d make the most of it.

She was sleeping, unaware of the world around her, but she still managed to grab his attention. He inhaled the scent of her hair shampoo and her perfume filling his nose. That scent spawned need low in his groin, but it wasn’t sexual need. It was a need to keep her close to him, to remind himself that she was really there, and this wasn’t a nightmare he’d soon wake up from.

He was hard for her, ready for her, but that wasn’t what he needed. Not yet. Keily whispered something in her sleep as he pressed into her, her body responding to the stimulus of his body behind her. The way she pressed back into him instinctively only made him harder, although he still didn’t want to wake her. Not yet.

This was Keily at her most vulnerable, at a moment when she was…his. Nobody else got to see this side of her or touch her like this. Only him. He hadn’t wanted to admit that was what he wanted for the longest time, to claim her as his own. But he couldn’t get away from the idea of it, the need for her to always be there for him. For her to always be his.

It wasn’t a good idea, he knew that, but that didn’t stop his heart from wanting it, his brain demanding it. He’d never been in love before, didn’t know if he was now, but he had to wonder. Did he love this woman?

He loved everything about her, the way she laughed, the way she smiled. The way she’d frown when she was unhappy about, or with, something. The determination she met life with was another thing he loved about her. She was still studying; he’d seen the books on her table, so he knew how determined she was. As if the determination to get the job he’d given her hadn’t been enough to prove that, he thought ruefully.

She was also spirited, adventurous, curious, and full of life. What else could he ask for besides the beauty she came by naturally? She didn’t even have to put makeup on, she was beautiful without it. She was everything he hadn’t known he wanted in a woman and for once…he was good with that.