Sailor Proof by Annabeth Albert

Chapter Twenty-Six


Derrick was in the mood to indulge me, and luckily for both of us, I still had a hefty chunk of my sexy wish list left to request, all things we would hopefully both enjoy. I couldn’t wait.

“Everyone wins,” I said more or less to myself as we headed toward our cabin.

“They do.” Plucking the box with my speaker and other supplies out of my arm, he gave me a fancy spin, like an orchestra was lurking in the forest, and this path was our own personal dance floor.

“I thought being goofy was my schtick, not yours.” I kept my voice light to cover how damn charmed I was.

“Hey, you don’t have a monopoly on silliness. Or romance.” He kept up our little impromptu starlight waltz with another spin.

“Is that what this is? Romance?”

I’d still been teasing, but Derrick’s face went surprisingly solemn. “I think so. Yeah.”

“Not sure I can handle you all romantic.” Dropping the joking, I went for honest. Him charming and attentive, being the best fake boyfriend ever, was devastating enough. But adding actual romance to our little fling would be a bad, bad idea.

“What do you think we’ve been doing all week?” Frowning, he stopped the dance, making me instantly regret my comment.

And making me stop and think. What had we done all week? All the sneaky kisses and little gestures. He’d been being romantic for days now, and I’d been purposely obtuse, chalking it all up to the ruse. But I needed to admit if only to myself that I too hadn’t acted in quite some time.

“Good point. But—”

“No buts.” He set a finger over my lips. “Not tonight, okay?”

As usual he was right. This wasn’t the moment to have a deep conversation about the state of our fling. We were supposed to be celebrating. “Tonight was pretty darn magical.”

“You are pretty darn magical all on your own.” Grabbing my hand again, he peered so intently into my eyes that I had to look away, terrified of what he might find written on my soul.

“Maybe you make me that way,” I countered, more truth there than I’d like to admit.

“Nah. You didn’t really need my help.”

“Didn’t mean the show.” I stretched to brush a kiss across his lips, trying to bring back the playful mood.

“Me either.” He kissed me back, soft and sweet, before spinning me again, this time in the direction of our cabin. “Come on, Cinderfella, let’s get you your reward before the clock strikes midnight.”

“Worried I might turn into a pumpkin?” Midnight did loom far closer than I wanted it to. Last night. I’d tried all day not to think about it, but thoughts of how much goodbye was going to suck kept wiggling past my defenses. And judging by the return of Derrick’s serious face, he too wasn’t happy about time slipping away from us.

“Something like that.” Unlocking the door, he ushered me into the cabin. “You’re all mine now.”

“I am.” After he turned the fireplace on, I looped my arms around his neck, pulling him close. Midnight could wait. Right now this was everything, and I kissed him like time had no meaning, like we could be right here when the sun came back up, and I’d be totally happy to be still kissing.

But eventually the need for oxygen did win out, and he pulled away, breathing hard as he darted his gaze toward the bed. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want to try fucking.” All week we’d been sort of dancing around the subject, inching closer but not yet crossing that line. I’d sensed him holding back, and I hadn’t pressed the subject because everything else we’d tried had been so damn good. But now time was running out and I was at least going to ask. “And I know you’re going to say—”

“Yes. I’m going to say yes.” His voice was as serious as his eyes, but his mouth was soft as he gave me another fast kiss.

“Damn it, Derrick, I had a whole speech planned.” Laughing, I broke apart enough to push at his shirt. “I know you’re good with what we’ve been doing and that you probably think I should wait, but I want this. I want it to be you.”

“I want it to be me too,” he whispered as he let me remove his shirt. “And maybe that’s selfish and—”

“Be selfish.” I ran my hands over his strong shoulders. “Please.”

“Well, if you’re asking...” Chuckling, he caught me for another soft kiss. “Which way were you craving?”

“There’s a choice?” Much as I appreciated him offering, I’d always assumed Derrick was all about topping.

“Dork.” He gently smacked me with his discarded shirt. “Of course there’s a choice. Plenty of them. Maybe not all in one night—”

“I want you to fuck me.” All my remaining breath gusted out. If I let myself be honest, I’d wanted that for years, and no way was I missing my chance. However, the other option would likely lead to even more heated fantasies later. Derrick turning out to be happily vers? Yes, please. Sign me up.

Derrick must have liked the request because he smiled slowly, a wide, sexy grin that made his dark eyes sparkle.

“Tell me you brought supplies.” Still in his jeans, he turned toward the dresser. “I’ve maybe got a condom in my shaving kit, but not sure I’m trusting the expiration date.”

“I’ve got us covered. Not that I was planning. Or hoping.” My rambling was coming out much too fast, but I couldn’t seem to slow it down as I lunged for my bag. “Somehow lube and these condoms Sabrina gave me as a joke gift hopped in my bag when I was packing.”

“Well, I’m grateful.” Laughing as I tossed the stuff on the bed, he suddenly sobered as he picked up the box. “Wait. These were a gag gift? Do they work?”

“Standard condoms. Fun mystery colors.” I plucked the box back out of his fingers and returned it to the bed. “Trust me that I want this so bad, I can handle whatever shade it turns out to be.”

“Me too.” Derrick pushed my shirt off so that I matched him, and then we both slid our pants off, leaving us bare and kissing by the side of the bed. “Damn, you’re so hot.”

“Flatterer. I’m already a sure thing.” I made a giddy sound as he pulled me to straddle his lap, with him sitting on the bed. All week, this had been one of my favorite ways to make out because it made me feel so close to him and also negated our height difference nicely.

“I mean it.” When he peered up at me, the warmth in his eyes was unmistakable.

“Well, I certainly feel hot when you look at me like that.” Arching my back, I deliberately made my cock brush his stomach, loving how that made him inhale sharply.

“Oh, I’m looking at you. And you look damn tasty.” His gaze intensified to something primal, and then I was the one gasping as he claimed my mouth in a blistering kiss. We kissed and kissed, so thoroughly that I was rocking against him and he was groaning softly when we finally came up for air.

“You can...fuck.” Whatever tease I’d been about to make died as Derrick slid a hand between us, stroking my cock with a firm grip. After all that kissing, I was way too ramped up for that kind of teasing. “Unless you’re trying to make this over with in a hurry, please.”

“Please what?” He looked up, all satisfied grin and fake innocent eyes. I fumbled around, finally finding the lube and shaking it at him. Still didn’t move off his lap because the position was too delicious to waste.

“Please fuck me. Now.”

“So very bossy.” Palming my ass, he squeezed and rubbed, heating me up there too.

“Believe it was you who said you like me bossy.” My cock painted a wet stripe across his abs, and I made a needy noise.

“I like you all sorts of ways,” he said archly. After taking the lube from me, he used slick fingertips to rob me of the ability to do much more than softly moan as he rubbed circles right where I most wanted his touch. “Especially like you like this. Man, your eyes...”

“Oh.” I managed a single syllable as he pushed a finger in. His fingers were surprisingly so different from my own that the sensations were overwhelming, the newness more disconcerting than any physical discomfort.

“Doing okay?” he asked, slowing his explorations.

“Yeah. Ready.” So ready. I found his mouth for another kiss while he continued to touch me. I’d waited so long for this, and that urgency came out in the kiss that fast turned sloppy and desperate. “Please.”

“Don’t want to rush this.” He nipped at my jaw. “Want to get it right.”

“You are.” I groaned as his devious fingers found a particularly good spot inside me. “You so are. Come on. Please. Want it.”

“Now who’s the flatterer?” Withdrawing his fingers, he grabbed a condom. “You want it like this? Might be easier on you.”

“You letting me drive?” I laughed even as my stomach did this little flip, anticipation rising. “Not gonna turn that down.”

“Good. I like this.” Then he was the one to laugh as he opened the condom and revealed a green so neon it might be visible from space. “Damn. That’s some mystery color.”

“Yep. Still want it. Get it on,” I demanded, moving back on his thighs so he had room to roll the condom on. Yep. Very neon. And I was very much not caring.

“Slow,” he ordered as he held the base of his cock and urged me into position with his other hand. Like his fingers, the blunt pressure was different from playing around on my own. Not painful, but something to get used to. “That’s it. Breathe.”


“I know.” Keeping his voice low and soothing, he ran a hand down my back. “Go as slow as you need.”

Easing down, I willed my body to relax, making small movements with my hips. My brain kept trying to catalog all the new sensations, but then I lowered a little farther and that spot inside me lit up. I wanted more. Right that second. “Oh. That.”

“Like that?” Derrick rocked up into me then, guiding my motions with his hands, and I finally got out of my head enough to simply move with him. My body seemed to know the rhythm on its own, and the more I let go, the better it felt.


“Fuck. Yes.” Our movements became more frantic, like Derrick had been waiting for that signal from me that he too could let go.

“Kiss me,” I demanded, needing even more contact, more connection. Kissing him like this felt different, a new level of intensity, and I couldn’t get enough. Energy arced from the top of my head, past our linked mouths, intensifying around my ass and cock, and spreading out all the way to my toes. He held me so close that the tenderness was almost too much while also being the compass guiding me through the waves of sensations.

“Fuck. You’re going to get me off.” Groaning, Derrick tipped his head back, eyes falling shut, neck and shoulder muscles straining. “Too good.”

“Oh yes.” I hadn’t realized how much I wanted that until he said it. He always had such a tight lid on his control that watching it snap was mesmerizing. “Do it, please.”

He worked a hand between us, stroking my cock in concert with our motions. His other hand was warm and present against my back, the tension in his grip so arousing, knowing I had him that worked up. His touch felt good, but coming myself felt far less urgent than watching him give in to the pleasure.

“Come on, Derrick.” My grip on his shoulders tightened, anticipation thrumming through me. I wanted him to shatter, wanted to know that I’d inspired that. Trying to spur him on, I moved faster. Harder. Met each of his thrusts until we were both moaning.

“That’s it.” He kissed me with a new desperation right before shuddering. “Oh. Fuck. Coming.”

I could feel it, the pulse deep inside me, the way he groaned and shook, and it was almost enough to take me along for the ride. Giddy and more than a little buzzed on power, I felt skyscraper high. “Fuck. That was so hot.”

“Yeah, it was.” His voice was sleepy, but he sped up his hand on my cock. “Your turn now.”

“Not sure...” I shifted around, body searching for something that seemed to be just out of reach.

“I got you.” Gently, he withdrew his cock before he dropped his hand from my back to my ass, squeezing.

“Oh.” There it was, the edge, rushing up toward me, each sensation magnified now. The tightness of his grip. The subtle ache in my ass. His lips on my neck. “Fuck. Yes. Right....”

Then I was coming, and he was holding me and murmuring nonsense as I shot over and over, so hard my whole body curved inward until I couldn’t stay upright and collapsed against him. Tumbling backward, we ended up in a messy heap, him softly kissing my temple while I made involuntary happy noises.

“Was that worth the wait?” he asked, tone a little too careful to be completely casual.

“Hell, yes.” On so many levels the wait had been more than worth it. That had been gorgeous and special and everything I ever wanted in a first time.

“Good.” He kissed my mouth then, but I didn’t miss the flash of relief in his eyes. This meaning something to him only jazzed me up further, made me move restlessly against him.

“Damn. I’m still all ramped up from the show. And I don’t want to fall asleep.” I didn’t want to waste a minute of this closeness, didn’t want morning to come, wanted to lie right there forever.

“I know. Me either.” He pressed another kiss into my hair.

“We could always play chess.” Laughing, I nudged him with my elbow.

“Ha. I know exactly what you need.”

“Excellent.” Didn’t matter what it was, I was game, especially if it kept me from thinking.