Radge by Esther E. Schmidt


Two days later


I pull the three-hole ski mask over my face and put on my gloves. The six of us are all wearing black, covered from head to toe and without our cuts. The last two days tension and aggravation skyrocketed inside the club. With the sudden and unexpected attack on the club we’ve been trying to get ahead of this shit and tonight we might just get that chance.

Everything Meribeth mentioned holds truth. Her father might not believe her or was too late to see the betrayal when everything escalated but we sure as fuck do. So, for now our anger is locked on the Bane family.

We don’t give a fuck it’s a large mafia gang we’re going up against; retaliation is what drives us. If need be, we’ll get different charters to back us up, but for now we’re doing just fine on our own.

One who won't be doing fine in a few minutes is Leith, Logan Bane’s son, heir to the mafia throne of his father’s empire. The idiot doesn’t act like the next mob boss, more like a spoiled rich kid who likes to spend daddy’s money and tries to get away with anything.

Like now, the idiot has his slacks around his ankles while he’s fucking a chick from behind in a dark alley behind his daddy’s nightclub. What gangster will leave his back unguarded? It will be one of the many things I’ll teach this fucker.

“Ready?” Brodie whispers and I give him a nod.

The six of us silently close in on the fucker who is gripping a girl’s hips while she balances herself against the wall in front of her. His head is thrown back and completely unaware of what’s about to happen.

I have my arm around his neck the next instant–pulling him back and place my knife against his tiny pecker–while Brodie grabs the girl and places his gloved-covered hand over her mouth to silence her.

“Comply or I’ll cut your cock off right here, right fucking now,” I growl.

My four other brothers have my back as I start to drag him out of the alley. That’s how you fucking do it; teamwork and eyes fucking everywhere instead of closing your eyes to your surroundings and letting your dick rule your life.

One of my other brothers rides up in an SUV. Glenn throws a black hood over Leith’s head and at the same time Fraser injects him with a sedative to knock him out. Glenn takes him from my hand and from the corner of my eye I notice Brodie walking toward us while he’s dragging a body behind him by an arm.

“What the fuck is this?” I question.

Brodie stops and dumps the guy in front of me. “Fraser, give this fucker a little something too and put him in the back.” My VP gives me his full attention. “Bodyguard,” he tells me as a form of explanation and I can see the anger simmering in his gaze. “When I talked to the girl Leith was fucking she asked me to save her friend from that fucker. Can you believe it? Those chicks didn’t want to take their cocks but these two fucks forced them.”

If there’s anything I hate in this fucked-up planet it’s rapists and child molesters. And to think those fuckers accused my father of something he didn’t do on top of these accusations while they are guilty as hell themselves.

“You tell those girls we’ll handle it?”

“Yeah, Prez. One of them mentioned they couldn’t go to the police because she knew he was the son of the mob boss. These two know the deal and were relieved when I told them we’d make them pay for what they did to the both of them.”

“Good,” I grunt and we head for the SUV, jumping in to get back to where we stashed our bikes.

Once we’re a few blocks away, we finally get on our bikes and ride to the warehouse we own on the outskirts of town.

“Put both fuckers in different rooms,” I order and watch how my men drag the two bodies inside the warehouse.

Torture and murder are not a daily occurrence for us but it sure as fuck is a necessity from time to time. We run an underground casino and have a high-class escort service alongside the weapon transport we do from time to time for McVay.

Both the casino and the escort service sometimes have clients who need a little reminder not to fuck with us. For the first time we need to remind mafia fuckers not to cross us either. And I’m looking forward to it.

They throw Leith on the floor of one of the large containers we’ve placed inside the warehouse. We’ve made them soundproof and covered with plastic for easy cleanup. There’s a chair bolted to the floor in the midst of it all and near the door is a bunch of equipment we could use to torture.

We have a few other containers without a chair bolted to the floor so we can also keep people prisoner if need be. But in this case, with Leith and his bodyguard, we don’t need to lock them up. I’m going to see if we can squeeze some information from these fuckers and then we’re going to kill them slowly.

Leith moans and slowly becomes aware of his surroundings. Placing his hands on the floor, he pushes up and gets to his knees. Groaning the fucker notices me as I lean against the wall. I’ve ditched the ski mask because, like I said, this fucker won’t leave this container alive.

“Ah, the rapist is awake,” I sneer and push away from the wall.

The asshole falls back on his ass and tries to scramble away until his back hits the chair. “You…you don’t know what you’ve pulled yourself into. If you knew who I was, you wouldn’t have taken me.”

“You little fuck,” I snarl. “I damn well know exactly who you are, Leith. And let me tell you who you’re dealing with since you’re oblivious to the grave situation you’re in. I’m the new president of the Wyoming charter of VII Knights MC.”

His eyes bulge and panic seeps in. “No,” he gasps on a whispered breath.

“Fuck, yes. And believe me when I tell you I didn’t plan on being the president yet. I was fucking happy with being the VP while my father was the Prez. But your family had to fuck shit up.”

He stays silent this time. No remark about how I accuse his family of something they didn’t do; nothing. The way Leith was acting when we easily snatched him up made me doubt if he’s even aware of his father’s business, but his silence lets me know he’s fully aware.

And this asshole is supposed to marry Meribeth? She would eat him alive. I shake my head in disgust and my anger flares up at the thought of this rapist getting his hands on the feisty woman who is still locked up in my room.

Two damn days since I’ve had my fingers sliding through the lips of her pussy. To feel her shake with pleasure from the first orgasm a man gave her. Walking out after licking my fingers clean in front of her was in her best interest.

The way the zipper of my jeans was imprinting on my cock was unbearable. I wanted nothing more than to palm my hard length, nudge her entrance and slice her pussy in half by impaling her with my cock. I would have pounded away and pressed her knees against her fucking ears to fuck her harder than ever.

But I didn’t. I couldn’t. My damn body didn’t feel like my own in that moment and I had no other choice but to leave. I’ve ordered other brothers to bring her food and water and kept her inside while we worked on getting leads.

And it’s a good thing I get to rip this fucker to shreds to get some of this anger and frustration out of my system. Though, the real focus of my anger has been centered on this fucker’s father. And Logan Bane is going to lose his son today, just like he took my father away from me.

A smile tugs my lips when I take a step forward and swing my leg out to let it hit Leith in the stomach. He doubles over and scoots back. Holding his hand up he tries to gasp for his next breath.

“Fucking hell, one hit and he’s ready to surrender. Fucking pussy. Your father must think you’re a fucking disgrace,” I mutter and shake my head.

Brodie chuckles. “Put him in the chair, Prez. I’m gonna record how you pull out his fingernails while he screams like the pussy he is.”

Leith goes white and the idiot whips his head in the direction of the floor and pukes.

“Disgusting idiot,” I grumble while Brodie is laughing his ass off.

I stalk out of the container and grab a bucket of water. Strolling back inside, I throw it at Leith from a distance. And just for my own pleasure I throw the bucket as well, making sure the thing lands on his head. Brodie steps toward me and we both stare at the pussy.

“Can you imagine an arranged marriage between this wiener and the woman you have in your bed?” Brodie questions.

Leith’s eyes almost fall out of his head. I can’t help it, I chuckle and stroll toward the pathetic idiot. Grabbing him by his shirt, I pull him up and plant him in the chair, slapping the shackles onto his arms to keep him in place.

“Ah, you didn’t know I have Meribeth, did you?” I ask with a load of satisfaction in my voice, knowing he won’t ever touch her.

“You’re full of shit,” the man sneers, finally showing some backbone.

I hold out my hand in Brodie’s direction. After a few breaths I feel the weight of something in my palm and close my fingers around it. I don’t care what kind of weapon he offered me to use on this idiot; everything is fine by me. Though, I’m smiling when I see it’s a hunting knife.

Letting the tip rest on his thigh I clear my throat. “You’ll never know how sweet her pussy is. How soft those whimpers of pleasure tumble over her lush lips when she comes all over my fingers. Delicious, I can tell you that.”

Leith grinds his teeth and grits, “You wouldn’t risk touching the only thing that could save your life.”

My head tips back and laughter rips from my body. Shaking my head, I tell the fucker, “Why the fuck do I need to keep her alive? I’m killing every single one of you including the bitch warming my bed. And in the meantime? She can make herself useful by entertaining my cock, because there’s nothing sweeter than virgin pussy because it’s still tight after you use it a few times. Even more when it’s a feisty redhead with a mouth like sin, tits to die for, and an ass to take my cock while I fingerfuck her pussy.”

Just the thought brings a visual inside my head with the dying need to take Meribeth on the ride of her life. Shit. I need to keep focus on what I’m doing right here and now. Lifting my hand up, I let it drop with force and jam the hunting knife into his upper leg. Slowly, I pull it out and hold the knife in his face.

“See the blood dripping? It’s what my cock drew from between her legs when she lost her virginity. And let me tell you.” I lean in and fake whisper, “She screamed for more.”

“She’s mine,” Leith roars, surprising the fuck out of me with his anger.

There’s an underlying burn, spreading like wildfire through my veins by the sound of his claim. Who the fuck does this pussy think he is?

“Yours?” I growl. “She would grab your pecker and rip it off before it even got near her pussy.”

Leith spits at my feet. “You’re the fucking pussy. I don’t believe a word out of your mouth.”

My gaze goes to my boot and I turn to glance at Brodie. “Get the circular saw.”

My VP rubs his hands. “Fuck, yes,” he says in glee and rushes off to get it.

“I don’t care what you believe,” I simply tell him and wipe the blade clean on his other leg before I throw it on the ground. “Point is, when I’m done with you…I get to sink my cock back into my pussy. ‘Cause for fucking sure she belongs to me. While you? You’ll be dead and gone, and it’s a beautiful thing. Your death, my pleasure. Yeah, I’m getting ecstatic just thinking about it.”

“Here you go, Prez,” Brody quips and hands me the circular saw.

I flip the thing on and relish in the way Leith’s eyes go wide with fear.

“And just to be sure?” I raise my voice to overpower the sound coming from the saw. “I’m starting with your dick so you don’t have to get all cocky about any woman for that matter.”

I plant the saw in between his legs and move forward inch by dragging inch while he tries to move back. It’s useless. The chair is bolted to the floor and he’s chained to it. Blood sprays with impact as I let the saw rip a tiny bit into his body.

His screams bounce off every side of the container and I fucking relish in it. I’m pretty sure I only nicked his dick but he’s screaming like he’s getting slaughtered. He will be, but not just right now.

Pulling back, I glance over my shoulder at Brodie. “Get the torch.”

“Yeah, brother, gonna saw off his hand or are you gonna start with his feet first?” Brodie eagerly questions.

I don’t answer him because I’m too focused on Leith who is getting a serious case of verbal diarrhea when he starts to rattle, “Stop, stop, I’ll talk. It was all a setup, okay? My father wanted to get a foot in the door with Niall McVay. Rory mentioned the girl, Dara, caught his eye. He promised my father he could arrange their marriage. Once that was set, we would have a link in place and then he wanted Meribeth for himself but he would offer me first due to the age difference. But eventually he would kill her father so he would marry Meribeth himself instead of me. He needed her because the weapon connection goes through McVay blood. They only deal with direct family and if he’s Meribeth’s husband they couldn’t deny their only link into the US.”

My anger skyrockets. Everything Meribeth said was true. Well, except for the part she didn’t know they were holding her as the centerpiece.

“But then McVay went to Dara’s father and he denied Rory’s request to wed Dara. My father ordered Rory to fix it and he raped the girl. He knew he could pressure her into lying and it was easy as shit for him to follow McVay to the meeting with your father because he was distracted with the shit happening. Rory took the kill shot. He’s the one who shot the bullet that killed your father and allowed all hell to break loose and then it was done. And you can’t do shit about it. Everything is set in stone. Fucked-up beyond repair. Now let me go or you’ll cause more trouble than you can handle since you already have two mafia families coming for you.”

I turn my head to Brodie who is all set with the blowtorch in hand. Firing the saw back up, Leith starts to scream for me to stop, how he cooperated. But the fucker is delusional. I never once thought about keeping him alive or letting him go.

This is about payback and with the shit he just mentioned? This part is sweeter than ever because I have my full focus on those who are responsible for the loss my MC suffered. Bringing the saw down on his wrist, I watch the blood spray, flesh ravel and ultimately his hand splash onto the floor.

Brodie is right there when I pull back. The stench of burning flesh fills our noses. The blow torch wouldn’t be enough by itself to cauterize the wound, but the chop and burn is a nice combination for sure.

The fucker has stopped screaming and is passed out cold. Stepping back, I mutter a few curses. I want the fucker wide awake when I remove other parts otherwise it’s no fun to carve him up.

“Heads up, Prez,” Fraser quips from behind us.

I step aside and so does Brodie. Fraser holds a bucket and throws the contents at Leith, splashing his face and upper body with cold water. The fucker gasps and wildly shakes in an effort to come to his senses.

“There you are,” I praise. “Awake in time for the next one.”

I flip the saw on and there’s terror back in his eyes. At least this motherfucker sees it coming and is tainted with the blame of what happened. My father and my club brothers were fucking murdered without realizing what was happening.

Sawing off his other hand, I feel Brodie move in with the torch. It would be nice to cauterize the wound but that would require physical contact with a highly conductive high-temperature material, to make sure the fucker won’t bleed out. But I’m so fucking angry, in this moment I don’t care about prolonging shit or making him suffer; there’s only rage.

Letting the saw eat away the flesh on his arm, I move the fucking thing across his chest, feeling the bones snap as I carve his body to pieces and finally go up to saw off his head–by lazily walking around the body–for my own personal satisfaction. A huge grin is on my face when I gently place the saw on the floor and glance down at the heap of crimson, flesh, and pile of bones of what once was Leith.

“Remind me never to piss you off,” Fraser mutters. “Damn.”

“Yeah,” Brodie grunts. “I thought the sawing off a hand here and a foot there was kind of fucked up but in a neat way…but this? I would say you have issues, brother. Though, I’m also a bit in awe. So, I’m just gonna say–” He smacks my back three times. “Nice work, Prez.”

“You gonna do the bodyguard the same way?” Glenn questions from the entrance of the container. “Because it’s like throwing bodies into the blender and it makes cleanup messy but getting rid of the bodies easier, you know?”

Brodie’s head tips back and he barks out a laugh. “That’s why I went with ‘nice work, Prez’ this time.”

“Fuckers,” I mumble. “You can handle the other asshole. I need a damn shower and then I’m heading back to the clubhouse. Church bright and early because I want to forge a plan to take out each and every one connected to the Bane’s. Understood?”

“Yes, Prez,” they all mutter and I stalk out of the container and head for the changing room.

There’s a large shower we’ve installed along with a cabinet filled with spare clothes to change into. When I’ve cleaned myself up and changed into a fresh set of clothes, I grab the bag with my bloody ones and head out back where Brodie is already burning his clothes.

Throwing the bag into the firepit, I release a deep sigh and wonder what the fuck I’m supposed to do next. I called church in the morning for a reason; what comes next needs to be a club decision. Retaliation will happen only where we first thought we were dealing with McVay, we’re now dealing with some other fucked-up shit.

And Leith might think we can’t go up against two mafia families but the asshole forgot one thing. We don’t consist of just one brotherhood. We are many charters located in different states all over the country; all over the fucking world for that matter. Together we can handle anyone who so much as thinks of going up against us.

My main focus now is getting my hands on Rory Mickle, because if what Leith just mentioned–and I believe he spoke the truth–he’s the one who killed my father point-blank and caused for the shoot-out to happen. And this still leaves me to wonder about what the fuck I’m going to do with the woman in my bed.

First things first; a few hours of sleep and then church, and then hopefully some more saw action if it’s up to me.