Sailor Proof by Annabeth Albert

Author Note

Every time I undertake a new series, the research is one of my favorite parts. For this book, I got to immerse myself in the world of submarines and what it’s like to serve on one. Even the title stems from research into submarine jargon! I spent a lot of time on blogs, message boards, and with other firsthand accounts, but even as I tried for authenticity, a certain amount of liberties were taken for the sake of the story and ease of understanding. Likewise, I got to explore one of my favorite areas in the country, the Olympic Peninsula along with the Bremerton, Washington, area. I tried to include a lot of local flavor, and historic camps like the one used by the Euler family do dot the peninsula, but the exact camp used here is a fictional creation. I love this area of the country so much, and I can’t wait until travel is more possible again. I wrote Sailor Proof while the quarantine for Covid-19 continued, and it was so nice to escape to a world without the virus where family reunions and big gatherings like homecomings were still possible. Accordingly, you won’t see mention of the virus or masks in the series, and that’s an intentional choice to provide readers with the same escape I so badly needed myself.