Cruel Surrender by Terri Anne Browning



The hesitant wayshe added “while we are both here” nearly made me smirk.

That’s okay, my beauty. Resist all you want. Soon, you will be mine.

It had been less than twenty-four hours and she was already giving me exactly what I wanted, but she was fighting how easily she was falling for me. Her surrender was something I craved, but it was her love that I would fight wars to have.

Once I had her heart, nothing else would matter. I would have everything I could possibly ever need.

Her pussy squeezed around my finger, making me lose sight of anything but getting her off. Thrusting deeper, I was reminded that there had been no barrier to hinder my invasion, and jealousy got my blood boiling once more. I’d never wanted to be anyone’s first before—fuck, I’d never wanted many things until I’d set eyes on my fiery-haired beauty. But I found when it came to her, the rules didn’t apply.

I wanted to know the name of every man she’d ever crushed on, kissed, let touch her. Just their names, that was all I needed, and then they would be swimming at the bottom of the ocean with a boulder chained to their feet by the end of the day. But the one who had been Ciana’s first? No, he would meet a slower, more excruciatingly painful death.

“Torin,” she whined, pressing her face into my shoulder to muffle her cries. “I’m…going… I’m…” Her entire body began to shake as her pleasure washed over her, and I held her against me, stroking her through it, playing with her sensitive little G-spot until she slumped against me, gasping my name.

I kissed her sweat-damp brow. “Did you like that, my beauty?”

A soft laugh escaped those lips I ached to see wrapped around my cock. “‘Like’ is such an understatement. I can barely stand right now.”

Reluctantly, I pulled my finger from her tight sheath and lifted it to my nose. Inhaling deeply, I closed my eyes, savoring her scent.

“Torin,” she moaned, forcing my eyes open. Her entire body quivered as she watched me suck my middle finger into my mouth.

“Fuck, mo chroí,” I groaned, swallowing her essence. “If I could survive off this alone, I would gladly eat you for every meal.”

She licked her lips. “Y-you mentioned lunch. We could go back to our rooms, and I could…climb over to your balcony. Eat in…bed?”

“Are you ready for that?” My breath bathed her cheek, making her lashes lower seductively.

“I think I was ready the moment you walked in here,” she murmured but then shook her head. “No, that’s a lie. I was ready from that first glass of wine last night.”

I tried to rein myself in, but I knew it was impossible. This was moving faster than I had anticipated, though I was anything but disappointed. The quicker I got her in my bed, the longer I would have to show her how much she meant to me before Sheena interfered. Refusing to acknowledge that my fingers were trembling, I righted her bikini and gave her perfect ass one last squeeze before taking a minuscule step back.

“As you can see, I’m in no condition to be in public at the moment.” Her gaze dropped to where my erection was tenting my swim shorts. “You go back first. I’ll order our meal and have it sent up as soon as I can walk without crippling myself.”

Her smirk was sexy as fuck as she gazed appreciatively down at the evidence of just how badly I wanted her. “I could help you with that real quick.”

I nearly bent in half from the pain of how hard my dick was at her offer, but I shook my head. “There will be nothing quick about the first time I come for you, my beauty. Now, cover up that delectable body and go back to your room. I’ll be up as soon as I can.”

With one last longing glance at my covered cock, she licked her lips before turning and bending to pick up her kimono-style wrap. Taking her time, she slid her arms into the short sleeves and then tied the belt around her narrow waist. Placing her sunglasses on her nose, she gathered her phone and a few other items before casually exiting the cabana.

As the curtain slid closed behind her, I let my head drop back onto my shoulders, my eyes clenched closed as I prayed for the pain in my cock to ease enough for me to walk without the damn thing swinging around like a broadsword. The ringing of my phone drew my attention away from the discomfort, and I pulled it from my pocket.

Only to swallow a curse when I saw who was calling.


My cock instantly softened, and I was no longer in agony. Annoyed, I did what I should have done the night before and turned the phone off again, this time determined to keep it off. I was tempted to toss the damn thing in the ocean, but there wasn’t anywhere to get a replacement in the immediate future, and I still had to check in with my men regularly or they would make a trip to the island to ensure I was still breathing. None of them had liked that I had decided to make this trip on my own, but there was nothing they could do about it since I was the one who called the shots.

By the time I left the cabana, Ciana and her guards were long gone. I took my time getting back to the suite, making sure I stopped at the restaurant first to have lunch sent up. If she was ready, then I was going to take advantage and keep her in my bed for at least the rest of the day and all night, and we would both need to keep up our stamina. No use in wasting time waiting until I got back to the room to order her sustenance—and prolonging the time it would take until I could finally be inside her sweet body.

I’d been fantasizing about it from the first time I saw her picture. Stalking her for the past few months had only increased my hunger for her. It was a miracle I hadn’t taken her in the cabana. The only thing that had stopped me was that I wanted our first time to be special.

As the elevator doors opened on to my floor, I scrubbed a hand over my face. Fuck, no one would believe it even if they heard my thoughts. Special? They would think I’d lost my mind. Bain O’Farrell didn’t call anything special, least of all a woman.

But the truth was, I’d simply lost my heart to the girl my great-grandmother considered one of our enemies. To Sheena, Ciana was nothing more than a pawn I was supposed to use to hurt the one she hated most. In the beginning, I’d been on board, ready to dole out the punishment my great-grandmother deemed appropriate for the crime she considered had been done against our family.

Then I saw Ciana, got to know her as I stalked her day and night, and realized that I was in too deep to allow anyone, least of all Sheena, to hurt her. It was going to cause problems, but I’d be damned if I was going to give up Ciana just because Sheena didn’t like the woman I was going to make my bride. If the old hag gave me any issues, I would cut her and anyone else who didn’t like it out of my life.

Unlocking my door, I stepped inside the suite. I would have preferred a penthouse, but this resort didn’t have one. Everyone who stayed there was considered equal, which was bullshit in my opinion. The only thing even possibly equal about any one of us was the excessive size of our bank accounts. All the rooms were luxurious suites, the only difference being the view from their personal balconies. I’d had to grease a few hands to ensure I was placed beside Ciana’s room, but that was nothing compared to what I would have paid—or done—to get what I wanted.

Walking through the sitting room, I entered the bedroom, anxious to get outside to help Ciana across the gap in the balconies and back into my arms where she belonged.

Flipping on the light, I stopped mid-step when I saw the vision lying on the bed. “Holy fuck,” I bit out, my cock standing at full attention as my gaze drank in the sight before me.

Ciana was lying on her stomach, her head resting on her folded arms, her long dark-red hair spread over her shoulders and down her back. The ends went all the way to the tops of the perfection that was her ass, which was bare. Her legs seemed to go on forever as she stretched out, looking comfortable and content.

Slowly, she lifted her head and gave me a dreamy smile, her brown eyes blinking away sleep. “Hi. Sorry, I guess I was more tired than I realized. But in my defense, you were taking an eternity, and I was still recovering from the first orgasm I’ve had in forever.”

My heart began to pound against my rib cage. “You should have waited for me to help you from your balcony,” I snapped. I was picturing her slipping or miscalculating the distance between the two balconies, her lifeless body lying broken and bleeding on the ground below.

Her eyes narrowed at my tone, and she sat up, but instead of getting angry with me as I expected, given the harshness of my voice, her expression was full of concern. “Torin, your face has lost all color.” Jumping up, she grabbed one of my hands and tugged me to the bed, urging me to sit. “Please, before you pass out.”

I dropped onto the edge of the mattress and grabbed her, pulling her close so I could press my ear to her chest. The sound of her heart beating steadily brought a lump to my throat, and I tried to push the images that had haunted me only moments before out of my mind. “You could have fallen,” I muttered, tightening my arms around her. “I could have lost you.”

Her fingers stroked through my hair, her nails lightly scraping over my scalp in a gentle, soothing way that had my heart rate slowly lowering. “I’ve jumped bigger gaps than that many times,” she tried to assure me. “One time, my sister and brothers talked me into going to Puerto Rico and doing a zip line adventure through the rain forest. It was fun until my harness had an issue. Now that was scary.”

“No more zip lines,” I grumbled, turning my head to kiss the tops of her breasts. “I can’t bear the thought of you doing something dangerous that could potentially take you away from me.”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” she teased. “There are no zip lines on this island, and that one experience ruined it for me. Zariah, my sister, was more freaked out than I was, and it didn’t even happen to her. I think she was more worried about how our parents would react and blame her since she’s supposed to be the more responsible one of the two of us. But she was the one who suggested the trip in the first place. It was bad enough the way Ryan reacted.” She skimmed the backs of her fingers down my jaw. “He was right behind me, and honestly, if he hadn’t been so quick to react, I would have fallen.”

The affection that filled her voice as she spoke about Ryan caused my jealousy to spike. It was obvious that he was special to her, and I hated it. I should be the only one who was in her heart, with no room for anyone else. I was greedy for it, refused to share any part of her, even with her family.

But Ryan had saved her. If he hadn’t been there, would she have fallen? The thought and the consequences had he not been there to save her made me thankful that he was part of her life.

Even if I wanted to gut him for holding a piece of her heart.

Her warm flesh against my skin distracted me, and I became aware of just how naked Ciana was. My hands moved down her back and over the peach-shaped ass that held me in awe. “Our food will be here soon, mo chroí. I want to feed you before I feast on your body.” I molded each globe in my hands. “But I don’t know if I can wait.”

The scent of her arousal hit my senses as I watched her lick her bottom lip. It took all of my strength not to lift her by the hips just high enough for me to bury my face in her sweet pussy.

“I’m not hungry,” she panted.

“I’m starving.” My voice was raspy as my gaze traveled hungrily over her nakedness. Christ, how could one woman be so utterly perfect? There wasn’t a single imperfection on her anywhere. Even the birthmark right below her belly button was beautiful. I gently skimmed my thumb around the small brown mark. “I want to lick every inch of this body, find out which flavors are my favorite.” My hand dipped lower, my middle and index finger parting her dripping folds, exposing her tight little clit. “I’d categorize them by sweetness, with this juicy pussy as my number one.”

She shivered, goose bumps pebbling her entire body, her strawberry-red nipples tightening into diamond-hard points that begged for my mouth. My beauty should never have to beg for anything, least of all something I was all too willing to provide. My tongue flicked over the right nipple, earning me a strangled moan. Her legs began to tremble as I sucked her into my mouth, playing with the hard little tip.

She thrust her fingers into the hair at the back of my head. Looking up at her as I devoured her slightly salty flesh, I was entranced by the pure ecstasy on her face. I felt the seam of my board shorts start to give, my cock fighting and winning its attempt to rip out of confinement and into the cavernous wonderland that was her pussy.

Forcing myself to focus solely on her pleasure, I shifted from one breast to the other, showing it the same attention. The way she moaned my name caused the seam to split a little more, precome soaking the material. Ciana’s knees gave out, but I was quick to catch her hips and pull her onto my lap so she was straddling me.

Her white-hot pussy pressed down against my cock, the tip already exposed from the hole it had torn through the swimwear material. The thick head of my dick brushed over her clit, making us both jerk in response. Nothing had ever felt so good in my life, which should have been a warning for how I was going to react once I was balls deep inside her.

Twisting her hips, Ciana began to rub herself against me, desperate to find the right pressure to get herself off again. Her fingers slipped from my hair, her nails raking across my neck and down my chest until she reached my shorts. She whimpered when her knuckles brushed over her clit, but she wasn’t trying to get herself off with her own touch. She was clawing at the hole where my tip was exposed, trying to tear the cloth to free my long shaft.

“I need you. Inside me. Now.” She finally got a finger inside the hole, ripping it, but all I could hear was the sound of my own blood rushing through my ears as her petal-soft digits wrapped around my cock when it sprang free. “Yes, yes, yes,” she chanted, rubbing the tip over her clit.

Unable to hold back another second, I lifted her and dropped her into the middle of the bed. Using my knees to spread her wide, I reached down and pushed the shorts over my thighs, barely kicking them off before I was notching myself at her entrance.

“Wait!” she cried, her chest rising and falling rapidly. The sight of her tits jiggling with each breath she took was nearly my undoing, but somehow I called forth the last of my restraint and paused. “Do you have protection?”

I closed my eyes, cursing the inventor of contraceptives. “No.”

A tiny whine left her, pulling my gaze back to her face. “Fuck, I can’t believe I’m saying this. I’m clean and on the shot.”

“I’m clean,” I assured her. “I even have my last blood test somewhere in my email. Do you want to see it?”

She shook her head. “I trust you.”

“Yeah? You’re saying I can take you bare, mo chroí?” My heart was about to explode waiting for her to answer. After only the slightest hesitation, she gave a nod, and that was all I needed.

Pressing forward, I eased my way into her tightness. She wasn’t a virgin, but she might as well have been with the way her walls gripped me like a fist. Inch by inch, I worked my way inside, her wetness easing my way. Her mewls and whimpers of pleasure only spurred me on more. The sound of my long, thick length squishing through her soaked channel made my balls tighten.

Sweat dripped from my brow and down my back and chest. It was taking everything within me to hold back, not to drill into her and nut within the first few minutes of being deep inside her. None of my fantasies about taking her, of finally getting to feel her sheathing me, owning her, had prepared me for reality. This wasn’t just the best sex I’d ever had. No one had ever owned me like this. Fuck, I never would have willingly given myself to anyone the way I’d already done with Ciana. She’d snuck her way into my heart until I’d had no choice but to accept that she was the one.

My one.

Breathing heavily, I paused, my balls pressed firmly against her ass, my cock spreading her pussy wide, the top of my groin rubbing against her clit with each inhale and exhale. If I was lucky, I could last another minute, and I wanted to savor the way she looked beneath me, filled with my cock.

Her tangled hair was spread across my pillows, her face flushed with pleasure and exertion. Those brown depths filled with a savage hunger that rivaled my own. Sweat dotted her beautiful face, giving her a glow in the light flooding through the open drapes in front of the balcony door.

“Wh-what’s wrong?” she panted, a frown slightly wrinkling her brow. “Are you…okay?”

“Just need a sec, mo chroí. To take all of this in. Savor the moment right before we come together for the first time.” I pushed away a few strands of hair that were glued to her damp face. “I want this burned into my mind for the rest of my life.”

Her face softened with affection, and I allowed myself to pretend it was more than that shining out of her eyes. It was too soon, but I craved her love so fucking much. “Torin, you’re already making it difficult for me to even think about leaving this island without you.”
